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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Covid vaccination degrades the ability of the immune system to distinguish between the benign and the pathogenic

COVID vax opinion

An extraordinary but little heralded research paper was published by Nature last week entitled “SARS-CoV-2-specific plasma cells are not durably established in the bone marrow long-lived compartment after mRNA vaccination”. We consider the implications for public health which are very significant and worrying, and suggest a new direction to mitigate the fallout.

Essentially the paper investigates the effect of Covid mRNA vaccines on long term immunity. It is by now well known that any antibody protection afforded by them wanes rapidly within three to six months leaving the vaccine recipient vulnerable to repeat infections even by the same Covid strain. The paper abstract summarises:

“Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) mRNA vaccines are effective at protecting from severe disease, but the protective antibodies wane rapidly even though SARS-CoV-2-specific plasma cells can be found in the bone marrow (BM).”

The research assessed the prevalence of protective Covid antibodies in the section of the bone marrow that preserves long-lived plasma cells (LLPCs). These are a distinct subset of plasma cells that play a crucial role in maintaining the memory of prior infection and readiness to fight off repeated exposure to the original pathogens. LLPCs continuously produce and secrete high-affinity antibodies into the bloodstream. Hence they maintain long-term immunity.

An earlier article published in February 2024 in the Journal of Infectious Diseases summarised our current understanding in a single sentence:

“Generation of a stable long-lived plasma cell (LLPC) population is the sine qua non of durable antibody responses after vaccination or infection.”

The latest study found:

“In all, our studies suggest that rapid waning of SARS-CoV-2-specific serum antibodies could be accounted for by the absence of long lived plasma cells in the bone marrow subsequent to mRNA Covid vaccination.

In other words, following Covid vaccination our immune system apparently chooses not to identify the Covid spike protein as an external pathogenic threat and therefore does not store any long term memory of an appropriate immune response.

To get to the nub of this straight away, the results mean that the most fundamental principle of immune function—the capacity to distinguish between the benign and the pathogenic—appears to have been impaired.

That is staggering. It just goes to show how very little biotech engineers understand about the risks of what they are doing. In 2017 biotechnology researchers began a gain of function research programme in Wuhan to adapt coronaviruses to become more virulent and infect humans. Highly probably it was the resulting virus which escaped the lab and infected billions of people, killing millions. The supposed purpose of the gain of function research was to develop more effective vaccines. We are four years out after the roll out of Covid mRNA vaccines, which were touted as safe and effective, and now we suddenly discover that they cause the immune system to operate in a fashion that runs contrary to its accepted path of efficient functioning. 

The reason for this appears to be the creation of a form of immune system confusion resulting from the novel process of mRNA Covid vaccines. Crucially mRNA vaccines cross the cell membrane. There they repurpose billions of cells to produce Covid spike proteins. As a result, the immune system appears to act at cross purposes. On the one hand it is clear that Covid spike protein specific antibodies are generated to clear up the resulting spike proteins. But on the other hand, spike proteins have been found widely distributed in the physiology even months after mRNA vaccination. This and the absence of LLPCs suggests that the immune system might have erroneously decided that spike proteins are not external pathogens, but rather a legitimate part of the physiology apparently because they were manufactured inside the body’s own cells.

Where does this leave us?

The implications of the paper are very clear. As a result of mRNA vaccination we have no long term immunity to Covid infection. This leaves people with the prospect of repeated mRNA injections to regularly boost their immune response, but there is a catch and it is a very significant one. It is now understood that the Covid spike protein generated by the vaccine is a cardio toxin and crucially:

No one understands the long term outcome of repeated exposure to mRNA vaccine generated Covid spike proteins.

The key point here is the fact that vaccine induced spike proteins are generated by the edited genetic command and control system inside our own cells. As a result they masquerade as self generated biomolecules rather than foreign pathogens. We are suggesting this either tags the spike protein as friend rather than foe or at the very least leaves the immune system confused. In effect, potentially deadly cardio toxins are being tolerated by our immune system, thus laying the groundwork for the onset of heart disease.

An analogy, which you may recognise as the essential plot of a John Le Carré novel, will make this clear. Suppose a spy successfully infiltrates the top echelons of government. Undetected, they now operate to disrupt and defeat government initiatives. The government has difficulty bringing projects to a successful conclusion but it doesn’t know why. This results in a great deal of confusion. In order to catch the spy, there has to be a review of the WHOLE system and machinery of government that identifies common threads of the apparent mismanagement which eventually identifies and exposes the culprit thus enabling the holistic purposeful function of government to be restored.

The creation of long lived immunity to pathogens is an absolute fundamental of health maintenance. The recently published study has found that the fundamental ability of the immune function to identify and respond appropriately to a particular pathogen is disrupted. This is a failure of immune intelligence. This leaves us with a very important question. Is the capacity of the immune system disrupted in a general sense affecting our immune system’s ability to identify and throw off other pathogens and control pathogenic processes? 

Alarming health statistics including the rise in hospitalisation for heart attacks, long term disability figures and excess deaths among working age people, which we have been reporting, all reinforce these concerns. These could all be related in some way to the toxicity of the spike protein. 

However the rise in cancer rates is a different matter. Cancer has multiple causes, its progression however is controlled by immune responses designed to identify and eliminate rogue genetic and biomolecular processes. A BBC article entitled “The worrying puzzle behind the rise in early-onset cancer” reports the rise in cancer rates among the young is a long term trend, but interviews oncologists who reveal the trend has suddenly accelerated: 

“It’s not uncommon for me to see someone under the age of 40 with pancreatic cancer,” says Eileen O’Reilly, a gastrointestinal medical oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York. “It’s almost every week, which is a scary thought. They’re younger, fitter and can often handle treatment intensity better, but some have this highly aggressive form of pancreatic cancer, which causes an accelerated decline in front of your eyes, These are people in the prime of life, who are starting families and have everything to live for. The implications for society are profound.”

