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Friday, October 18, 2024

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‘Utter calamity’: Harris slammed for ‘train-wreck’ Fox News interview

In what can only be described as a disastrous interview, Vice President Kamala Harris found herself struggling to keep up with Fox News host Bret Baier during a live sit-down, quickly becoming the subject of online ridicule and political speculation.

What began as a seemingly routine interview unravelled into a series of awkward, embarrassing moments, leaving the Vice President unable to effectively defend her administration’s policies.

The Immigration Question Gone Wrong

The trouble started when Baier, known for his tough questioning, dove straight into a hot-button issue: illegal immigration. Baier asked Harris directly, “How many illegal immigrants would you estimate your administration has released into the country over the last three and a half years?”

Harris attempted to pivot, but in doing so, made matters worse. “Bret, let’s just get to the point. Okay? The point is that we have a broken immigration system that needs to be repaired,” she responded, avoiding the specific question entirely. The deflection didn’t go unnoticed, and the interview began to veer off track.

Political commentators were quick to point out that dodging tough questions is common in politics, but Harris’ approach felt particularly glaring, as if she had been caught unprepared for an anticipated question.

Fumbling Over Trump and Policy

The situation grew more uncomfortable when Baier pressed Harris on the recent tragic death of nursing student Laken Riley, who had been murdered by an illegal immigrant. When Baier noted that this occurred under her administration’s watch, Harris stumbled, slurring her words in a jumbled statement: “No future HURM would occur.” The botched sentence, paired with her attempt to shift the blame to the Trump administration, left many viewers cringing.

In an attempt to recover, Harris awkwardly pivoted her rhetoric from “the border is secure” to admitting that the border had been insecure for a long time, placing blame on former President Trump. However, Baier was quick to remind her that over 90 Trump-era executive orders related to border policy were rescinded during Biden’s early days in office. Harris was left visibly flustered, and for a moment, entirely speechless.

Embarrassing Gaffe Over Prisoner Policy

The awkwardness didn’t end there. Baier played an ad that exposed Harris’ past support for taxpayer-funded sex changes for prisoners, a controversial topic that the Vice President tried to sidestep by criticizing Trump for the amount of money he spent on the ad itself. But the damage was already done, with her failure to address the issue head-on drawing further criticism.

Economic Plans with No Substance

Harris’ inability to provide specifics on her economic plans added to the list of low points during the interview. When asked how her administration would strengthen the economy, Harris spoke in vague terms, offering no details about her policies. Instead, she criticized Trump’s economic plans, accusing them of “blowing up our deficits,” but again, with no concrete solutions to present.

Failing to Differentiate Herself from Biden

Perhaps the most telling moment of the night came when Baier asked Harris to differentiate herself from President Joe Biden. “So you’re not Joe Biden, you’re not Donald Trump, but nothing comes to mind that you would do differently?” he asked.

Rather than taking the opportunity to carve out her own vision, Harris rambled on for a minute without saying anything of substance, leading to further frustration among viewers.

The Interview’s Lowest Point

The most painful moment of the interview, however, was when Baier asked Harris why so many Americans feel unhappy with the direction the country is heading. Harris, once again, offered no meaningful response, instead resorting to belittling Donald Trump, unable to provide any reassurances about the future under her administration.

As the conversation continued, Harris’ frustration grew evident when she began railing against Trump, calling him the “enemy from within.” Ironically, while condemning Trump for threatening to lock people up for criticizing him, Harris overlooked the fact that her own party had used legal tactics to try to prevent Trump from running in the 2024 election. The moment exposed a level of hypocrisy that critics were quick to highlight.

The Final Blow

In what may have been the most embarrassing moment of the night, Baier set up a trap that Harris failed to recognize. Empathizing with her remarks about Trump’s mental instability, he then asked when she first noticed that President Biden’s mental acuity was crumbling. Harris, seemingly caught off guard, defaulted to her go-to strategy—launching into yet another diatribe against Trump, failing to answer the question directly.

