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Friday, October 18, 2024

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Ilya Tsukanov
Ilya Tsukanov
Ilya Tsukanov is a Moscow-based correspondent specializing in Eastern European, US and Middle Eastern politics, Cold War history, energy security and military affairs. Member of the Sputnik team since the site's inception in 2014.

Trump indictment shows free, fair 2024 election no longer possible, Watchdog says

Trump indictment news

Former president Donald Trump was indicted for a third time on Tuesday, this time on charges related to alleged illegal efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

Trump has denied any wrongdoing, while his campaign has compared the political “persecutions” of him and his supporters to “Nazi Germany in the 1930s.”

The new charges against Donald Trump offer conclusive proof that there can be no talk of a free and fair election in 2024, Tom Fitton, president of conservative legal and election watchdog group Judicial Watch believes.

“This indictment is a naked threat and act of intimidation by the Democratic Party against any and all of their political opponents. The message from the Biden regime is: ‘We will put you in jail if you dispute elections’. A free and fair 2024 election is officially impossible,” Fitton wrote in a release following Tuesday’s indictment.

“The Biden administration has left the rule of law and the US Constitution behind with its latest indictment of President Trump for daring to dispute the 2020 presidential election, as is his God-given right as a president, a citizen, and a candidate under state, federal and constitutional law,” Fitton added.

The non-profit head accused President Biden and Justice Department chief Merrick Garland of “trying to jail” Trump and turn him “into a political prisoner” to distract the public from “conclusive evidence” of President Biden’s “personal corruption” related to his and his son’s alleged pay-to-play political influence peddling scheme.

Fitton called on Congress to “do everything under the law to undo this attempt to wreck our republican form of government,” and called on the courts to “finally step up and shut down this unprecedented prosecutorial abuse.”

What is Trump Being Charged With This Time?

Donald Trump is the first president in US history to face felony indictment, and now has three outstanding sets of charges against him – including 34 felony counts of falsifying business records related to an alleged payoff to a former adult film star, and 31 counts related to “willfully retaining national defense information under the Espionage Act” over his storage of classified documents at his Florida estate. The latest indictment features four counts for alleged attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, including: conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and a conspiracy against rights.

If convicted on all counts, the former president of the United States could get up to 641 years in jail (i.e. over 25 consecutive life sentences).

Trump has dismissed all charges against him as a “witch hunt,” with his attorneys characterizing the attempts to prosecute him as a politicized “clown show.” His supporters believe the charges are a bald-faced attempt to pressure and intimidate him out of running for office for a third time in 2024 after the collapse of Russiagate (the claim that Trump was a secret Kremlin agent) and twin impeachments (the first related to an attempt to get Kiev to reopen a probe into Hunter Biden’s dealings in Ukraine, the second to the January 6, 2021 unrest at the Capitol).

Pence Turns on Trump

Trump made himself an enemy of the US political establishment after unexpectedly winning the 2016 election, and is loathed both by Democrats and many neo-conservative Republicans. After his loss in 2020, many members of his administration, including former Vice President Mike Pence, revealed their true attitudes toward their former boss.

Following Trump’s indictment Tuesday, Pence issued his strongest-ever attack against Trump, saying the indictment “serves as an important reminder” that “anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be president of the United States.”
“On January 6th, former president Trump demanded that I choose between him and the Constitution. I chose the Constitution and I always will,” Pence said.

The former vice president’s take drew immediate comparisons to Judas Iscariot among Trump’s supporters.

Trump’s latest indictment comes at an interesting time in the 2024 campaign, with recent polling showing him at 45 percent support compared with 40 percent for Biden if elections were held today.

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  1. Latest Indictment Against Trump BACKFIRES; Gives Trump Ability to Re-Litigate ENTIRE 2020 Election; PROVE FRAUD
    Trump started a Trade War with China
    Trump doubled the US National debt by 5 trillion for a virus that does not exist through operation ‘Warp-Speed’
    Incidentally has just been revealed in NZ Parliament cost NZ 23 Billion
    Not sure where Guy Hatchard got His figures – Article ‘NZ is Out of Money’ – Over the target?
    Trump reputedly is a convert to Judaism
    Which makes Him a proselyte jew
    Two fold the child of Hell
    If You can imagine it

  2. Not too different to the authoritarian lawfare tactics used against human rights activists, here in the banana republic of New Zealand….

  3. I don’t know how it will go in 2024, but if President Trump is arrested then it could start a revolution that would degrade into a civil war. I think the only way now of stopping this situation is for the US Military to come in and temporarily install martial law whilst they investigate corruption in the federal government and start treason charges against some in the FBI, DOJ and so on. Also, perhaps the US Military could investigate politician’s corruption, specifically those on the Democrat side getting payments from Act Blue which is funded by George Soros and some other foreign donors.

    If these things are not done, then the US could be heading for 1776 (or 1840) all over again and that would not be nice.

    • Those joint chiefs who run the US military are all avowed leftists (Isn’t one of them a man who believes he’s a woman?)

      They’re 100% in cahoots with the Dems and the media and the rest of the deep state establishment. They won’t be fixing a damn thing.

  4. OPINION: They can’t have Trump impede the creation of the “Master race.” Germany failed in the 1940s, they’re descendants have regrouped over the last 80 yrs. Anticipating a great reduction in world population, there’s a “surrogate mother” program in Switzerland. Located in underground bunkers where the offspring will be safe, young women are offered payment to carry babies to term. No doubt, they are inseminated with seed from the best and the brightest man has to offer. It’s the most realistic option to mass produce a superior race.

  5. It’s not just in America, the game is rigged everywhere.
    They lost Brexit, they lost the 2016 election. Since then they don’t take chances anymore.

    Now even where a so-called right winger wins, it’s only a matter of time before they inevitably sell out. Look at Boris Johnson “getting Brexit done” by pushing UN objectives and actually ramping UP immigration into Britain. Or most recently Giorgia Meloni saying all the right things until being sworn in, only to turn around and sell everyone out.

    Here in NZ we barely even have a choice anyway; the parties all peddle the same woke garbage. I’m worried about feeding my children, but apparently climate change and trans rights are all I’m supposed to care about. I’m supposed to support people who were fully dedicated to jab mandates and vaccine passes? F@ck right off. What an utter clown show these people are. They’re a joke, just not the funny kind 🤦🏼

    To those of us who still have some grey matter between our ears, the writing has been on the wall for a long time: There are no more elections. Choosing the red team or the blue team means nothing when both teams work for the same people. Voting for a minor party is like peeing into the ocean.

    We just have to shut up and watch the car crash happen in slow motion (oh, and remember to keep those tax payments up to date or men with guns will come and lock you up in a cage 😉)


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