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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Accidental text exposes Labour caucus secret Gaurav Sharma meeting

Gaurav Sharma meeting news
Dr. Sharma speaking at yesterday’s 76th Anniversary of Indian Independence Day celebrations in Auckland.

A text message of a secret Zoom meeting of Labour MPs called to discuss the fate of whistleblower MP was sent to Dr. Gaurav Sharma by mistake.

Sharma, who was in Auckland yesterday to celebrate the 76th anniversary of India’s Independence Day said he received the text last night.

Sharma told media it was clear Labour had pre-determined the outcome of events because he was not told of last night’s meeting – the only member of the Labour caucus not to receive notice of it.

The Labour caucus is meeting this afternoon to decide Sharma’s fate, with Jacinda Ardern expected to make a public announcement around 4pm.

While Sharma was invited to today’s meeting, he was unsure if he would make it due to the late notice and a full diary of events.

Sharma indicated to media that if he was kicked out of the Labour Party, he might stay on as an Independent.

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  1. I have to say, I don’t think the idiots in Wellington actually realise just how much they are hated by the rest of the country. It really is an echo chamber down there.

    I reckon Dr Sharma should talk to Matt King. Would be GREAT to have a sitting MP and one that has support from local constituents. Not to mention his impeccable qualifications and moral code. Furthermore Dr Sharma has shown his dedication to this country and constituents over party politics and THAT a is what a true MP should be like. Sharma exposing drama! He’s got my support!

    National is dead to me also. I am supporting Democracy New Zealand all the way. Let’s start a revolution people! Get some honesty , fairness, some ACTUAL kindness and some unity back in this place!

  2. Meeting in secret to agree what size knife to stick in the guy’s back.

    Yip, his allegations are CLEARLY missinfo.

    The media twits trying their damndest to sidetrack the conversation back to Uffindell is hilarious.

    Actions > words

  3. Jabcinda is the head bully here. She kept Trevor Mallord, a known rowdy, as speaker to intimidate the opposition. She also had party whips to bully labour MPs. What do you expect from a tyrant and WEF agent?

    • I expect Jabcinda to fund STUFF to bring out smear articles soon in the name of public interest journalism. Bullied and bullies- the whole truth, brought to you by Paula.


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