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Guy Hatchard
Guy Hatchardhttps://hatchardreport.com/
Guy Hatchard PhD is a statistician and former senior manager at Genetic ID, a global food safety testing and certification laboratory. Guy's book 'Your DNA Diet' is available on Amazon.com.

Guy Hatchard: The first pandemic war – Highly vaccinated New Zealand admits it is losing the battle (Updated)

The First Pandemic War news

Leading New Zealand epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker in an interview with the NZ Herald says that we are “losing the arms race with the virus”.

Covid cases have increased by 50% within the last 9 days in an “abrupt rise”. Baker said “It’s a dynamic, a battle between us and the virus and there are factors mainly favouring the virus”. The article reported hospitals were overwhelmed.

NZ data shows that Covid cases and hospitalisations are decreasing among the unvaccinated, but increasing among the vaccinated, but incredibly, Baker called for new mRNA vaccines to be rolled out urgently. Notably, Baker used terminology usually associated with wartime.

Inexplicably excess all-cause mortality has not affected pandemic policy

In contrast, Professor John Gibson, economist at Waikato University, has published a paper showing that not only are boosters ineffective, but the excess mortality currently running in New Zealand points to a serious health deficit among the vaccinated. Similar rises have been measured around the world, often affecting the young and working age. So why is this kind of analysis not turning heads?

New Zealand is among the most highly vaccinated nations in the world. As the published scientific data and analysis seems to be offering some very clear negative health conclusions about mRNA vaccination, why are we still lacking a rational resolution, and simply calling for more vaccination? It is a very personal concern for all of us to puzzle out how this came about.

Many of you write to me with your own analysis and also send links to other writers and researchers. Some people are focusing on the role of the World Economic Forum and the great reset, others on the profit motive of pharmaceutical companies. There is a very wide range of political, scientific, social, medical, and religious perspectives among commentators and correspondents. Some people perceive sinister and alarming objectives at work.

Out of all this, there are obvious priorities:

  • What will help us to make sense of what is happening?
  • What understanding will make a difference to the final outcome?
  • How can I reopen the rational mind of others?

Biotechnology intervention has a history of mistakes

Whatever forces are at work driving current events, there is a history of mistakes and trends that needs to be considered. The biotechnology era began with the discovery of DNA in the early fifties, over 70 years ago. The huge risks of genetic editing should have been apparent from the start, but the promise of a new kind of super medicine gradually overhauled and has now overwhelmed caution.

Is this sufficient to explain what is going on today? No. The predominant irrationality of our current situation cannot be solely explained by belief or investment in biotechnology. Certainly, as we have argued, biotechnology experimentation should be paused, this is a vital part of a potential solution. People also need to understand how we came to where we are today.

The current crisis involves many players with different motivations and understandings, but what binds them all together into the cohesive structure of pandemic policy and compulsory global medical uniformity? Why is this occurring in the face of the obvious ineffectiveness and irreversible dangers of the new biotech medicine?

Biotechnology warfare

The answer may lie with history. When global warfare breaks out, nations take sides and in many ways begin to leave commonsense behind. They form allegiances that ignore traditional boundaries. The predominant aim is global dominion. Thus Japan was not Hitler’s natural ally, but the politics of war dictated a marriage of convenience in the search for an expanded territory of influence.

Prior to the pandemic, for many years pressure had been building to adopt biotechnology, first in agriculture and food, and then in medicine, and certainly in weaponry. For the wannabe winners, the potential profits appeared huge. Food, medicine, and conflict are the global markets which flourish come rain or shine. The financial pressure was building up behind the biotechnology dam

The release in 2019 of a novel biotech pathogen, whether accidently or not, was the first salvo in a completely new type of global warfare. As in all mega conflicts, the whole world began to take sides. The process of polarisation, so typical of conflict, began to dominate affairs in every country. The dogs of war were let loose.

Biotech vaccines were the supposed defensive weapons and the whole economic process was turned over to vaccine production and promotion. No expense was to be spared. In some countries, as in New Zealand, political parties closed ranks behind the war effort. Advertisements proclaimed your patriotic duty to get behind vaccination and still do. Everyone was called up for duty. If you were a conscientious objector, you were shunned. Human rights were suspended.

War has its own forms of rational justification, but its effects are always horrific. Young men and women are sacrificed to conflict without qualms. This was to be equally true of biotech warfare. But there are no noble causes involved. We are being sacrificed for the sake of obscure vested interests in university laboratories and pharmaceutical research divisions seeking to launch themselves into the stratosphere of global power.

