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Monday, October 14, 2024

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Obama admits black men have a problem with Kamala Harris and her campaign ‘lacks energy’

Former President Barack Obama addressed the lack of enthusiasm for Vice President Kamala Harris among Black men during a “Black Voters for Harris” event in Pittsburgh.

Obama noted that there hasn’t been the same level of energy or voter turnout in Harris’ campaign compared to his own.

Specifically, Obama highlighted that the hesitancy seems “more pronounced with the brothers,” suggesting that some Black men may be resistant to Harris’ candidacy because she is a woman. But critics put the resistance down to her incompetence and dodgy past as a prosecutor.

“You’re coming up with all kinds of reasons and excuses,” Obama said, calling out those who may be reluctant to support Harris.

The former president also criticised the idea of Black men backing Donald Trump, citing polling that shows an increasing number of Black men are considering voting for Trump in 2024. Obama dismissed this support, claiming that some men mistakenly view Trump’s “aggressive behaviour” as a sign of strength. Meanwhile, other attendees and critics pointed to different reasons for the lack of support, including Harris’ controversial past as a prosecutor, which some Black men believe led to mass incarcerations within their community.

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  1. Most of it, it shows Obama’ s narrow mindedness.
    Why shoulxd you vote for ” skin color” ?
    And not competence ?
    Does obama think his ” brothers” are that stupid ?

  2. Anybody who votes on skin color, sex, sexuality – in other words, some sort of “social DNA” – is an idiot. Thinking people vote for policy. That’s why most on 5th November in the US will be voting for President Trump (again) who has said clearly what he stands for and does what he says.

    It’s the Democrats who have introduced all this DEI, CRT, LGBTQ+, drag story time for children with free sex change operations. People can see this, and people are appalled by it. The US population does not want “Sodom and Gomorrah” in their country, thank-you.

    Only unknown now is, will the Democrats and “deep state” cheat enough to “win”, or will President Trump’s lead nullify any cheating. We will know just under one month from now.

    • Full of sh*t damn right maan! He so full of sh*t. All ya’ll know it’s true. Dem brothers, maan! God damn!
      I never heard him speak like that before, what a pretentious idiot!

  3. Obama’s remarks seem to reflect a growing sense of desperation — and they seem likely to backfire. To publicly shame black men — to the point of saying, “you’re lucky Michelle (big Mike) is not here” Ha ha ha– and to accuse black men of sexism.
    Kenyan, Zionist, Communist and Key’s mate piece of sh*t.

  4. These fools think people are stupid? I have NEVER a voted on skin colour. I always note for the persons attributes. This is why I do not support Maori wards as I have voted for many Maori people, not because they were Maori, but because I thought they were the best person for the job. I have also voted for Taiwanese, Chinese and Indian people and probably Pacific Islanders too I just can’t remember because to me I only ever vote for someone with similar mindset and values regardless of race.

    What was it that MLK said “judge people by the content of the character etc etc”

    All the Democrats with good character have left and joined the other side…..that just leaves the Satan worshipping child trafficking pedophiles and their useful idiots…..anyone who votes Democrat these days may as well be hammering a nail in their own coffin. It will be the end if the USA if then manage to cheat their way to a win.

    Obamas mother was white. HE is showing the hypocrisy of the left. Conveniently using race as some kind of victim card when it suits. Let’s face it, being of mixed race or black hasnt held up Obama or Diddy or Oprah has it? All their houses and private jets. I a, sick and tired of the lot of them. Using their race to enslave the very people the7 claim to represent. Disgusting.


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