Labour leader Chris Hipkins has overtaken Prime Minister Christopher Luxon as the preferred leader, while the latest Taxpayers’ Union-Curia poll suggests the centre-left bloc could form a government.
Conducted between 2-4 March, the poll shows Labour rising to 34.1% (+2.8), slightly ahead of National at 33.6% (+1.7). The Greens (-3.2), ACT (-2.3), and New Zealand First (-1.3) all declined, while Te Pāti Māori gained 2.1 points to 6.5%.
The result translates to a 62-seat majority for the centre-left, surpassing the 61-seat threshold, while the centre-right bloc drops to 58 seats.
Hipkins now leads Luxon in preference (20.7% vs. 20.3%), and Luxon’s net favourability has dropped to -10%.
Taxpayers’ Union spokesperson James Ross called the results “more bad news for the coalition government,” citing economic dissatisfaction as a key driver of the shift.
What load of bullshit who would vote for that little puppet Luxon is shocking but he would be worse.Seymore would be better.
Pack ya bags.
Oh look, the GE bill and not supporting the treaty principles bill is starting to hurt.
Not even ONE TERM completed. This is where ignoring the wishes of an increasingly impatient and fed up voter base, gets you National. Frankly, given the appalling legislation,. most especially the so called Gene Technology Bill, I’m not surprised New Zealander’s, including right wingers, have turned on this government in disgust.
Its just a shame to see them backing the same dishonest globalist morons, who led to this lot being elected in the first place. How bad does it need to get before people vote for new party’s and REAL change?
How bad does it need to get before people vote for a new party?
About 20 years ago, they implemented a 5% threshold that has effectively locked out any chance of change, despite the Electoral Commission advising against it at the time. These individuals need to be punished severely.
Oh haha! 😂😂😂😂 look I don’t like Luxon but Hipkins? Bitchkins? I don’t believe it for a second! If it’s true it shows you just how many people were employed by Labours communistic money laundering schemes.
And those cocksocks in National thought they could just push their GE BS through, there is no difference between cocksock #1 and cocksock #2 so just rotate them every 3 years.
The realities of the Uni-Party Death Cult System…
After all, Chippy (Howdy-Dooty) threatened to chase me and my family down and forcibly vaccinate us with the untested bio-weapon known as the Covid-19 vaccine!
Picture an amendment to the video below, that being;
Howdy = Chippy;
The audience = the MSM begging to be fed a morsel of fake news;
Buffalo Bob = ‘The Covid and genetic Experts’…
Hippie being neck-to-neck with Luxon is a picture that I will never get out of my brain again.
Just goes to show what effects having to put food on the table brings about
Most ironically caused by the Labour Government money printing during covid which like all other Western countries resulting in spiraling inflation and interest rates
And the harsh measures Luflake and co are having to traverse in fighting such
Are people really that thick that they would for a second want Lie-bor back in power? I’m off to Oz if that’s the case
Oh what short memories people have, Hipkins will never be Prime Minister, it’s just the usual left wing media narrative that has shown in the polls, we all remember how the propaganda machine works.
Luxon does need to dump his advisors, if he doesn’t grow a spine he will never recover, National voter’s will head to NZ first and Act, the media wants to break the coalition, they told us.
If you do not vote, you abstain, and abstention is agreeing with the system. Voting for any “political party” is voting for the current system, by profound irony so is abstention [not voting]. They use abstention against you. The main stream media are part of the lie. They say voting for a smaller/fringe party is a “protest vote”. It is not. It is voting for the system the same as abstention. “Abstention from voting only empowers tyranny further, as proven by our current governance. The greater the abstention, the greater and more prolonged the tyranny.”
– “Only cowards and fools abstain from voting” Abraham Lincoln.
It is Important to consider the following points to understand why spoiling a ballot by writing “I DO NOT CONSENT” is in fact the only REAL PROTEST VOTE: Which means, your spoilt ballot counts.
Luxon just finding out woke means going broke.