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Wednesday, January 15, 2025


Guy Hatchard

Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: Cancer Research Unveils A New Era of Genetic Chaos

Every so often you come across a scientific study that changes all the rules and undermines the certainties that people think apply to life...

Guy Hatchard: We are being prepped to suffer another catastrophe

Two lead articles in the UK Guardian yesterday give an indication of what we collectively face over the next five to ten years. One was...

Ex PM Jacinda Ardern appointed to an international role to promote government and media censorship

The Australian bucked the Covid publishing trend three days ago with an article “Media to blame for Covid vaccines’ wall of infallibility”. The Australian has a...

The last ditch deceptions aimed at saving the doomed and deadly Covid vaccines

The last ditch deceptions aimed at saving the doomed and deadly Covid vaccines. An article by Penny Murray, Stuff newspaper’s news director, appeared yesterday with...

Guy Hatchard: Sir Ashley Bloomfield is incorrect

NZ has suffered the worst health disaster in our history and it is not over. Is this due to miscalculation, subterfuge, or lies? Sir Ashley Bloomfield...

Guy Hatchard: The gene illusion that is killing us

Summary: Data from the Ministry of Health reveals a massive 103% increase in hospitalisations among twelve disease categories measured in 2021. The safety of medical...

Guy Hatchard: Death stalks mRNA vaccination in New Zealand

As we enter into another year, excess all cause deaths for the first six weeks of 2023 in New Zealand are running at 700...

Deliberate manipulation of public opinion during the early months of the pandemic and the vaccine rollout has led to ‘Learned Helplessness’

Damaging revelations from UK Health Minister Matt Hancock’s 13th December 2020 private WhatsApp messaging show just how much the UK government sought to manipulate the...

A New Beginning or a Sudden End?

You have probably seen renewed discussion of the origin of Covid in the media. As reported by the Wall Street Journal, the US Department of Energy...

In a burst of psychopathic schizophrenia, the NZ government calls for everyone over the age of 30 to receive new boosters and simultaneously releases...

It is increasingly hard to make any sense of NZ government Covid policy. A paper completed by our Ministry of Health and published in the...
