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Saturday, July 27, 2024



Tensions escalate between African neighbours over oil blockade

Benin says it will only allow fuel shipments from Niger through its ports after the landlocked state normalises relations. Niger’s military government has accused Benin...

Protests in Niger against US military presence

Organizers praised Niger’s rulers for diversifying ties with nations that respect the state’s sovereignty. Thousands of demonstrators, including government officials, rallied in Niger’s capital, Niamey,...

Three African states move to launch federation

The foreign ministers of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger are seeking to expand their new partnership. The foreign ministers of Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger...

Ages of terror: Here’s why Africans hate France

The history of relations between Paris and its former colonies on the continent explains the recent spate of anti-French coups. As the whole world has...

Ousted Nigerien president attempts escape – coup leaders

Mohamed Bazoum and several associates had planned to fly out on two helicopters belonging to a foreign power, the new authorities have claimed. Niger’s ousted...

Niger orders UN official to leave

The organization has sabotaged Niger’s full participation in international gatherings, Nigerien coup leaders have claimed. Niger’s military government has ordered the resident United Nations coordinator...

France to withdraw from Niger – Macron

French troops will depart the west African nation in “the months to come,” the president said. France will pull its military and diplomats from Niger...

Former French colonies create military alliance

Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso have signed a Sahel security pact. The military governments of three African states, which all deposed their Western-backed leaders in...

Niger expels French ambassador

Niamey cited hostile actions by Paris, as it braces for a possible attack by ECOWAS Niger expels French ambassador. The military government of Niger on Friday...

Niger military leaders give French ambassador 48 hours to leave country

French companies are the principal owner of three major uranium mines in Niger, which has the richest uranium cores in Africa. Niger is the world’s...

Algeria rejects French request to use airspace for Niger operation – media

Paris claims, however, that it did not ask the authorities in Algiers for such permission. Algeria has turned down a request from France to fly...

US prepares to evacuate Niger

Washington has refrained from calling the change in government a ‘coup’, which would require it to cut military ties. The US is set to evacuate...

The US is caught in a dilemma with Niger

Washington can’t sever relations with the post-coup government lest it lose the basis for its military presence in the African country. Last week, Acting Deputy...

France furious with US over Niger – Le Figaro

Washington has chosen its own interests over its allies, a French diplomat has told the newspaper, following Victoria Nuland’s visit to Niger. The presence of...

US hints at support for Niger intervention

West African leaders are preparing military options to reinstate Niamey’s ousted government. The US has said it backs efforts to restore Niger’s “constitutional order” in...

Niger’s neighbours approve military intervention

The West African bloc ECOWAS has activated a standby force to use against the junta that took power last month. West Africa’s governments have taken...

Victoria Nuland, Washington’s ‘regime change Karen’, wants to speak to the manager in Niger

Famous for her puppeteering during the 2014 Ukraine coup, the thinking behind this choice of envoy couldn’t be clearer. France has been kicked out of...

Africa in rebellion: Is a second anti-colonial liberation on the horizon?

After a series of coups, one country after another is moving to expel the traces of former empires. Africa is the cradle of human civilization...

Wagner boss expresses ‘joy’ over Victoria Nuland

The mere mention of the Wagner PMC has caused the US to consider recognizing the new government in Niger, Evgeny Prigozhin has said. Wagner chief...

Niger closes airspace amid invasion threat

The African country's junta has ignored the ultimatum from Western-backed neighbours. Niger's coup-imposed government has promised “a vigorous and instantaneous response” to any violation of...

Watch: Wagner boss comments on Niger crisis

Yvgeny Prigozhin was interviewed by L'Afrique Libre. Prigozhin spoke in Russian, with subtitles given in French, but Twitter user @Sprinter99800 provided an English summary for...

France loses its uranium meal ticket in Niger

Paris has vowed to protect its interests in the country, which cut off supplies of the critical material after a coup. French President Emmanuel Macron...

African neighbours finalise Niger war plans

Nigeria-led ECOWAS says it is ready to intervene for “democracy” in Niamey. The militaries of several ECOWAS members have agreed on a plan for military...

Deposed Niger leader calls for US intervention

Otherwise, all of Sahel could “fall to Russian influence”, Mohamed Bazoum claimed. The Washington Post on Thursday evening published an op-ed purportedly written by the...

Why Niger is a new front in the modern Cold War

A coup in a poor African nation is not unheard of, but the modern-day geopolitical context gives it global significance. The military of the west...

Niger coup leader declares himself president

Abdourahamane Tchiani, the head of the presidential guard, has been designated president of the newly formed military council. Niger’s presidential guard chief, General Abdourahamane Tiani,...

Watch: Niger’s military claims president has been overthrown

Soldiers in Niger have declared a curfew and border closures, in a televised address. Niger’s top military officers have declared a coup in which President...

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