Judge Ema Aitken is contesting a judicial review at the High Court in Wellington after the Judicial Conduct Commissioner recommended an inquiry into her conduct at a New Zealand First function in November.
Aitken, who was attending a separate judicial event at the Northern Club, allegedly interrupted a speech by NZ First leader Winston Peters, challenging his remarks about tikanga Māori in law schools.
While NZ First claims she shouted accusations of dishonesty, Aitken insists she only mouthed a brief disagreement while passing the room and did not recognise Peters at the time. She has since apologised for her actions but argues the commissioner’s decision lacked clarity and due process. The hearing is set to conclude today.
This country can not have people like Ema Aitken judging people. Review her cases. Fire her sorry a**.
Remove Aitken and those of her status-quo ilk from the J3wdiciary!
This is why the narrow mindset of provincial colonialism is used against the tax-payng and law-abiding ‘citizens’ of this country.
You don’t get to where you should be in NZ due to this ‘status-quo’ and (anti)social hierarchy; ‘they’ end up in top jobs irregardless of how stupid one is, based on who your ‘Old Colonial Family Roots’ are, your Surname, and if you are a member of an Old Boy’s Club or the Freemasons.
Flush out the Ministry of ‘Just-Us’ (them..!) and the J3wdiciary, and then DE-establish CORPORATE ADMIRALTY LAW and REPLACE WITH ENGLISH COMMON LAW! as was supposed to have happened in 1821..!
So Mote It Be, Baby!!!
“…did not recognise Peters at the time”.
Spin us another one, you LYING judge! Yelling at Winston if he would’t be there!
But you must be special. You can’t even spell your name.
Fire her.
Lets impeach this self-entitled Bolshivic, just for fun, even though she really really deserves it.