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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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Erdogan ‘going down the path of Saddam Hussein’ – Israeli FM

Recep Tayyip Erdogan news
Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Inset).

Israel Katz has warned the Turkish leader against intervening in the Gaza war.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz has warned that Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan could end up like the toppled and executed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein if he attempts to intervene in the Gaza war.

Erdogan traded threats with Israeli officials on Sunday amid the IDF’s operation against Hamas in Gaza, as well as the rapidly escalating tensions between Israel and the Lebanese-based armed group Hezbollah. Speaking at a rally in his hometown of Rize, Erdogan suggested that Türkiye could “enter” Israel in order to help the Palestinians.

“We must be very strong so that Israel can’t do these ridiculous things to Palestine,” Erdogan said. In the past he has condemned Israel’s actions in Gaza to those of Nazi Germany – and likened Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Adolf Hitler.

Katz responded with a warning of his own on X. “Erdogan is going down the path of Saddam Hussein and threatens to attack Israel,” he wrote, adding that the Turkish leader “should just remember what happened there and how that ended.”

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid also blasted Erdogan, calling him a “danger to the Middle East” and a “wannabe dictator.”

“The world, and especially NATO members, must strongly condemn his outrageous threats against Israel and force him to end his support for Hamas,” Lapid wrote on X.

Saddam Hussein was overthrown during the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq. He went into hiding, but was eventually caught by US troops, convicted by an Iraqi court of crimes against humanity, and executed by hanging in 2006.

The US under President George W. Bush claimed at the time that the Iraqi leader had connections to Al-Qaeda – a group behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks – and had weapons of mass destruction. Both claims later turned out to be false, but Washington used them as rationale for attacking Iraq, despite having failed to secure the approval of the UN Security Council.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Will the​ REAL Adolf Hitler please stand up! Trump, Trudeau, Zelensky, Netanyahu….. I’m losing track….

  2. Erdogan is an Islamic fascist. He is trying to undo the work done by Mustafa Kamal a.k.a. Ata Turk. Erdogan has openly said that he supports Hamas, and he has said this AFTER 7 October 2023.

    If I was to pass advice to the world (with the greatest respect), I would advise Hezbollah to be very careful what you wish for. Hezbollah murdered 241 US Marines in the Marine barracks truck bombing of 1983 in Lebanon and the US has not got back at them for this – yet. The Lebanese people have not removed Hezbollah in over 40 years so, therefore, Lebanon itself becomes complicit in missiles fired from their territory into Israel. At the moment the US “deep state” is in charge, and they really do not want peace, they want WW3 – literally. So, be very careful anybody that fires rockets into Israel. If you really, REALLY want WW3 then carry on. I’m sure the “deep state” has some AI powered machines (like terminators) ready to replace humanity afterwards, and I seriously mean this. They love their technology and hate us “useless eaters” so they would be very happy if lots of us died. Perhaps that is really what this is all about, what is going on at the moment, this sh1t show that passes for geo-politics.

    Me, I would rather have a vibrant humanity with lots of different cultures that all get along with each other and love each other, basically what Lord Jesus taught. However, this is not my choice, it is humanities choice.

    • Israel has been found guilty by the highest court in the world…end of story. Turkeys position is entirely understandable and fair minded.

    • Ranting again mark ?? Hamas is a liberating movement. Just like the viet cong was and so many others freedom movements.
      In the end justice and freedom will win.
      And that is not israhell that is a racist and apartheid state, created through lies, theft and murder

          • Israel Defence Forces.
            The best of the best.
            The most compassionate army on Earth.
            They actually warn civilians before they are coming in order to reduce casualties.
            Nobody comes closer.
            May they prevail against all adversaries.
            May they shine the light against the darkness.

        • Here I fixed your comment below for you.
          Israel Defence Forces.
          The worst of the worst.
          The most psychopathic army on Earth.
          They actually conduct False Flags on the civilians so they can increase casualties.
          Nobody is weaker.
          They’ve never fought a real army, they only assault civilians.
          May the light of Lord bring death and destruction to the satanic cabal once and for all.


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