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Sunday, June 30, 2024

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Transpower says Northland outage caused by contractor error during maintenance

Transpower news
Stock photo.

A power pylon collapse last Thursday that cut off electricity to most of Northland was due to contractors removing too many nuts from bolts connecting the tower to a base plate, according to Transpower chief executive Alison Andrew.

During routine maintenance near Glorit, north of Auckland, conducted by Omexom, the contractors did not follow proper procedures, resulting in the removal of all nuts securing the tower to the base plate on three legs. This led to the tower lifting off the base plate and falling, causing a power outage for 100,000 properties. Andrew told media that such an incident was unprecedented and unacceptable, and an independent investigation is being conducted to determine why the correct procedures were not followed.

Despite no injuries being reported, the incident had a significant impact on Northland residents. Transpower executive general manager grid delivery Mark Ryall told media that any work beyond removing one bolt requires an engineering review, and a recent audit had shown no issues.

Omexom NZ managing director Mornez Green acknowledged the error, explaining that during routine maintenance, too many nuts were removed, causing the tower to collapse.

WorkSafe is also conducting a separate inquiry into the incident.

Image credit: Anouschka

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  1. Brownie is right in saying …
    “Failures like this need to see some heads roll, or the consequences – which are felt by many – will not be fully understood, nor will the lessons be learned.

  2. Even a child with a Meccano or Erector Set knows NOT to remove ALL bolts from linked / associated assemblies…This is what happens when the Old School of ‘only go one step at a time, and the schoolmasters will tell you what to do next’ as opposed to thinking cognitively five steps ahead and pre=planning an event’s outcome!
    This is an excuse of ‘due to the power pylon toppling and the cost to repair the same and recover losses, your power bill will be going up’.
    We have 400 years of natural gas available and yet- the gas bill has increased 27% over 5 years.
    The electricity rates are the highest in the OECD
    And then, there are the Council Rates going-up 10% per year…
    Home and Contents Insurance up 19% in two years…
    And now, all of these may be vapourised / atomised in a nuclear strike….so either way..WE F@#KING LOSE!!!!


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