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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

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Luxon: Mandates should unwind after Omicron peak

The Government should begin removing vaccine mandates progressively once we are through the peak of Omicron, National Leader Christopher Luxon says.

“National is strongly pro-vaccination, but the public health rationale for mandates is much less than it was just a few months ago. Omicron is just so infections and busts through vaccination, including boosters.

“New Zealanders have done the right thing. We got vaccinated in record numbers. We’re getting boosted. We get tested. We’ve tolerated being shut off from the rest of the world for two years.

“The Government must step up and begin to heal the deep divisions it has created in our society before they get worse. Key to that is a plan on what criteria they will use to begin lifting vaccine mandates.

“Mandates are becoming increasingly less relevant in our highly-vaccinated population and as Covid becomes endemic. They should begin to be removed progressively once we are through the peak of Omicron.

“The areas where Government mandates should be removed first are vaccination requirements for border workers, vaccine pass requirements for children’s sport and vaccine pass requirements for hospitality businesses.

“Hospitality businesses around New Zealand are doing the hard yards under current settings – despite officials specifically telling Labour not to apply vaccine pass requirements to bars, restaurants and cafes.

“The Government also needs to open up the border right now for Kiwis coming home from anywhere in the world. We should quickly open to tourists and other visa holders too, and we should get rid self-isolation requirements unless someone tests positive when they land.

“National is the party of law and order, and we condemn the illegal and antisocial behaviour of those involved in the protest. MPs cannot engage with law-breakers while roads are illegally occupied and death threats hang in the air.

“But we should not ignore the wider frustrations of law-abiding New Zealanders and businesses doing it tough.”

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  1. Oh my gosh!!! When did I miss the appointment of Luxon as comrade Arderns deputy prime minister ????We are in trouble nz at the next election unless we can be independent of any and all government rule. They continue to push through with their own agenda. They are reckless,deaf,and blind to the voices of the people. Under the guise of a vaccine they have harmed us deliberately. Be watchful nzers be alert have you noticed the governments new acc advert showing guy with bleeding nose and excusing it as an accident, a precursor maybe for Marburg or hemorrhagic fever as discovered by American whistle blowers. I love you New Zealand and we will fight to keep you out of foreigners hands

  2. There is no difference here from what Ardern said. It’s just an echo or parroting of what was said with no definite date of the lifting of mandates. And again, to claim the protesters are illegal and have anti-social behavior only addresses the minority within the group. There is nothing that addresses the main issues as to why the protesters have come out in their thousands. This is just trying to do damage control because my view is that both National and ACT have taken a hit with their supporters. I, for one, will not be supporting either party in 2023. Consider New Nation Party for anyone reading this.

  3. Luxon has today shown that he is completely unsuited to be the leader of the so called opposition let alone a Prime Minister in waiting. What a pathetic specimen.

  4. There is a powerful force underlying all this narrative. You see it controlling Trudeau, Jacinda, macron. And them controlling us. It comes from Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, CDC, FDA, WHO, Phiser, NIAD, Darpa, CIA and the big media and social media controllers . If you think that sounds crazy, then listen to Robert Kennedy talk about it and his book, The Real Fauci. This has been planned, carried out, and we are in the middle of it. We can’t really comprehend what’s happening because we simply refuse to believe it. But something very bad is happening, from the vaccines, to the mandates, the price increases, the shortages, loss of jobs, the media spin on everything etc etc.. This is i feel just the beginning of much more sinister stuff to follow.
    What will that be is the million dollar question.
    My gut says something in the vaccines will lead us down a dark hole. You know in your hearts if you’ve done the research, that this whole thing was only ever about, them getting as many jabs in as many people as possible.
    Even when they are blatantly not working, they didn’t care, even if other remedies were better, they didn’t want to know. They just want to jab jab jab you. Ask yourself WHY.
    What if Graphine Oxide has been used. Like Wuhan was a conspiracy, now is the truth, Graphine Oxide is still a conspiracy for most of us. Research it and you will find GO is often used as a bio sensor. Tracking, tracing, identification. Sounds awesome if you had a CIA mindset. Add to that 5G excites GO with a high enough frequency and makes it potentially destroy ones immune system according to some. Then you also have a bio weapon to threaten and subdue with. Suddenly the public can be tracked, traced, threatened, do it or else. Someone speaks out against climate change, or Government policy, then turn up the frequency. Zap you got AIDS, gone burger. Snuffed out. Just looks like a death from covid.
    I hope I’m wrong but evidence is mounting.
    Magnetic did I hear you say. Long strands discovered by embalmers they have never ever seen before in 30 years did someone say.
    Think hard before you take your next safe and effective Govt approved trusted Science backed data checked she’ll be ok no worries its good for you JAB.!!!

  5. “Our ‘vaccine’ is sooooo safe we made sure every government on Earth granted us eternal zero liability for any extremely rare and very minor adverse events.”

    “Our transparency with the ingredients list exceeds all expectations, as you will see for yourselves in about 75 years – excluding ‘extensions’, of course.”

    “We want to keep you safe. Hey, little guy, little girl, wanna get some free candy? Just come over here and these masked strangers will give you this wee jab first…”

    What these placeholder ‘politicians’ are getting (for the cameras), and what the general populace is having forced upon them are two very different things.

  6. Luxon, stop using the media as a hedge. Grow a spine and walk around the encampment as Peters did. An experienced politician such as Peters and even Bolger admit the people need to be heard. Its all about being heard, the same as you’ll want to be heard, the closer the election approaches. The crowd has no beef with you but you’ll create one by maintaining your distance. As much as Ardern’s fantasy that all Parties are under her control is playing out, you are the leader of the largest opposition Party and you’re allowed to depart from her control. If it keeps you feeling secure, keep saying its illegal and they’re despicable but get down there and weigh up who is on the ground and get some validation of how NZ feels to calibrate the general observations you’ve made so far. They’re on Parliament’s lawn and they have significant backing in the districts; its just that all those backers can’t be there right now.

    Two thirds of the votes are cast outside of the Auckland area.

      • Ardern’s doing a bit of hiding lately. That imported style of protest has a lot to answer for. Meanwhile, politicians, present and past, who know she hasn’t got a chance from here are walking in Parliament grounds and are having their say [Bolger] while she’s missing in action. Maybe she’s got personal things to deal with?
        Inflation’s running and housing isn’t really getting better despite the bi-Partisan “fix”. So many issues piling up and most of the $60b borrowed has gone on non-covid expenditure (buy offs) and hundreds of pricey upgrades for maraes. There has to be a reckoning.


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