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Saturday, October 19, 2024

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NZ First passes remit to put fluoridation decision making back to councils

New Zealand First fluoridation news

Last weekend (12 Oct), at a packed conference of 275 delegates, New Zealand First overwhelmingly passed a remit to advocate for the repeal of the Amendment to the Health Act that gave decision making to the Director-General of Health (DGH).

This Amendment, made in 2021, provides no right for communities to be consulted in any way and, in fact, threatens huge fines for councils who endeavour to prevent fluoridation.

History is littered with health professionals refusing to accept new information. One of the hardest to comprehend is the case of doctors refusing to try washing their hands before attending births, which was often after doing autopsies, as Dr Ignaz Semmelweis advised them to do in the mid-1800s. At the time, 18% of mothers were dying after childbirth from contracting a bacterial infection. It took a few more decades of mothers dying before doctors would incorporate this simple protocol.

The Tauranga City Council decision from Monday this week, where a majority of the councillors voted to start fluoridation despite serious reservations, highlights why decision making for fluoridation needs to be with the community. People who are not so invested in the political ramifications about a particular decision are much more capable of making an objective decision. Threatening people with huge fines to do something that goes against their conscience is straight out bullying.

The evidence that fluoridation is ineffective and harmful is now overwhelming. The Cochrane Collaboration, that the DGH relied on for making the directives to 14 councils to start fluoridation by misrepresenting its findings, has now been updated and has confirmed its earlier 2015 review that there is very little evidence and, in fact, there may be no benefit.

The US Government’s National Toxicology Program released the final version of its eight-year review of fluoride and IQ in August this year and found that fluoride is accepted by promoters and detractors alike, to be a neurotoxin and that there was no safe threshold for fluoride in the water.

A US Federal Court released its review of all the evidence presented by esteemed scientists on both sides, and especially the NTP review, and concluded that “fluoridation poses a risk to the IQ of children”. The court has ordered the US Environmental Protection Agency to undertake regulatory action to “reduce or remove” the risk posed by fluoridation.

On Friday last week (11 October 2024) Simon O’Connor, former MP and Chair of the Health Select Committee that heard submissions regarding fluoridation said on the RCR Political Panel:

“I think it’s about really our health officials, our dental associations to actually respond to what’s happening. Either reassure the public that their view, which they have held consistently is right, or begin to change it. Because I remember when I sat on the Health Committee years ago, the advisors, the MoH, the Dental Associations, all the medical people were emphatic that there was no problem at all. That’s basically why the parliament has gone down the line it has. As you note there is new information coming through and they’ve got to front it. They’ve got to be able to either, well not so much apologise, I suppose, as say look, we were wrong and change the advice and change the law or to argue the case to the contrary but they seem to be quite silent so far.”

We call on all political parties to realise the decision in 2021 was a mistake. The Ministry of Health is not capable of viewing this information objectively as they have their reputation at stake. Politicians from across the spectrum need to step up and protect New Zealanders from this known harm.

Image credit: Curated Lifestyle

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  1. WTF? how is that going to get Fluoride out of our water? So now we are going to get mass medicated in violation of the Bora and the UNHRD by the cabbage patch kids.

  2. The manipulative tactics are abhorrent!! The people in these communities are saying no to ingesting flouride through a necessity of life yet the so called officials are ordering that we take the flouride. When blindingly obvious bullying is involved there is a hidden agenda. Questions; why put flouride in the water? When a flouride “supplement” is so easy to offer. Why this extreme pressure and threats of fines for the decision to leave flouride out of water supplies? Mass medication via an essential life resource leaves very little choice. Why not leave choice and consequence in the hands of the people? The Dentists are making a living from their practice. Children’s teeth are no better with flouridation. I see no valid reason to flouridate water supplies. Let the people make the choice to take flouride or not. I choose to not take the form of flouride offered in our water

  3. Don’t pay your rates then they will not be able to afford poison to put in your water,wake up sheep your being dumped down can’t you see people are getting sicker and sicker the hospitals are overflowing.

  4. People should buy fluoride toothpaste if they want it, but let’s get it out of the water as that is forcing people to consume a poison.

    • Forcing people to consume a poison through Food and Water is our corporate state’s policy it seems Tomtom.
      Folic acid refers to pteroylmonoglutamic acid and is the synthetic (‘man made’) form of folate. Yum, that sounds “safe and effective”!
      Mandatory fortification of flour with folic acid; All non-organic wheat flour suitable for breadmaking produced or sold in New Zealand must be fortified with folic acid. Flour millers must comply with Standard 2.1.1 – 5 (a) Cereal and Cereal Products of the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. The standard outlines that non-organic wheat flour that is sold as suitable for making bread must contain no less than 2mg/kg and no more than 3mg/kg of “synthetic” folic acid.

      They just love us to death eh!

  5. “Threatening people with huge fines to do something that goes against their conscience is straight out bullying.”

    It’s coercion and a violation of the Nuremberg Protocol.
    Adding fluoride into water constitutes a “medical treatment” and nobody should be given a medical treatment without their consent.

    Fluoride is all those bad things stated in the article, but it is also something else: It blocks up the pineal gland in the brain with the direct result that our conscious/spiritual awareness is damped down / attenuated. I think that this is the intent. The “deep state” did not want us to wake up and see “the Matrix” for what it is, but over the last few years we have now been “red pilled”.

    You can pay for filters in your house to get rid of most of it. However, these also remove trace elements of minerals in the water that may be quite beneficial. There is no way out of this other than to stop fluoridating the water.

  6. NZ First actually have quite a lot of power and leverage (especially given National are in my view deservedly losing public support), so why not use it, if they are genuine about getting this toxic crap out of drinking water? Frankly, I’m not convinced by this, any more than National’s economic show boating by demanding government workers return to the office, so local businesses will prosper (which they wont as everyone is doing it hard financially…in fact this will make things worse).

    Suffice to say, New Zealand is and will remain a shitty, primitive back water, UNTIL people grow a set and start voting for new politicians and political parties. Look for the one’s being persecuted by the pigs and corrupt courts, a clear sign they are doing the right thing.

  7. “People who are not so invested in the political ramifications about a particular decision are much more capable of making an objective decision.”
    Let’s put it like: Critters who are invested in the political ramifications about a particular decision can never make an objective decision.
    But nevermind, that stooge Diana Sarfati will find out, albeit too late, that she will also have no defending argument once We The Peolpe hold jury:


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