On the so-called 5th anniversary of Covid (which evidence shows actually started circulating around five and half years ago), two big German newspapers—Zeit and Süddeutsche Zeitung— have broken an important story..
Back in early 2020 the German intelligence service concluded with 80-95% accuracy that Covid resulted from a lab leak at Wuhan, but Chancellor Angela Merkel deliberately buried the report as did her successor Olaf Scholz. The German public and members of parliament were left completely in the dark. The media brainwashed the public with the misleading zoonotic or ‘natural origin’ fables that Anthony Fauci and Peter Daszak constructed and widely circulated to hide the outcome of their gain of function experimentation. The government stood silently by and labeled those asking questions about Covid origins ‘conspiracy theorists’. Why?
Over here in little NZ (appropriately enough on the night of a total lunar eclipse) we are still left in total Covid darkness. We are being incorrectly informed by our government, supported by a compliant and spineless media, that biotechnology experimentation is a slam dunk—completely safe, an economic miracle, a public health panacea and something to enthusiastically emulate. Apparently our government is blind to the now glaringly obvious and scientifically verified risks of biotechnology experimentation.
Starting at the lab origin of Covid, it is only a very short step to ask some difficult questions about what biotech scientists are getting up to and why. A paper published in Nature in February 2025 entitled “A humanized NOVA1 splicing factor alters mouse vocal communications” might give us a heads up. Twelve researchers undertook the work at the Rockefeller University NY financially supported by NIH (in other words it was funded by the US government). In brief, using CRISPR editing, a human amino acid variant of a gene NOVA1 was spliced into mice who then made slightly higher pitched distress calls than their unaltered cousins when separated from their mothers. Adult genetically altered male mice also made slightly different sounds when meeting females.
Join with me in feeling lucky we are not mice. However, if the NZ government has its way we might just become mice, metaphorically speaking. The Gene Technology Bill currently before the NZ parliament contains no red lines, leaving nothing off the table when it comes to juggling genes. I suppose NZ biotech ‘experts’ are getting their unfortunate mice into line ready for the big day when they can torture them however they wish. I use the word ‘torture’ deliberately, no other word fits. Or is it the other way around? Are there some genes that scientists are itching to put into humans to see what happens—how loud we squeak when separated from our mothers or go on our first date?
If you are a farmer seduced by government promises of opportunities and profits, why not talk to your brothers and sisters overseas, some of whom have been on the receiving end of biotech crops for decades? An article published in the journal Science in 2025 is entitled “Too much of a good thing: Lessons from compromised rootworm Bt maize in the US Corn Belt“. It details substantial economic losses for farmers building up over 12 years as rootworm pests develop resistance to the Bt corn that was designed to eliminate them.
As I presented dire research findings about biotechnology risks to the Health Select Committee on Monday, I was met with the three monkeys—see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. It seems that real scientific assessment is off the menu at parliament in favour of seductive glossy brochures from vested interests which promise the earth. In fact, published studies indicate the Gene Technology Bill setting us all up for failure, disappointment and disease.
I am beginning to get a strange feeling that our government doesn’t really appreciate us or care very much about what happens to us. This week the government turned to Australia to supply school lunches, flown across the Tasman, as if local Kiwi businesses can’t be trusted to cook for our kids. The Gene Technology Bill will complete the process for adults and children alike. As we have been reporting, it will hand over our menus for breakfast, lunch and dinner to mega corporations supplying the ingredients from the sludge of their heavily contaminated bioreactors.
On the other hand, in a strange and reassuring way I am feeling encouraged by all of the madness we see around us. There was a time when we considered ourselves dancing outside the fire circle trying to attract attention, but now we see that holding onto the truth brings us ever closer to the power centre of the cosmos. In contrast, it is the government that has lost its way, holding on to disproven ideologies, grasping at straws, promoting policies that don’t make any sense or address ordinary everyday needs. The true nature of administrative power is truth, intelligence and joy—these are qualities we can all aspire to.
Isn’t it about time the public are considered old enough to know the truth about Covid’s origins and all that that entails? Whatever our government imagines or secretly plots for us, the truth will come out as it did yesterday in Germany. You can see it is happening already, as the truth begins to dawn, a period of uncertainty ensues, then reality sets in. The whole society is changing now. Don’t be put off by the confusion, people are waking up. Hold on, a lot has to be renewed. Don’t lose heart, write to your MP, tell your local supermarket about the need for full disclosure labelling. No government has the right to take away our food choices. To manage these uncertain times we must hold a steady and truthful course, there is a growing body of science on our side and a lot of time-honoured wisdom to remind us that in the final analysis truth alone triumphs.
Image credit: Casey Horner
Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email.
He is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.
Guy, with all due respect, you’re a really fantastic genuine person who I greatly admire.
However. ‘Viruses’ don’t actually exist.
‘Viruses’ are a century old fraud constructed by the pharmaceutical/snake oil industry.
In New Zealand Dr Mark Bailey is the best person to consult regarding this long running ‘virus’ fraud.
The covid ‘virus’ operation was simply a U.S military psyop, which has already been exposed by Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt.
Apologies to be blunt, but you’ve slightly backed the wrong horse.
No words can describe the despair of reading that Simpkin’s Labor Party is now neck and neck with National and the ACT heading towards the next election. This is the same Labour Party under Jacinta Arden that inflicted mRNA vaccines on an unsuspecting population and destroyed our way of life forever. Guy is quite correct that Nationals are bereft of constructive ideas and policies that will take us out of this malaise. By pursuing this gene technology bill, they are selfish and dreamers in thinking they can change the world. The US have millions more in resources to do that far better than we could ever hope for. We have already seen through RFK Jnr s efforts in the US that uncontrolled experimentation leads to population poisoning and healthcare disaster. Wake up NZ. Get back to basics, jettison the lie that is called climate change and get NZ business and industry back up and running again. More oil exploration and natural resource exploitation. We don’t need to import school lunches for our kids. We did it admirably back in the 1960’s and we can do it even better today if we have the right incentives and stop living our lives as if we are stuck in a time warp back in the days of the TOW.