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Sunday, October 6, 2024

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Auckland Uni ordered to pay Wiles $20k in employment case

Siouxsie Wiles news

The Employment Court has determined that the University of Auckland violated its contractual obligations to ‘safeguard the health and safety’ of Dr. Siouxsie Wiles, a former associate professor.

The decision follows a three-week hearing last November, initiated by complaints from Wiles, who argued that the university inadequately protected her as harassment intensified during the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’.

Wiles, a microbiologist, became a prominent public advocate and commentator during New Zealand’s response to the outbreak, including recommending the use of the COVID mRNA gene therapy, marketed to the public as a ‘vaccine’.

In the ruling released on Monday, Judge Joanna Holden stated, “I find that the University’s approach to dealing with the circumstances of Associate Professor Wiles breached its health and safety obligations to her in that it failed to provide adequate protection and support to her.”

The court also found that the university failed to uphold its contractual obligation to be a good employer as outlined in its Collective Agreement, including acting in good faith towards its employees.

Judge Holden criticized the university for exacerbating Wiles’ distress rather than assisting her in managing the situation.

“Rather than assisting Associate Professor Wiles to deal with the situation she was in, the correspondence from the University exacerbated her distress,” Holden noted. The judge also rejected the university’s claim that the case was minor, highlighting the ongoing nature of the harassment and the university’s insufficient actions, which caused considerable distress to the claimant.

While the case touched upon academic freedom, Judge Holden clarified that the university was not attempting to suppress new or controversial ideas. Dr. Wiles’ commentary was in line with mainstream opinions and government advice at the time.

The university has been ordered to pay Wiles $20,000 with 28 days.

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  1. 😂. I love seeing the narcissistic lefties getting their nickers in a tiff! May the Woke institutes continue to attract toxic blubber with the inevitable breakdown’s going public!

  2. Judge Holden, say no more. He is a globalist puppet judge, here to make the most damage to this country’s sovereignty as possible.

    • Some sniffling smug cunningness, armed with fallacious authority, identifies as umpire humanistically educated, doing ‘justice’.
      If you die your hair pink and act like the good witch but spell dangerous ideology (NOT science), proselytize criminal medical procedures and if you are nothing but an industry/elite stooge, isn’t it part of your job risk to attract “intensified harassment” because people had enough of snake oil sales creatures. Any decent judge would take that into account.
      There is a site called ‘Rate my professors’, another ‘Rate my teachers’, there used to be one called ‘Rate my dentist’ (maybe they all fell off the cliff).
      We need a site like : ‘Rate the judge’
      And more hair die.

  3. This decision sets an appalling legal precedent, in effect making employers liable for deranged rogue employees comments on social media.

    With all due respect, the judge is clearly an idiot.

  4. Ms Wiles is a microbiologist and therefore obviously not qualified to give medical advice on social media.

    It seems very odd that Wiles employer is legally required to support her unqualified unhinged ludicrous guff on social media.

  5. Ah the one who talks misinformation whilst promoting the fairytale of the unjabbed being 22x more likely to give you covid.

    Anytime you are annoyed with this grifter, just go to youtube and watch the vax-a-nation song video. She has to live her whole life associated with that atrocity.

    Apparently, according to that ditty, if you caught covid your dick might not work, so get vaccinated (even though the jab doesn’t stop infection).

  6. Why cant someone sue her for gaslighting the public of NZ. about covid and the non-vaccine vaccine. We the tax payer already paid way too much to make a documentary about this clown. She go hassled because she lied to the country, it’s her own fault. Oh also De-fund Auckland University, no more taxpayer funds for them as they tend to be just another breeding ground for these kinds of losers.

    • Absolutely with regards to de-funding!!! Plus-
      Auckland Uni should either seek a remand to repeal the conviction or counter-sue!
      The whole gang, ie Mikey Baker, Ashley Gloomfield (working offshore and now pushing for the WHO edicts that remove a nation’s sovereignty) were regular daily guests on the Jabby & Chippy Show every afternoon when the Great Bio-Weapon Fraud was going on.
      Giving credence to that mess is why the MSM / ‘Legacy’ media has failed.
      MSM has failed miserably, and Alternative News has blossomed with truth!
      NZDSOS has been spot-on, as has been Counterspin Media and Voices for Freedom.

  7. “Dr. Wiles’ commentary was in line with mainstream opinions and government advice at the time.” Says it all. “opinions” are NOT science and she ain’t no scientist nor were her opinions compatible with body autonomy.

    • It was such a complete and utter joke.

      “Here guys, trust the advice of this woman (whose hair is this colour by choice) because she clearly makes good decisions…”


  8. So she draws attention to herself, by appearing on media, including having a documentary made about herself, ignored her own advice, dyes her hair pink so she can be seen a million miles away, regularly posted misinformation on social media and gaslit people who didn’t want the poison she was promoting, calls her business some satanic name and THEN complains and acts like a victim? Unreal lady. Just PO already. You know diddly squat about ANYTHING and you and your pink hair are a joke. Just another reason to avoid Auckland university.


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