The article continues: “O’Reilly says that in the majority of the young-onset cases she sees, there is no obvious genetic explanation, and when studied in the lab, the tumours carried by patients in their 20s, 30s or 40s appear to be more aggressive compared with a typical pancreatic cancer patient in their 70s. She says that this often makes their prognosis very poor, even though the patients themselves are often in otherwise good health.”

The mysterious acceleration in cardiac, cancer, and disease statistics should be ringing alarm bells in the corridors of hospitals and the halls of power. Instead, as we reported yesterday, governments and health authorities have taken to misdirecting the public and hiding alarming health statistics. This appears to be a ‘head in the sand’ response to a potentially devastating rapidly growing health emergency.

The potential extent of any health crisis resulting from immune degradation following mRNA vaccination is gargantuan. More than 70% (5.5 billion) of the world’s population have received at least one dose. In all, 14 billion doses of Covid vaccine have been administered. According to the NZ Covid-19 Immunisation Register (CIR), 4.318 million Kiwis have received at least one mRNA Covid shot. That is 85% of the population. 2.738 million have had one booster and 755,000 a fourth booster. During this time, as we have been reporting, the incidence of heart disease, cancer, disability, mental illness and mortality in excess of the long term trend have all risen sharply to unprecedented rates. Our hospital system is overwhelmed.

The suggestion that the immunity of almost 3/4 of the world’s population might have been adversely affected is all but unthinkable. You can understand that those involved in developing, testing, approving and administering the Covid vaccines would find the utmost difficulty in facing up to any suggestion that their actions were harmful on such a massive scale. They are in denial. All the more so because: 

No one in the medical profession has any idea how to reverse the effects of Covid vaccination. 

This is because, as is clear from the study above, mRNA vaccination affects the functioning of our WHOLE immune system. Modern medicine deals strictly with interventions and processes to ameliorate specific effects, it is unprepared and unable to mend our physiological/genetic system as a WHOLE.

So how do you treat the WHOLE system? 

This is precisely the speciality of a number of traditional systems of medicine like Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. They utilise herbs, sound therapy, oil massage, postures and purification techniques for example to help restore balance to the whole system. Numerous cultural and religious traditions value deep meditation. Ayurveda in particular understands consciousness as the source of the WHOLE physiology, its vital essence. Consciousness is the holistic platform upon which our physiological structure and function is built. 

At GLOBE we have published a series of well referenced articles which explain the relationship between consciousness, health and genetics. In my book Your DNA Diet this is explored in greater depth. There is not the space to do justice to this concept in this short article. Our intention here is to suggest there is a pressing need to investigate holistic approaches to health. 

When it comes to the impact of Covid infection and Covid vaccination, there is very little by way of research and no guarantee of efficacy, but there is reasonable cause to suggest that some approaches of traditional medicine could help to reset an unbalanced immune response. Therefore there is a case to spread a very wide net in the search for remedial approaches.

I know medical professionals have difficulty acknowledging the processes and benefits of traditional medicine, if anything many are suspicious and certainly uninformed. Yet the weight of published evidence supports a holistic effect of herbs and meditation on health as we reported in our article “New studies further confirm adverse effects of Covid vaccines. Can these be reversed, if so how? 

About 25% of the drugs prescribed worldwide come from plants, 121 such active compounds being in current use. Yet there are more that 50,000 medicinal plants known to cultural traditions around the world, a largely untapped source of healing.

Deep meditation allows the conscious mind to identify itself with the ground state of natural law, a self-referral unified state of awareness, open to itself alone. This experience can help to reset physiology at every level including the level of genetic function as we reported in our paper “Evolution, Genetics, Physics, and Consciousness”. In this paper we reported that award winning molecular biologist and cancer researcher John Fagan has found that regular practice of Transcendental Meditation in particular:

  • Reduced expression of genes involved in the Stress Response
  • Reduced expression of genes linked to Inflammation—of importance in reduced incidence and/or severity of heart disease, arthritis, atherosclerosis.
  • 19 genes linked to Cardiovascular Disease are altered in their regulation
  • Tumour-Suppressor Genes up-regulated

The significance of these results cannot be underestimated. A non-invasive technology of consciousness free of adverse effects that interfaces with genetic processes and upgrades their response to disease naturally. A few minutes spent in morning and evening meditation can add a new dimension of energy, focus, understanding and joy to life. Once learnt, meditation is a deep dive into the inner silence morning and evening in the privacy of your own home.


Unfortunately we can’t provide any satisfying conclusions here. There aren’t any current proven interventions to comprehensively address and resolve the tsunami of complex health outcomes affecting young and old people at unprecedented rates. We have indicated some promising ideas. There are others. There is a need to evaluate any success stories. Mainly there is an urgent need to get going to investigate the ongoing immune problems associated with Covid and Covid vaccination. There is a need to know the full extent of the problems, something that health authorities are currently trying to hide. We have previously reported concerns about igG4 antibody generation following mRNA Covid vaccination in our “Open letter to medical professionals and health scientists”. The paper on LLPCs has added a completely novel dimension and a greater degree of urgency to the issue. The most fundamental principles of immune intelligence appear to be degrading. Action can no longer be postponed. Certainly any health agencies still promoting mRNA vaccines are recklessly risking individual and public health.

Image credit: Marisol Benitez

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.

He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

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  1. What a thing to inject into eighty percent of the world’s population (except of course politicians and fatcat beurocrats who got the memo)

  2. These clotshots are a time bomb
    Their long term affects neither known nor realized
    NZ was a lab rat experiment bereft it appears of any accountability


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