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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Quadruple boosted Biden tests positive for COVID

Joe Biden COVID news

Jabbed and fully boosted President Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid-19 while in Las Vegas.

Biden is reported to be experiencing mild symptoms according to White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. It’s at least the third time the president has ‘tested’ positive, despite Big Pharma companies touting the ‘effectiveness’ of their mRNA gene therapies, which were marketed to the public as COVID ‘vaccines’.

Biden, 81, was scheduled to speak at a UnidosUS event but had to cancel following his diagnosis. After greeting several people at a Mexican restaurant and taping a radio interview, Biden was en route to Delaware to ‘self-isolate.’

Despite his condition, the White House confirmed he would continue to fulfill his duties during isolation.

The positive test comes amid growing pressure from fellow Democrats for Biden to withdraw from the 2024 re-election race, citing concerns about his age. Prominent Democrat Adam Schiff publicly suggested it was time for Biden to “pass the torch” to a younger candidate.

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  1. Not surprised at all, most fully vaxxed people I know have had covid regularly. where as most non-vaxxed people I know and had only once or less.

    • Unvaxed but we have had it twice, picked it up the second time around Christmas when my partner did all the meet and greets in the church scene but have been well apart from that.

  2. All five in our family never had the jab and never had covid. We havent even had the flu this year despite it going through my son’s kindy

  3. is he jabbed or just fkd in the head, he didn’t get jabbed none of them did just like in NZ all those pushing the jab never got it! Poor briben…
    is convid still a thing?

  4. Could this be the “medical get-out” Biden hinted at where he would only leave the running in the election for a medical reason. Also, getting “covid” means he does not have to do speeches and can hide in his basement again. After he recovers from “covid” he will probably go on holiday again.


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