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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Popular Now

Farage launches election campaign, pledges to restore British patriotism and control immigration

Nigel Farage has launched a high-profile campaign to become the new MP for Clacton-on-Sea, declaring the seaside town as the ‘most patriotic’ part of Britain.

Speaking to a large and enthusiastic crowd near Clacton pier, the Brexit advocate criticised the Conservative Party for betraying public trust and predicted a significant electoral loss for Rishi Sunak in the upcoming general election. Farage, recently appointed as the leader of Reform UK, outlined his vision of reducing net migration to zero, arguing that this approach would elevate wages and promote skill development over university education in non-essential fields.

Farage’s campaign marks his eighth attempt to enter the House of Commons, a pursuit he re-embraced after a notable reversal on his decision not to run for Parliament. His strategy hinges on overturning a substantial Conservative majority in a constituency with a history of supporting UKIP under his leadership. During his campaign launch, Farage emphasised Clacton’s pivotal role in the Brexit movement and pledged to be a ‘bloody nuisance’ in Parliament if elected. His platform includes bold promises to address rampant immigration and the erosion of British values.

In a series of media appearances, Farage launched scathing attacks on the Conservative Party’s handling of immigration, accusing them of betraying voters by failing to control borders and reduce immigration numbers.

He dismissed any potential alliance with the Tories and positioned himself as the leader of a ‘political revolt’ against both major parties. Farage hinted at a long-term strategy to effectively take over the Conservative Party, mirroring the Canadian Reform Party’s integration into the Conservative Party.

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    • He is.

      Bit his party won’t win a majority an
      unlikely event. Nor a coalition. So not going to happen.

      Good for him I say.

  1. Well good luck man but never underestimate the cowardice of the voting public….just look at NZ if you need inspiration…………

  2. I hope that he wears a bullet-proof vest, based on the fact that most Populist Party-types are being stabbed, assassinated, and are having ‘Lawfare’ weaponised against them.
    I wonder how George Galloway feels about Nigel Farage running for office…?


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