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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Popular Now

Watch: Rod Stewart booed by German concert crowd for Ukraine support

Rod Stewart news

Elderly musician Rod Stewart encountered pushback from fans after touting his backing for Kiev at a concert in Germany.

Elderly UK pop icon Rod Stewart has apparently met with fan backlash at a concert in Germany for making a public display of his support for Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.

The 79-year-old Stewart, renowned for such hits as ‘Maggie May’ and ‘Da Ya Think I’m Sexy’, has been proclaiming his backing for Kiev since the crisis in Eastern Europe began in February 2022. However, the theme didn’t go over well at a sold-out performance on Friday in Leipzig, where concert-goers booed when a giant image of Vladimir Zelensky was shown behind Stewart as he sang “Rhythm of My Heart” as a tribute to Kiev.

A clip posted on social media showed fans jeering and whistling as the picture of Zelensky came on the screen. Germany’s Tag 24 news outlet reported that Stewart dedicated the song to the Ukrainian people and military, then shouted a profane insult against Russian President Vladimir Putin before beginning to sing. He donned the Ukrainian colors, including a yellow shirt and a jacket with blue sequins. The massive slideshow behind him also included images of the Ukrainian flag and the country’s troops.

Stewart’s outward promotion of the Ukrainian cause was reportedly well received at previous concerts, such as performances in Copenhagen and Amsterdam. He has included dedications to Kiev in his concerts since 2022, and he has spoken out in interviews on such issues as sending F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

“I’ve been supporting them for years, the Ukrainians,” Stewart said in a March 2023 interview with Sky News. He added, “If the Ukrainians lose, it’s the end of civilization as we know it. It’s all over.”

Germany has been a leading sponsor of Ukraine, providing around €34 billion ($36.4 billion) in bilateral aid to Kiev since the conflict started. Public support for that policy has declined. A poll released in April by state broadcaster ZDF showed that just 42% of Germans believe their government should boost its aid to Ukraine. Around 82% of respondents said Kiev cannot defeat Russia, up from 70% when the same question was asked last August.

German lawmaker Michael Roth, a foreign policy expert for Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democratic Party (SPD), scolded concert-goers who booed Stewart’s Ukraine tribute. “My hero of the day: Rod Stewart,” he said in a post on X (formerly Twitter). “Thank you for your solidarity with the Ukrainian people. And his empathy-less fans who live in mental Putin servitude should be ashamed, if they still can!”

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  1. Not a shining light for sure. But that is not what is asked of him. Should keep himself to ” singing”. That is quite enough

  2. I like Rod, but how gullible, it’s a shame when pop stars assume fans support their own misguided politics. I think it is the global agenda that supports Ukraine which is more likely to contribute to the end of civilisation as we know it.

    • Doubt he can read anything anymore, isn’t he Biden’s age?

      Another walking talking amphetamine-addled corpse that thinks it’s still alive.

  3. Now you know the reason why someone who has no talent is world wide famous. They are all the same. They cost a fortune to run. to set up a show and produce the publicity necessary to fill a stadium with morons, and they aren’t paying for it themselves. They are a product for consumption, distraction and propaganda. They all belong heart and soul to the system otherwise they would not be where they are. They are given riches beyond our imagining but this can all be taken off them in a heartbeat and they know it.
    He is on duty 24/7 shilling for the globalists whether he is on stage or off it. Of course he will promote the war. Any war. He and his kids won’t be going.

  4. People are sick and tired of globalist obsessions. Mass migration, forever wars and climate garbage. If not for rigged elections, the entire lot of them would have been Guillotined decades ago.


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