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Sunday, September 8, 2024

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Australian tourist gang-raped in Paris days before Olympics – Reports

Pairs crime news

A 25-year-old Australian tourist has been gang-raped in Paris just days before the Olympics are set to begin.

She was found disoriented outside a kebab shop on Boulevard de Clichy in the 18th arrondissement, near Moulin Rouge, around 5 am on Saturday, with her dress partially torn and backwards.

The woman was set to return to Australia over the weekend and told authorities she was raped by five individuals. Reports on social media describe the attackers as being of African appearance.

She was taken to Bichat hospital by firefighters. Paris’ prosecutor’s office has initiated an investigation by the 2nd judicial police district.

Image credit: Liam McGarry

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  1. The best way to spell diversity…adversity…. I see they are doing the same thing here in NZ but I’m sure the result’s will be different, right?

    Deepest sympathy for this girl.

    • Race matters too.

      Sorry to anyone offended by that, but it DOES.

      Pretending otherwise is naive and leads young women to things that rhyme with grape. The stats speak for themselves.

      It might not ALWAYS be a factor, but it’s certainly not NEVER a factor. Wish it wasn’t so, but it is.

      Everyone needs to STAY THE F OUT OF FRANCE.

      It is a failed state.

  2. Hey, “monkey see, monkey do.” Seeing ‘social ‘ media is by default full of misogynist content, time to
    start asking the technocrats to fund rape clinics and pay restitutions.


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