22.6 C
Monday, March 10, 2025


Lynda Wharton

Lynda Wharton has been at the forefront of holistic therapies in New Zealand for over 30 years. She is both a Traditional Chinese Acupuncturist and a Naturopath, and is a member of the New Zealand Register of Acupuncturists (MNZRA). Lynda specialises in the holistic treatment of women’s health problems.

Lynda Wharton: Please don’t ever forget them

THE NZ PRIME MINISTER MONDAY 12 SEPTEMBER 2022 "It's time to safely turn the page on our Covid-19 management, and live without the extraordinary measures...

An essential lawn update from Katie Harris…And a grass roots update from me

This is the lawn in front of parliament. Katie has kindly shared an update with us all so that we can sleep peacefully knowing that...

I Honour our Heroes

"You are so strong and courageous". That is the support and encouragement i have received from many Health Forum members in the past year. I really...

Jacinda: Why can’t you hear your people’s pain?

Jacinda: Why can't you hear your people's pain? Dear Jacinda, you probably won't read this, but I will feel a load lifted from my shoulders by...

The truth about the COVID-19 ‘V’ and myocarditis

Dr Hung a New Zealand Pathologist spends her days focused on dead people. I spend mine, day after day after day, speaking with alive and...

Someone just ask the obvious questions….please

I was 18 and chasing my dream career. I remember the overnight train to Wellington and the 2 days of intense interviewing and testing. I was...

Lynda Wharton: ‘Let me make this clear’

Let me make this clear.... I don't care if you have the covid vax. There I've said it, and you might be shocked. People constantly say to...

A letter to our Prime Minister

Dear Jacinda, I am a New Zealander, a mother and a grandmother. The closest I have been to you was when we jigged side by side...
