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Friday, October 18, 2024

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British soldier stabbed up to 12 times, attacker allegedly licked blood from knife

British soldier attack news

A British soldier in his 40s was viciously attacked near Brompton Barracks in Gillingham, Kent, on Tuesday evening.

The assailant, wearing a ski mask and a NASA bomber jacket, stabbed the soldier up to 12 times with two 10-inch kitchen knives.

The attack, which lasted about 20 seconds, occurred in broad daylight, and horrified witnesses reported hearing blood-curdling screams.

Despite his severe injuries, the soldier attempted to stagger back to his house but was pursued by the attacker, who was only stopped when the soldier’s wife intervened. The assailant, who reportedly licked the blood from his knife, was arrested within half an hour of the attack, and the soldier was airlifted to the hospital in serious condition.

The incident has drawn strong reactions, with Prime Minister Keir Starmer expressing shock and offering his thoughts to the soldier and his family.

The attack’s motive remains unclear, though it has not been ruled out as an act of terrorism.

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper and other officials are closely monitoring the situation. The incident has evoked memories of the 2013 murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby, with the attacker reportedly targeting the soldier specifically. The local community is shaken, with increased police patrols for reassurance. The soldier’s condition remains critical as the investigation continues.


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  1. The only shock Starmer has is that his invasion of foreign scum is actually working and will be openly taking more 25-35 males to complete the job.

  2. I’m a New Zealander currently living in the UK .

    Sadly, it’s very obvious that the U.K is simply a failed globalist social engineering experiment.


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