13.4 C
Wednesday, October 23, 2024


West Papua

ULMWP welcomes Phillip Mehrtens’ release

On behalf of the ULMWP, I wholeheartedly welcome the release of Phillip Mehrtens after one and a half years in captivity. The most important thing...

A Historic Choice: ULMWP President Wenda on the 2024 Pacific Islands Forum

The 2024 Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) Leaders’ Meeting is a critical moment for Pacific leaders to show courage and leadership on one of the...

Indonesia is lying about the death of New Zealand pilot

As President of the ULMWP and on behalf of the people of West Papua, I am calling on the world to pay attention to...

Indonesia put New Zealand pilot in danger, ULMWP mourns his death

The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) is aware of reports that the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB) has recently killed a...

Kiwi pilot killed by pro-independence rebels in Papua

Glen Malcolm Conning, a 50-year-old helicopter pilot, was killed by the Free Papua Organisation (OPM) in the Central Papua province of Indonesia, according to...

Complexities hinder release of NZ pilot held by Papuan rebels

The release of New Zealand pilot Phillip Mehrtens, who was taken hostage by the West Papua Liberation Army in February 2023, remains elusive due...

All eyes on Papua

For years, West Papuans have been telling the world that we are the victims of two connected crimes: genocide and ecocide. Over 500,000 Papuans have...

A crime against humanity has been committed in West Papua

I am truly horrified by the video that has emerged of Indonesian soldiers torturing a West Papuan man. More than anything, the sadistic brutality on...

Indonesia tortures and kills West Papuans in Puncak

Indonesia are a criminal and a genocidal murderer in West Papua. Even while the eyes of the world are on Indonesia, as they continued preparing...

Government appeals for release of kiwi pilot Phillip Mehrtens

Foreign Minister Winston Peters has appealed to those holding New Zealand pilot Phillip Mehrtens in remote Papua, Indonesia, to release him immediately. Phillip Mehrtens was...

Benny Wenda: ‘I call on MPs to sign the Brussels Declaration’

On behalf of the ULMWP (United Liberation Movement for West Papua) and the people of West Papua, I welcome yesterday’s meeting in the European...

ULMWP President Benny Wenda’s New Year message

As we enter 2024, I am confident we stand on the brink of great success for our liberation struggle. Thanks to our successful first Congress...

Police brutality in Manokwari and Timika a reminder of Indonesian colonial rule

The Indonesian state is again cracking down on protest and free expression in West Papua. Protestors who took to the streets to commemorate World...

Making history – the first ULMWP Congress in West Papua

I am greatly honoured to have been elected as President of the ULMWP Provisional Government at the historic Congress that has just concluded in...

West Papuan leader Filep Karma’s drowning ‘suspicious’ – Benny Wenda

Wenda, the Interim President of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), raised questions over Karma's death in a recent press release. Full text...

Indonesian police arrest West Papuan leaders

Indonesian Police have arrested Buchtar Tabuni, one of West Papua’s most important liberation leaders, along with three other ULMWP Ministers. 'Indonesia are once again suppressing...

West Papuan and Kanaky liberation movements sign Memorandum of Understanding

The United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP) and the Kanak and Socialist National Liberation Front (FLNKS) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU),...

Benny Wenda: Pacific Islands Forum must allow UN access to West Papua

Benny Wenda, Interim President, United Libration Movement of West Papua (ULMWP) Provisional Government, recently sent the following statement to the Pacific Islands Forum sitting...

Statement of Benny Wenda on West Papua Independence

United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP). I would like to wish a Happy New Year to all our solidarity supporters around the world and...

Watch: Violence erupts in West Papua after tribal leader dies following COVID jab

Violence erupted in West Papua's Manokwari province last week after a tribal leader died following injection with the AstraZeneca mRNA COVID medication. Daily Telegraph New...

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