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Saturday, July 27, 2024

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Daily Telegraph New Zealand reaches 700,000 readers in second month

Daily Telegraph New Zealand online news website readership continues to grow.

A total of 712,411 readers visited the website in only its second month of operation, according to Google Analytics. As previously reported, the numbers are well in excess of what we anticipated at launch. The website had 1,072,082 page views for the same period.

The unexpected surge in readership necessitated a major hosting upgrade, which was completed in late December. The growth demonstrates that New Zealanders have a hunger for alternative viewpoints and news.

We have plans to increase our readership further with implementation to commence in early 2022.

We sincerely thank our readers for their continued support.

According to Malcolm Dreaneen, founder and editor, the numbers bode well for the future:

‘The readership numbers are very encouraging considering we are literally at 1% of where we want to be – and that’s no exaggeration. Our social media and content footprint is tiny compared to that of legacy mainstream media, and we have not received any COVID propaganda funding from the state. We continue to face censorship, suppression and search engine visibility issues, which we intend to address with various strategies. We are not firing on all cylinders by any means, yet are able to produce great numbers. 2022 looks set to be a great year, unless there’s a catastrophic state takedown of the internet to prevent the free dissemination of information, which a number of commentators have been predicting, and which frankly, wouldn’t surprise me in the current environment.’

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  1. I suspect this ‘news’ site has been set up recently to spread misinformation and conspiracy theories about Covid and vaccines. It was set up very recently. It has therefore no reputation for reliability or balance.

    • Of course it has been set up recently, where does it say it hasn’t? The headline says ‘Second month’. Please show a link to one article which is conspiracy theory or misinformation, thanks.

    • Geoff, your claim we have ‘no balance’ is a false conspiracy theory. We have published numerous press releases direct from the government about a variety of topics including Covid and vaccines. We also allow people to freely comment, and there is a good mix of pro and against viewpoints. Most other news sites have disabled comments across all platforms, which we consider undemocratic. I don’t know why you only ‘suspect’ we are a new website, as it’s pretty clearly stated everywhere that we first published in October. As we previously stated in earlier press releases, if you had taken the time to read them, the readership numbers took us by surprise, and we have had to bring forward our development plans by a full year.

    • what the hell happened to freedom of speech? Ideas stand on their merits not through silencing the opposition. At least these guys stand up for what they believe in, you know, like our grandfathers did in WW2? All power to them. You Geoffrey are in that category who got no balls to do anything

  2. Quick some one get Geoff his 4th booster, he’s going nutty!!! Seriously you guys have done a wonderful job in balancing the MSM propaganda. There’s a new breed of independent media rising, Daily Telegraph, The BFD, the Buzz etc. When the scamdemic is over the people will realise that the MSM were deep in the rot of lies and their days will be over


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