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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Popular Now

Brian Tamaki protest – social media reacts, police say ‘concludes without issue’

A police statement released at 3.20pm confirmed the protest near the Auckland Domain had concluded without issue and protesters had dispersed.

‘Around 500 people congregated in Auckland Domain today to engage in protest activity,’ said Inspector Jim Wilson, Auckland City East Area Commander.

‘In general, this was a peaceful protest, which Police monitored accordingly.

‘While there were no arrests or incidents of note, Police will complete a review phase in the coming weeks to determine if any follow-up action is required.

‘The Police focus today remained on balancing the safety of all protesters and the public, while acknowledging the right to protest peacefully and lawfully.

‘We note the activity did disrupt traffic in central Auckland where some motorway on and off-ramps were temporarily closed by Waka Kotahi to minimise further disruption.

‘These have now reopened and there are no further network issues.’

The protest was notable for the presence of a small lead by TAFA (Tamaki Anti Fascist Action) ‘counter-protest’ against the Destiny Church leader, with the hashtag #FARCoffBrian trending on Twitter throughout the day.

Supporters of both protests took to the platform to have their say.


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  1. It’s about time we were all in the streets. The govt seems incompetent and traitorous. The expenditure of public monies is profligate and its slush funds are of dubious Parliamentary authority.
    Remove this gulliblement now.

  2. This government is incompetent beyond words, everything they touch is a disaster. Worst government in the history of our great nation of New Zealand.

    • You are right about them being the worst govt (in my lifetime) but they know exactly what they are doing. They have been ordered to ruin our economy by their overseas masters and that’s just what they are doing. So really they are a pack of sellouts and liars.

      Someone said Helen Clark removed the treason law, I can see why now because they have been planning this for years. John Key another sellout. He even backed Helen Clark for her UN job. It’s a big club and we ain’t in it,

  3. Found this comment on another board, thought it is just as relevant in NZ, just change the traitors names…….

    “COVID” didn’t shut down the world.

    The WEF/Gl0b0h0m0 cabal didn’t shut it down.

    The doctors didn’t shut it down.

    Whether you believe that it was ever a real virus or not, get this part 100% crystal clear:

    Our elected representatives, who swore an OATH to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, when confronted with a DAMN BUG THREW THE BILL OF RIGHTS OUT THE WINDOW.
    They had a chance to safeguard our rights and our freedoms and they , including TRUMP. Including DESANTIS. Including all your political “heroes” – WENT STRAIGHT FROM “hey look a sick person” to “GET IN YOUR HOUSE AND WEAR THE DAMN MASK UNTIL WE SAY ITS “SAFE” , PROLES”.

    They did that ****. You can wish it away. You can say as one commenter did, “but that was 2 years ago”.
    These political bastards had a chance to lead, Constitutionally and bravely. Instead they all showed us that they were cowering, quivering, self-preserving scumbags. NOT ONE remembered THEIR OATH.

    Not one.
    1 hour ago

    And then they told us to TAKE THE TOTALLY SAFE vaccines. Made by the pharma companies that paid them. Some even tried to mandate them. But it doesn’t matter. “Recommendation” of poison is just as bad as any mandate. You’re just using a softer sales pitch.

  4. No the people in power did not do it the people did it to themselves they let this happen they were totally coned ,time for war be prepared this time.

  5. I am not in any way connected to Brian or his church but I have been on several of the marches – loved it! Great bunch of people and I thank Brian for uniting people to push back on the Govt.

    As for the counter protesters – what a joke. Imagine protesting against people who want to stand up for others rights and freedoms!

  6. ???????????? counter protesters!!!!! More like a government hire a thug to deliberately incite anger. Get creative Ardern this sh.t has been done before… remember?


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