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Monday, October 14, 2024

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Ardern to receive Damehood at Windsor Castle

Ardern damehood news

Former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is set to formally receive her damehood next week at a ceremony in Windsor Castle, London.

The honour, to be bestowed by Prince William, evidently recognises her “leadership” during critical moments such as the Christchurch attacks and the Covid-19 pandemic.

Ardern was appointed a Dame Grand Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the 2023 King’s Birthday Honours, just months after her unexpected resignation from office.

The news has sparked a backlash on social media, with many criticising her record as prime minister.

Comments ranged from questioning her leadership to outright condemnation.

“How does the worst PM in NZ history get knighted? If running NZ into the ground earns you a title, what’s next!” read one post.

Another user remarked, “It’s disgraceful and makes a mockery of the award,” while others accused her of abandoning New Zealand, saying, “She is too busy to come back to NZ even for the ceremony. We were always only a stepping stone for her.”

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  1. What are these so called awards when you consider them for what they are? Symbols of inequality and medieval style feudalism….

    I wouldn’t wipe my a*** on them……

    • Exactly. The royal family should be consigned to the dustbin of history. Biggest welfare bludgers of them all.

      Could then get a new constitution in NZ that sees the treaty of Waitangi and its contention overidden.

      And that wicked witch of the west, Jacinda. We know why you haven’t received your title here in NZ.

      Stay out of the country you f’d over

  2. Another evil Satan worshiping psychopath gets recognition for playing her/his part in fulfilling the Zionists agenda. Of course, the cheques in the mail.

    • The Royals sold breeding rights to the Rothschilds in return for the alleviation of debt after the Battle of Waterloo in 1815
      They’re all mixed race j*ws

  3. Ah, this is where the elites give themselves awards. A bit like real estate agents but way less trustworthy…..

    Have a look at all the people Obama gave medals to like bill gates……a good way of finding out who the greedy sellout usefull idiots are.

  4. One must see for what it is, those awards are given by parasites for parasites. Just remember all the wealth the Royal family has, has all been stolen.

  5. This doesn’t feel at all right on so many levels.
    Maybe awaiting the outcome and reporting of both phases of the Covid Commission of Inquiry in New Zealand (due 2025) would have been more appropriate.
    Accepting the Honour in the UK may be a disappointment for those who did support Jacinda in New Zealand only to have felt abandoned when she ‘had nothing left in the tank’ for New Zealand but plenty to give overseas and away from the Leadership roles. This may be the final straw for that support.
    Time will tell…but the words ‘self serving’ spring to mind in this scenario , which does not resonate well with these Honours.
    Maybe now is a good time to look at whether this is necessary for New Zealand in the future. Jacinda should accept that she has had her day in the sun and we have all well moved on and simply don’t need reminding.

  6. Look at Daddy’s little Princess having tea with the Prince. How grand is she.

    For someone who is supposedly a stoic socialist, “eh Comrads”, she shore does like to be an elitist, above everyone else.

  7. What a shame Dun Mihaka has passed on. A whakapohane is the appropriate responsse to this blatant insult to New Zealanders blessed with reason.

  8. This brings to question the intent of the extended Royal Family.
    I don’t think QEll would have been quick to award such an inject-the-population monster any accolades for the on-going quiet genocide via the needle & mRNA genetic contaminations.
    After all Princess Kate M. has cancer, and one can only wonder if the PTB who the Royals kowtow to (ie the Rothschilds and the Zionist Banksters) are not out to eliminate the Royal Families on a global basis in order to get them out of the way via Covid vaccines so that the Globalists can take full-power over humanity (what’s left of the un-contaminated populations..).
    A historical example of this is when the Russian Royal Family was murdered by the same Bolshevik Zionists that are still active today with genocide in Gaza & the West Bank, in Lebanon, and soon the rest of the Middle East.
    Interesting is the fact that the Balfour Declaration is ‘null and void’ as-
    1. The Balfour Declaration was NOT on official Parliamentary letterhead;
    2. It was NOT submitted to His Majesty the King of England for his opinion or signatory, nor to the House Speaker;
    3. It was clearly an invasion of sovereign Palestine, by force (Nakba), and is rapidly approaching a grand finale via total genocide!
    4. When the Talmudic Zionists and their imposition of Noahide Law is finished in the Middle East, they will be coming for the rest of the world! These yamulk-wearing monsters need to be stopped where they currently are in the Middle East and in the *Ukraine (*Formerly J3wi$h Ashkenazi Khazaria…)
    In the meantime, the shameful and ‘unwavering support’ behaviours of the nations supporting the criminal Nation / State of Israel by not holding the Zionist realm to account for war crimes, violations of the Geneva Convention, U.N. Agreements, and the subversion by the Mossad to destroy the nations in the West will, as always, go unanswered due to the Mossad compromising those ‘Western Nation Leaders’.!
    Mass migration designed to de-stabilise Nations is a Zionist Plan to do just that!
    SO…if you think that such ‘restrictions’ can’t happen here, they already have under the guise of Covid Lock-Downs via Jabby with her únwavering’ Mormon Church priority support of Israel.
    Jabby is the Communist deadly tool that the Zio-Globalist Banksters used to be rid of certain ethnicities with genetically-designed bio-weapons (mRNA w/ Spike Proteins).
    And…the Egg Head and his crew are not much better.
    Winston doesn’t want to overstep his boundaries within the coalition boat lest he capsize the same based on the lies that are being forwarded on and carried over from the last government.
    Jabby, by all means, is going ‘to & fro’ like the description of the Devil in the Bible in her mission to impose the 900+ pages of the Project 2025 dictates that work in with Agenda 2030, the WEF Reset, and more population erasures.
    We do need a ratified Constitution and Bill of Rights; the NZ Loyal Party had this in their platform, but then they were suddenly vanished and dissolved. Despite a Special General Meeting of the NZ Loyal Party Membership, the results of that meeting have never been published..!
    That political party was probably threatened, intimidated, and disenfranchised from any help from the Electoral Commission.

  9. Pass the sick bucket.
    She left behind massive permanent damage to NZ and its people.
    Like a human wrecking ball.
    Yet she is proud of it all and will accept this decoration.


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