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Thursday, September 19, 2024

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RFK Jr. blames Biden for Ukraine conflict

The independent presidential candidate has endorsed Republican Donald Trump over the latter’s stance on the crisis.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has accused US President Joe Biden of disrupting peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine in 2022, because Washington “wanted the war.”

Kennedy made the statement on Friday during a speech in Arizona, where he announced the suspension of his third-party campaign for the White House in the swing state and endorsed Republican Donald Trump.

According to Kennedy, Washington had deliberately drawn Moscow into the Ukraine war with the objective of regime change in Russia.

“President Biden sent [then-UK Prime Minister] Boris Johnson to Ukraine to force President [Vladimir] Zelensky to tear up a peace agreement that he and the Russians had already signed, and the Russians were already withdrawing troops,” said the son of the 1960s-era Democratic US Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of President John F. Kennedy.

Moscow has previously blamed London for blocking the Ukraine peace deal. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said in April that Kiev abandoned a proposed peace treaty with Russia, approved by negotiators in Istanbul, in 2022 under British pressure. Boris Johnson visited Kiev in April of that year, and reportedly told Zelensky to “just fight,” prompting the latter to pull out of the discussions. The former prime minister has since denied derailing the peace talks.

Kennedy also accused the US government of staging a coup against the democratically-elected government of Ukraine in 2014 and rejecting the Minsk Agreements, a series of peace protocols negotiated between Ukraine, Russia and the European nations in 2019, pushing Kiev into a conflict with Moscow.

“The Biden White House repeatedly spurned Russia’s offers to settle this war peacefully,” Kennedy claimed.

The US has sought to exhaust the Russian Army and degrade its capacity to fight, he added, arguing that the objectives of the US government “had nothing to do” with protecting Ukraine’s sovereignty.

Kennedy has described Ukraine as a “victim of the West” and “a proxy in a geopolitical struggle initiated by the ambitions of the US neocons for American global hegemony.”

He went on to explain that Trump’s promise to reopen negotiations with Russia and end the war as soon as he takes office were among the reasons for him to endorse the former president’s campaign.

Kennedy made clear that he wasn’t formally ending his bid for the White House and called on his supporters to continue to back him in other states where their votes are unlikely to sway the outcome.

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Source:RT News

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  1. Well said, the truth being told, Kennedy is a man of integrity and he now has a much larger platform thanks to this symbiotic relationship which can exist in politics. There are gains and losses but to get closer to their aims is the main objective here.
    Trump and Kennedy are on the same page about Ukraine just RFK is telling the whole truth, no hiding it. Great strategy by both polliticians. That way Trump remains intact. RFK won’t suffer either.
    I have faith in both of them. I also think they will put Israel back in it’s place and smack their hands a little and stop their absurd philosophy. They will be outed.
    Kennedy is not a safe man nor is Trump.
    The next few days, weeks are going to get very weird but interesting. The media has not quite reacted to this new outcome, they must be reeling in panic. I hope Kennedy has a lot more truth bombs. Well played Trump. I hope Kennedy becomes Attorney General. He is a very important man.

  2. No true patriot would allow a single person into their country who is not fit, proper or with murderous intent.

    Biden is only taking orders from the super rich people. It won’t be long until he is killed off so he can’t tell anyone.

    I look forward to seeing him very soon.

    • Those who are supporters of Zionism, Talmudic influence, or Khazarian J3w$ will be outed and routed in the upcoming Civil War 2, which could start at any time in the U.S…

  3. Well the Zionist’s are now dropping deadly Mosquitoes onto Massachusetts and lockdowns will be enforced for the next few months. That would be Bill Gates so that’s nice. Thanks Bill Gates for that. Don’t think the Catholic Kennedys are responsible for this.

    EEE or Eastern equine encephalitis, commonly called Triple E or sleeping sickness, is a disease caused by a zoonotic mosquito-vectored Togavirus that is present in North, Central, and South America, and the Caribbean.

    Is this a scam? Can it infect humans? It was eradicated in the 50’s and 60’s.


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