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Monday, June 17, 2024

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Sea Eagles snap losing streak with win over Melbourne Storm

The Manly Sea Eagles ended a three-game losing streak with an exhilarating 26-20 victory against the Melbourne Storm at 4 Pines Park in Sydney.

The game concluded in a frenzied manner, but it began with a tough struggle, with the Sea Eagles working hard to convert their early dominance in field position and possession into points.

The hosts were quick to score, with Reuben Garrick kicking a penalty goal for an early lead. Pressure on the Storm soon led to Ben Trbojevic scoring the first try, following a sharp pass from Luke Brooks and showcasing impressive footwork to the tryline.

The Sea Eagles quickly expanded their lead as Tommy Talau muscled his way over for a second try, pushing the score to 12-0. Despite their first-half dominance and 55 percent possession, the Sea Eagles saw the Storm close the gap to 12-6 by halftime, thanks to a late try from Eliesa Katoa and a conversion by Nick Meaney.

The second half ignited with intense play from both teams. A penalty against Manly’s Nathan Brown did not cost them much as the Storm soon made a critical error. Jake Trbojevic then extended the lead to 16-6 following a setup from Daly Cherry-Evans and another Garrick conversion.

Tensions rose as Nick Meaney scored a try and a conversion, then quickly added a penalty goal, narrowing the score to 18-14. Momentum shifted as Talau scored another try for the Sea Eagles following consecutive sets, and a Garrick penalty goal from a high tackle widened the lead to 26-14 with less than ten minutes remaining.

However, the Storm kept the pressure on, with Jahrome Hughes scoring on his return from injury, making it 26-20. The final minutes were marked by mistakes and intense play from both sides, with the Storm striving for points and the Sea Eagles defending vigorously. A critical goal-line stand by Manly in the closing moments ensured their 26-20 triumph.

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