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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

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Israel calls for mass evacuation of Rafah as military intensifies operations

Rafah news
Mass formation of Israeli armour near the entrance to East Rafah. Image – @swilkinsonbc, X.

Israel has ordered tens of thousands of Palestinians to evacuate Rafah, urging them to relocate to al-Mawasi, a coastal area described as an ‘expanded humanitarian zone.’

This comes as Israeli military operations escalate in southern Gaza.

Flyers and social media posts advised residents to leave Rafah’s eastern districts. Areas that were once bustling with locals and displaced people now resemble ghost towns according to a report in UK state media.

Israel has vowed to continue its offensive despite warnings from the U.S. and allies that ground attacks could lead to mass civilian casualties and a humanitarian crisis.

Saturday images showed smoke billowing over Rafah, while witnesses cited airstrikes near the Egyptian border. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reported intense ‘face-to-face battles’ with Hamas fighters in Rafah and claimed to have discovered ‘a number of underground shafts.’

In recent days Israeli airstrikes have targeted sites across Gaza, with the IDF calling for people in northern Gaza’s Jabaliya to ‘temporarily evacuate’ to western Gaza City shelters, aiming to ‘reduce harm’ to civilians and counter Hamas attempts to regroup.

International aid agencies have warned that continued fighting in southern Gaza leaves many Palestinians without safe refuge. US President Joe Biden expressed concern over the use of American-supplied weapons, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remains resolute in continuing the offensive.

Amid reports of mounting casualties, the United Nations and aid groups are urging for immediate humanitarian assistance as civilians face increasingly dire conditions.

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