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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Cops seek woman in relation to Facebook Marketplace scams

Ashleigh Houston news
Ashleigh Houston. PHOTO SUPPLIED.

Police are seeking the public’s assistance to locate Ashleigh Houston, who they want to speak with in relation to a number of Facebook Marketplace scams.

Houston is said to be actively avoiding Police.

It is believed she is in the Manawatu area but she does have links to the Whanganui and Taranaki regions.

“We would ask anyone who knows where she is or has any information which may assist Police in locating her to please contact us via 105 quoting file number 240719/8895,” said police in a statement.

You can also share information anonymously through Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Source:NZ Police

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  1. A virtual Leprecaun???
    Get off of AI-driven ‘(un)Social Media, as the same can spoof you, and frame you with alleged criminal activities which are hard to disprove, or disproving the same is actually avoided by the defence lawyers as instructed by the WEF / PTB /Masonic Lodge members which many JUdges belong to.
    Take away their weaponised (un)Social Media and Lawfare that targets those with planted false info on their accounts.
    Stay on (un)Social Media also gives the crims a chance to scam you, blackmail you, and frame you for extortion money.
    Go Gray Man / Woman, get rid of the iPads, iPhones, and ‘Smart Phones’ that track your movements and spy on you as verified by Ed Snowden, Julian Assange, Bill Benny, Kim Dotcom, and Alex Jones.
    Get a ‘Dumb Phone / old-style Flip Phone that you can put in a Farraday pouch, and turn it on only when you need to when making calls, or expecting a incoming call.
    Put your smaller electronic ‘devices’ into an old microwave oven which you can leak-test by simply using two mobile phones; one in the disused microwave oven, and the other outside. Then-
    Try calling the phone in the microwave. If the enclosed mobile phone doesn’t ring in the microwave oven, then there is no leakage of signals. IF it does ring, then find an old disused microwave oven that seals properly.
    This is the more efficient way of a makeshift Farraday Box to keep your items safe from being spied on, and also for security against an EMP.


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