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Thursday, October 24, 2024

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Government to consult on regulation of shooting clubs and ranges

Shooting club regulation news
Stock photo.

The Government is consulting New Zealanders on a package of proposals for simple and effective regulation of shooting clubs and ranges, Associate Minister of Justice, Nicole McKee announced today.

“Clubs and ranges are not only important for people learning to operate firearms safely, to practice, and to compete, but they are also great community assets,” Minister McKee said.

“However, law changes in 2020 changed the way that clubs and ranges are regulated, with all shooting clubs needing to be approved, and ranges needing to be certified, often at extensive cost.

“I am concerned these requirements went beyond what was needed to ensure public safety. The current regulations impact the people running clubs and ranges – many of whom are volunteers – and create a risk that they will close.

“This would have a negative impact on public safety. Club members run many of our ranges, and if a club closes there is no one to operate the range. This leaves no safe venue for the essential tasks of sighting in rifles and educating new licensed firearms owners on firearms safety.

“ACT’s coalition agreement committed to immediately beginning work to repeal and replace Part 6 of the Arms Act 1983 relating to clubs and ranges. We have been working hard on this, and today I am pleased to share what that looks like.”

The Ministry of Justice will undertake focused consultation from now through June on a package of proposals for simple and effective regulation of pistol and non-pistol shooting clubs and ranges.

“I am looking forward to hearing the views of stakeholders. Final proposals will be confirmed after the consultation has concluded, with a Bill to be introduced to Parliament later this year,” she said.

“In the meantime, the Government will make a short-term adjustment to the non-pistol club annual reporting requirement.

“Non-pistol shooting clubs have contacted me directly, concerned about the requirement to provide an annual report. This is first-hand knowledge of the pressure clubs are under. In my view, this is an example of over-regulation without a clear public safety rationale.

“Adjusting this requirement for non-pistol clubs will serve as a short-term measure, benefiting over 100 non-pistol shooting clubs, until broader changes to the requirements for clubs are considered as part of the Arms Act rewrite.”

All shooting clubs will need to comply with current requirements until the changes have come into effect.

“I look forward to sharing my wider programme of firearms law reform with New Zealanders. We need simple and effective regulation that contributes to the safety of New Zealand communities by keeping firearms out of the hands of those who would misuse them.”

Image credit: Mike Satterfield

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  1. It’s ALWAYS about finding more revenue. But if they squeeze too tight they kill the source. Time to back off a little bit.

  2. This is just another form of ‘Gun Kontrol’ that will be discouraging in it’s proposal for ‘amended changes’…!
    There was also a proposal to increase the Firearms Licence Fee from the current $126.50 to $727.00 for a 10 Year Firearms Licence!
    Jabby and her Communist Ilk were attempting to impose these unaffordable fees so that owning a firearm would become untenable due to the cost of the licencing, needing to purchase a gun safe, and this came after the gun grab on MSSA’s high-capacity magazines, etc. Just another method to ‘get rid of the guns…!’
    Nowadays, the fee is still $126.50, and you have to now resit the test in front of a Firearms Officer, despite already having attended the Firearms Safety Course, having the Firearms Officer visit the home to verify a proper gun locker / safe, and having been previously vetted on an extensive and detailed scale.
    This ‘Coalition Government’ was supposed to repeal Jabby’s gun-grabbing ‘laws’, and they talk about doing the same, but the lack of action speaks volumes.
    When these issues came up for a vote on the floor of the NZ Parliament, David Seymour, who portrayed himself as a ‘pro-firearms’ MP, was nowhere to be found in the Parliament-he was giving a faux interview to a reporter while the votes were taken in Parliament!
    Luxon continues to encroach on both Civil, Human, UN and Maori Rights, and will continue to destroy NZ where Jabby and the Zionist Bankster ‘Sir’ John Key left off, abiding by the WEF / WHO / Masonic Georgia Guide Stones of the NWO before they were dynamited!
    The Rifle and Gun Clubs & associated shooting ranges need to stay open for training, education, and for monitoring the members who have the potential to become another Project Monarch Terrorist just as Tarrant was / is, who traveled to Turkiye and Israel weeks before arriving here in NZ.
    I would ask the open question to the Parliament here in this forum;
    1. Are the ‘Honourable Members’ aware of the fact that when New Zealand signed on to the UN Charter that in legal theorum and practice, supercedes NZ Law, and that this includes the ‘UN Right to Self Defence under Chapter 7, Article 51’?
    2. If the above is verified and codified, why then do we have such oppressive Firearms Laws, especially in a post-Ardern Government?
    3. Will this ‘Consultation’ include Barristers, Solicitors, and Firearms Lawyers who have knowledge of Item #1 above?
    If such a ‘Consultation’ should occur, then isn’t it time to also visit simultaneously the ‘Stand Your Ground’ and ‘Castle Laws’ as in other countries for the purpose of self-defence as allowed under the UN Treaty and Charter?
    Contact your MP and DEMAND that the Ardern restrictions to Firearms and accessories be REPEALED, and that compliance with the Right to Firearms Ownership and the Right to Self-Defence be complied with!
    The WEF, WHO & NWO all seek to remove the last line of defence from the masses, so that they can impose their tyranny on the masses and populations.
    And, with Luxon stating that a strike / march is illegal, while cutting thousands of jobs that have led to the proposed strike, is tantamount as to what the current PM is all about-a WEF / NWO John Key puppet!
    Vote for the NZ Loyal Party next time!


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