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European countries would have to arrest Netanyahu – EU boss

Netanyahu arrest warrant news

All parties to the Rome Statute are bound by the International Criminal Court’s decisions, the top diplomat has said.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has said that if the International Criminal Court issues arrest warrants for top Israeli officials over their alleged war crimes in Gaza, all EU member states will be legally forced to oblige.

On Monday, ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan applied for warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant – as well as Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Diab Ibrahim al-Masri, and Ismail Haniyeh – accusing them of “war crimes and crimes against humanity.”

The European Union has taken “note” of the move, Borrell acknowledged in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

“The mandate of the ICC, as an independent international institution, is to prosecute the most serious crimes under international law,” Borrell wrote, insisting that “All States that have ratified the ICC statutes are bound to execute the Court’s decisions.”

Even though the prosecutor has requested arrest warrants, it may take months of deliberations before a three-judge panel decides whether to issue them or not.

Israel is not a member of the ICC and does not recognize the jurisdiction of the court, but the State of Palestine joined the organization in 2015. The US was one of the creators of the ICC, but Congress never ratified the Rome Statute. Russia, China, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and dozens of other countries also do not accept the court’s jurisdiction.

However, some 124 countries around the globe have signed and ratified the Rome Statute, including all EU member states and all candidates, except Ukraine and Türkiye. If warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant are issued, it could severely complicate the Israeli leader’s ability to travel abroad.

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Source:RT News

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  1. I wonder if all the EU countries “I am not worthy, bow, supplications” would arrest themselves for forcing people to take the COVID vaccine which resulted in their maiming, death or lifelong illnesses. The EU is “Oh, so righteous”.

    I also wonder if they would arrest themselves for supporting Ukraine, thereby supporting the 46 US biolabs in Ukraine that develop “nasties” that hurt all of humanity, the Azov Nazis, the child trafficking adrenochrome “product” from the torture of children and children shipped to “Elite” pedophiles.

    About 2005, I was passively listening to an interview on CNN where an EU “VIP” was asked, “What would you do if the UK left the EU?” This was before the BREXIT – the UK exit from the EU.
    The EU “VIP” replied, “Well, we would not trade with them!”
    I remember looking up astonished and immediately the image of the Nazis starving out the UK in the late 1930’s and early 1940’s using their submarines to sink allied shipping (containing food) and starving out the UK flashed into my mind.

    The EU leaders are fascists. I cannot think of any simpler or polite way of presenting this.

    And now WE The People of Godzone want the same for our criminals, who have received their cushy oversea revolving-door jobs, scum which cannot possibly show their visages on New Zealand soil anymore.
    You hears us, Mallard, Bloomfield, Wilkes, Jabby and accomplices? You can run and hide. Natural justice will catch up with ya.


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