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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Kissinger outlines Ukraine peace proposal

Henry Kissinger news

Elder US statesman invoked the missed opportunity to negotiate an end to WWI in 1916.

Urgently negotiating an end to hostilities in Ukraine would prevent another world war, former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger argued in an essay published on Friday. The 99-year-old statesman noted that, in 1916, the US government had the chance to end the First World War through diplomacy, but missed it for reasons of domestic politics.

Kissinger laid out his reasoning in the December 17 issue of The Spectator, describing the current conflict as a “war in which two nuclear powers contest a conventionally armed country,” a clear reference to Ukraine being a proxy war between the US and Russia.

The “peace process” Kissinger proposes would “link Ukraine to NATO, however expressed,” as he believes neutrality for Kiev is no longer an option. He also wants Russia to withdraw to the lines before February 24, while the other territories Ukraine claims – Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea – “could be the subject of a negotiation after a ceasefire.”

In addition to “confirming the freedom of Ukraine,” the arrangement would strive to “define a new international structure, especially for Central and Eastern Europe,” in which Russia should “eventually” find a place, he explained.

While some would prefer “a Russia rendered impotent by the war,” Kissinger disagrees, arguing that Moscow’s “historical role should not be degraded.” Dismantling Russia could turn its vast territory into a “contested vacuum,” where “competing societies might decide to settle their disputes by violence” and neighbors could seek to claim territory by force, all in the presence of “thousands of nuclear weapons.”

In substance, this is the same proposal Kissinger had first floated in May, for which he was labeled an enemy of Ukraine and added to the notorious ‘Peacemaker’ kill list. In an interview earlier this month, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky categorically rejected any sort of ceasefire that did not take Kiev’s claimed 1991 borders as the starting point.

It was also unclear whether Moscow would accept any Western-mediated ceasefire at all, after former German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s admission that the 2014 Minsk armistice was intended to “give Ukraine time” to prepare for war.

What’s fresh in Kissinger’s Spectator essay is his reasoning. He points to August 1916, at the height of the First World War, when the warring powers sought US mediation to end the unprecedented bloodshed. Though “a peace based on the modified status quo ante was within reach,” President Woodrow Wilson delayed the talks until after he could get re-elected in November. By then it was too late, and the war would go on for two more years, “irretrievably damaging Europe’s established equilibrium.”

Asked about Kissinger’s proposal, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Russian President Vladimir Putin was “eager to give the article a thorough reading,” but “hasn’t had a chance to do so yet, unfortunately.”

Russia sent troops into Ukraine on February 24, citing Kiev’s failure to implement the Minsk agreements, designed to give the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk special status within the Ukrainian state. The Kremlin demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that would never join any Western military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked.

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Source:RT News

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  1. A deal was made if “they” got US into World War 1 to rescue Britain from defeat,then after the war Britain would occupy Palestine(previously part of the Ottoman Empire,an ally of Germany) and pave the way for the creation of Israel. There was never going to be a peace deal.Kissinger knows this and is a liar.

      • I named it and it didn’t get published here: we all know it’s Is-Ra-El..!
        See also Kissinger’s map of Greater Israel…
        See Rabbi Schneerson’s Chabad 1994 plans for Russia and the Ukraine.
        It is these parties that succeeded in overthrowing the Russian Tsarist Government in 1917, with the seeds of take-over via Bolchevik Revolution that was strictly a J3wi$h ops funded by International J3wi$h Banksters. Result; 65 millioon dead.
        “J3w$ ran the (GULAG) camps.” – Aleksander Solzhenytsyn
        See also the book by a former GULAG guard titled ‘Drawings From The Gulag’…
        The Unz Review has a plethora of references on how Khazarian (Khazaria- now Ukraine since the 900’s AD) and AshkeNAZI J3wi$h factions operated.
        Putin is protecting Russia’s resources, culture, the Russian economy, and the Russian Orthodox Christians from the evil wiles of Zionism and Communism which is threatening to resurrect 100 years later, and the millions of deaths that resulted from the Georgian J3w$ coming to power in both Russia and the Ukraine.
        BTW- Holodomor 2.0 is well underway…!
        Both Poroshenko and Zelansky are J3w$, and ever since a J3w assumed (slotted-in) the Ukrainian Presidency, there has been attacks against the Russians in the east of Ukraine (Donbass) since 2014!
        J3wi$h-owned MSM downplayed this, but after February 2022, they assumed the role of Ukraine playing the victim . And-
        Zelensky stated that he wanted to make the Ukraine another Is-Ra-El, and is planning on treating the Slavs just like how the Palestinians have been treated for the last 77 years!
        God Bless Putin, and God Bless Russia!!
        BTW- has anyone heard from the Aussie Cossack since he was forced to take shelter in the Russian Embassy from malicious prosecution by the Aussie Cops???

  2. the anglo saxon world is losing its hegemony. And that is good news.
    Peace at last.
    As for Putine and his government, he will do what he deems good for his country.
    He is after all a great statesman, despite the horrors told about him by the msm

  3. Kissinger you have always been a scum bag and your peace plan is an idiots dream and indeed a call to a world war In plain view

    Why should Russia withdraw when Ukraines interviews to the UK Economist are a plea for the elites to go “all in or nothing”. An interview that made specific reference to Finlands defeat to Russia because the west failed to stand behind its promises.(have they ever kept them)

    They are losing the war and the west must escalate because it’s anglo saxon gods can never humble themselves. The lie must never be exposed by the bare truth of its incompetence and lust for control

    What Russia takes it will keep. After Merkels admission there is no trust no respect

  4. I had to have a giggle at the Kremlins response to Kissingers proposal. Like I think Mr Putin has other more pressing matters but he may read it for a snear in his retirement is the message the Kremlin is subtly trying to say. Kissinger is too deeply intrenched into NWO idiotic policies to be of any consequence anymore.

  5. LMFAO
    Russia to withdraw
    Russia to adopt the USD as a reserve currency
    Did Russia lose?
    F*** the US, f*** off and kill another one of your presidents.


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