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Monday, October 28, 2024

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Get your boosters: Baker tells state media a ‘summer Covid wave’ is on its way

Summer Covid wave news

University of Otago’s Professor Michael Baker is sounding the alarm on a potential summer wave of Covid-19, citing a new subvariant, XEC, reported in New Zealand this month.

Speaking to state media, Baker warned kiwis to expect “increased infections and deaths”.

According to Baker, although summer usually sees lower transmission rates, this wave could still be “very harmful” due to the sheer volume of infections, which he claims could spike deaths from five to as many as 30-35 per week.

“The trouble with these waves isn’t so much that the new subvariants that are causing them are more harmful, it’s mainly that they just infect a whole lot more people,” he said.

“The number of deaths might increase from, say, five a week up to maybe 30 or 35 per week. And we’re going to get more cases of long Covid.”

The focus, he claimed, should be on expanding access to booster shots.

“We don’t allow people under 30 years of age to get any boosters. And I think that’s a mistake because they can get long Covid. They need protection,” he said.

Baker also raises concerns about “long Covid”, stating it affects around 6-7% of adults globally and warns that repeat infections—even mild or asymptomatic ones—could heighten risks of long Covid.

He described a “small signal” of increasing resistance to key antivirals like Paxlovid and Remdesivir, which he says could eventually become a clinical concern.

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  1. Can Baker show the NZ people the Sars Cov 2 Isolatd and purified sample… which was peer reviewed by 500x Doctors, Viriologist and specialist- No he can’t.. Fraud on a massive scale. Just to start. Why?

  2. Maybe Michael Baker needs to communicate with the Hospitals to determine just how many patients are there due to enduring adverse reactions to vaccine before he promotes further boosters inevitably placing more pressure on the Health system.
    Do we not have any treatments in this country for Covid?

  3. Does a ‘new wave’ transpire from the likelihood a whole lot of batches of vaccine about to expire?
    Then again, how would a booster already on the shelf cover the ‘new ‘XEC strain?

  4. Any Zionist puppet flapping their gums about this “safe and effective” bio-weapon, needs to lead by example, roll up their sleeve and get the “real deal hot batch” from one of the NZDSOS patriots, preferable more than one.

  5. Tell me again how this Safe and Effective experimental gene therapy doesn’t stop you getting covid, doesn’t stop you passing covid on or dying from covid. And isn’t the definition of insanity, repeating the same thing and expecting a different result? Can Baker explain why the under forty age group are presenting themselves to hospital emergency departments with heart issues in escalating numbers since the Safe and Effective jabs commenced in NZ?

  6. Well said Rob. With the majority of the population force jabbed and steeply increasing deaths and injuries post-jab, “get another one” is again being promoted.
    Really, the only thing this announcement does is convince people to turn away from corrupted paid-off university and equally corrupted mainstream medical system advice, now in its death-throes, and work on creating together a new, enlightened, workable health paradigm where real healing happens.

  7. He looks like a slav which would explain his pathological tendencies
    Concrete boots
    Or a cray pot Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    That goes in the too hard basket


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