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Tuesday, July 9, 2024

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Luxon trip aiming to strengthen ties with NATO and US

Luxon - NATO news

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon will embark on a strategic visit to the United States from July 9-12, aiming to enhance New Zealand’s international profile and fortify crucial relationships.

Luxon’s trip will begin in Washington DC, where he will engage with key American politicians, including members of the US Administration and Congress.

Emphasising the significance of the United States as the ‘world’s largest economy’ and New Zealand’s second-largest trading partner, Luxon said it was important to maintain robust relationships with American decision-makers.

“The United States plays a leading role in world affairs. It is imperative that we have good relationships with key American decision-makers so they understand what New Zealand is trying to achieve in the world,” Luxon stated.

During his stay in Washington DC he will also participate in the NATO Summit. Luxon is set to hold bilateral meetings with various NATO leaders, focusing on collective efforts to support the so-called ‘rules-based international system.’

“Prosperity is only possible with security, with our discussions set to focus on our collective efforts to support the rules-based system,” Luxon said in a press release.

Additionally, the Prime Minister will join counterparts from Australia, Japan, and Korea in a meeting of the Indo-Pacific Four, marking the third consecutive Summit where NATO has invited its Indo-Pacific partners to discuss ‘shared challenges.’

Following his engagements in Washington, Luxon will travel to San Francisco to bolster New Zealand’s business profile and foster investment links.

Speaking of California he said, “I look forward to building our positive relationship with this great State, and to forging stronger links with its businesses and investors as part of our wider plan to rebuild New Zealand’s economy.”

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  1. Leading us into WW3 with the terrorist nation USA. I didn’t vote for this!!
    Disgusting, he is turning out country into more of a vassal state than it already is.
    I hugely regret voting for National. Mind you I will never vote Labour again, so we’re f****ed.

  2. “…to support the rules-based system,”

    Which means in real talk, those who make the rules, can also change or destroy the rules – as, and when it suits them.

    Anything but a civil society
    Dependency on the State… yes it is
    Destabilisation by the State or its underlings… yes it is

  3. You know Luxon is a globalist sell out when he starts saying stupid things like “rules-based system”. We already have international law luxo and the US and NATO are the biggest international law criminals.

    • Hitler was actually a good guy and stood up for his people, that’s why Germany was the wealthiest nation in the world during the Great Depression and that’s why they got the whole world to turn against him because he showed everyone how you could issue your own interest free currency rather than borrow it at interest from the bankers.

      • True.
        …. rather than borrow it at interest from the international bankster cabal, that at that stage had already owned vast parts of the lending with interest (peonage) system, which expanded rapidly following the French Revolution in 1800 when Rothschild made vast profits from loans to Britain for the hire of Hessian mercenaries.
        And thus ALL wars are ‘paid’ for by
        pe·​on·​age ˈpē-ə-nij
        : the use of laborers bound in servitude because of debt.
        Debt based on a system of coercion governed by the ‘political’ elite.
        The rest of the world -with exceptions- turned against H because he showed his people that it can be done without the banksters.
        Now ‘banking interests’ own the world incl its debt-forever-owing peoples….peonage.
        And THAT is the essence of it.

  4. He will be thrown headfirst into the woodchipper when NZ realises what has been done to them.
    Transgenerational genetuc mutation.
    Maori and Pacific island groups most heavily targetted.

  5. I’m not on the political left but I’d never vote for US brown nosers like National. What utter idiocy, this is.

    Russia have told the US ambassador they are “no longer at peace’. Russia has 1.2M troops available, (700K deployed) the US at this moment 455K and Turkey has said it wont be drawn into a war with Russia over Ukraine. Significant, because Turkey has the second biggest military in NATO.

    Are these so called MP’s doing their research? I’d say clearly not. More mismanagement that could paint a target on our backs. A very serious one, too.

    It amazes me that people still vote for them.

  6. Minor wars elections are still held. Engaging in a major war may very well delay the soon US and UK elections by combining left and right until the war is over.

    If Luxton sends our boys to die for this unlawful land grab for the filthy rich, his political career is over. It is not noble to invade the sovereign territory of Russia’s long held Ukraine. Need I remind anyone, Russia is a nuclear-armed nation. Stay neutral. Protect our zone. Supply bandages not bullets.


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