The interview ended on a fitting note when Baier, with a final touch of sarcasm, pointed out that Harris had not spent any time discussing herself or her own plans, but had instead focused entirely on attacking Trump. In a moment of exasperation, Harris directed viewers to her website if they wanted to learn more about her platform.

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  1. What was, was. What will be, will be and what is, is.

    Her use of linguistics is just like William Shakespeare.
    I think she has a secret English literature degree.

    She has also talked about star constellations, so I think she might have a master’s degree in astro-physics.

    And she talks about Venn diagrams, and she likes yellow school busses, so perhaps she counts them.
    Perhaps she also has a math’s degree.

    But where did she study for English literature, astro-physics and math? I think while she was working at McDonalds. But nobody can find her record of working at McDonalds because they hid her in the back.

    **** To anybody reading this who does not realize, and for the record, I am being completely sarcastic because this utterly ridiculous situation demands it. ****

  2. It’s being suggested: Kamala, Obama and possibly Macron are CIA operatives.
    They all seem to have a dubious upbringing by grandparents and in Kamala’s case a total fake family.
    Obama’s step father was an oil industry executive (reportedly an operative) partnered with former CIA director George Bush Sr. Haliburton industries.
    (Obama is friends with the Bush’s since childhood, appearing in pictures together).
    A Japanese man went to University with Kamala’s mother, he mentioned her alleged involvement with MKultra.
    He also mentioned the unexplained homicide of an associate going up against Kamala in San Francisco politics.
    Candace Owens is raising many questions on her Rumble channel.

  3. Harris is not in the slightest bit presidential. Day after day on full display is the diabolical nonsense. Her I/q is so far below par, it is totally ridiculous. The USA, or should I say the owners of everything has put forward a person who has no idea whatsoever about world events, just how fragile and near a nuclear exchange is. Same as Biden, who is completely dysfunctional at every level. They are no leaders. They are but mere spokespersons for others.

    Not just in my view but the entire educated and sensible world are just passengers in this train who’s only master is intent of removing the last traces of democracy and replacing it with dependency. The step after that will be bondage. It will enable the one voice government who you did not vote for to have complete authority and control over everything.

    Our senior leaders are no fools. They are fully aware of the never-ending gibberish claptrap. While NZ is not yet fully in their grip, it looks like this nation is very dependent on a false monetary system.

    The UK and Europe leaders however are fully onboard with the program to destroy their nations from within.

    Each, and every one of us is responsible for our own families on how to limit our dependency by providing our own. You will need water, food, shelter then security.

    Every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy. In clear English, Mr Tytler says a democracy only lasts for 200 years. In this order, we move from,

    1. Bondage “people oppose the conditions of bondage”
    2. Faith. “Search for unity. Deep moral gatherings.”
    3. Courage. “People fight for freedom.”
    4. Liberty. “Prosperity and freedom achieved.”
    5. Abundance. “The focus turns to material things.”
    6. Selfishness. “It is all about me and my stuff.”
    7. Entitlement and self-absorption leads to complacency.
    8. Personal responsibility lost leads to Apathy.
    9. Freedom is centralised. Independence controlled. (we are about here right now).
    10. Dependence. Government archives complete control. This is the point of no return.
    11. Bondage. The people oppose the conditions.

    The whole 200-year cycle starts again.


    • The woman is a delusional alcoholic and former prostitute…
      Should fit right in with the D.C. (District of Criminals) gang after her (s)election via stolen / manipulated votes.
      If the Demoncrats can’t steal the vote, then they have already said that they will NOT certify a Trump win…
      The ‘(s)Electoral College will still change the votes anyway..! A VERY defective and subversive system!
      Vlad is marching 150K Russian Troops to the Ukrainian border…and rightfully so!

  4. I did Kev. Both Biden and Harris are puppets and need to be managed by the deep state. When have you ever heard a leader say “I’m not allowed to say the following?”


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