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Central bank of G20 host Indonesia rails against US dollar – media

Indonesia Central Bank news

The regulator wants to reduce reliance of the Indonesian financial markets on the greenback.

Indonesia’s central bank has spoken out against the use of the US dollar in export-import transactions, and called for a switch to local currencies in international payments to reduce dependence on the greenback, news portal Tempo.co reported on Friday.

Most of Indonesia’s international trade transactions are conducted in foreign currencies, predominantly the dollar, according to Nugroho Joko Prastowo, head of Bank Indonesia’s Solo Representative Office, as cited by local media.

“90% of export-import settlements are in US dollars, when in fact the value of Indonesia’s direct exports to the US is only 10%, and the value of US imports is only 5%,” the official told journalists after opening a session on ‘Utilizing Local Currency Settlement (LCS) to Increase Export-Import Efficiency of the Greater Solo Region’.

He said transactions in foreign currencies incur conversion costs, and when they are in US dollars, “the conversion fee is doubled,” suggesting that a system of bilateral payments in local currency could solve the problem.

The official said four countries have agreed to utilize LCS with Indonesia so far, namely China, Japan, Thailand and Malaysia.

“Singapore has been plotted, although it has not been fully implemented, and soon the Philippines. Currently, the implementation of LCS with Saudi Arabia is also being explored,” he said.

Indonesia will be hosting the G20 international forum, bringing together 19 countries and the European Union, on November 15-16 on the island of Bali. Indonesia currently holds the presidency of the group of leading economies.

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Source:RT News

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  1. USD hegemony enables theiving by globalists, creation of artificial booms and busts, transfer of more and more wealth to globalists resulting in inequity and poverty in the world. NZ land gets transferred to globalists who borrow money from banks (which was in turn lent by US Fed Reserve) who got the USD from thin air. Very little is produced and exported by US other than weapons and jabs. NZ should delink its currency from USD fully and allow NZD used only for export and import operations and not for speculation (which is essentially a hedge for USD and passing on their inflation to others). Agents Jacinda and Luxon wont do or cut it for the ordinary kiwis. They work for globalists, period.


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