These power mongers have all but succeeded in mandating compliance. The vaccinated were heros, lauded, decorated, and rewarded by the government. Those injured by the vaccine were unlucky, but somehow, like the casualties in war, they had fallen short and were ignored.

In this war, rather than protecting the young by moving them far from the sites of conflict. They have been moved centre-stage. Even though they are at little or no risk from Covid infection, they have been exposed to a significant and measurable risk of cardiac damage through mRNA vaccination. This has been done to satisfy a theoretical but now proven utterly false idea that their vaccine induced immunity would ‘shield’ their parents and the wider society from possible infection.

As in Hitler’s Reich, science has become subservient to the state. Dissenting scientific voices urging caution are punished. Rather than pausing for reflection, biotech research efforts have concentrated on the development of even more risky weaponry, both vaccines and diseases. Politicians are vying with one another to appear the most committed and the most generous with funding.

Within the social psychology of war, there are many trends. There are profiteers who make fortunes at everyone’s expense. There are sadists who are finally given free rein. There are absurd rumours circulating freely. There is government propaganda faithfully parroted by the media further obscuring the truth in the fog of war. All of these have been present in good measure during the pandemic.

Biotech warfare is an unfolding global disaster

This is not a conventional war, it is a dire disaster encompassing all in fear and ill health. The global pandemic response has been entirely mistaken. Faced with an indiscriminate bioweapon, whose ultimate effect was unknown, the world’s so-called powerful nations deployed more mobile and invasive biotechnology. They opened the lid of Pandora’s box even wider.

Wars often end with hollow victories over the enemy, surrender, truce, or exhaustion. Biotech war has no traditional enemy nation to be defeated. The enemy is a new form of man-made life—non-human, unnatural, toxic, but quite capable of surviving and even multiplying.

This war has started, but have we already scuttled our flagship? The conflict between human immunity and pathogens is an age-old conflict which humans have always won, but now in folly we have hobbled our flexible immune system through a prescriptive mRNA vaccine designed in a lab, never sufficiently tested, and forced on everyone through coercion and the removal of our rights to education and work. The final outcome is unknown but already at the latest NZ data indicates immune deficiency looms.

All sides in the economic pandemic sideshow have nailed their colours to the same flagpole. Biotech weapons are equal opportunity, they are destroying the foot soldiers of both sides as in trench warfare, but in this case they are also felling the architects, the generals and the non-combatants.

Governments will inevitably have to reconsider or face crippling losses

We protestors have gone cap in hand to the government, asking for our rights back, asking to be left to make our own medical choices. We have come away empty handed. As the casualties mount, governments will have to return to the table with their cap in hand.

Nature is the ultimate resource of stability. As hybrid varieties of potatoes fail and become prone to disease, breeders have to return to the seed pools of natural varieties in South America to restore viability. The great resource of health is to be found in the unvaccinated, whose immune system is still functioning with its amazing innate intelligence, learning how to defeat a viral enemy which cannot even be seen with the naked eye.

The peace treaties of the first pandemic war will have to involve cessation of biotech conflict and experimentation. They will have to involve a re-examination of the whole concept of health. They will have to involve a re-evaluation of scientific norms and medical ethics. They will have to recognise that our education system forgot to remember the lessons of history and the sanctity of life. They will have to expose the dangers of artificially produced food, and expand our concept of nutrition to include the symbiotic evolutionary relationship between natural foods and human health.

We need to understand and recognise that the collective psychology or consciousness of war is damaging. There are many sources of understanding and research in this field.

We certainly need to redesign our political models and constitutions to prevent the headlong rush into war. We need a Bill of Rights that prevents political parties, rogue scientists, and commercial interests from using us as cannon fodder as they test out their risky experimental ideas.

Safeguards are just as important with biotechnology as they were following the discovery of atomic energy. Possibly more so. Once released, biotechnology weapons cannot be recalled. They spread away from their site or origin around the world under their own steam.

Safeguards need to be promoted without reference to fiercely held political opinion and political divides. Yes, the first pandemic war is fuelled by political, financial, and authoritarian ambitions, but it will only come to an end when responsible people from all sides take common cause with commonsense. Call for a pause in biotechnology experimentation. Without this, there will be no peace and no safety.

This article was jointly authored with my daughter Narayani Hatchard whose perceptive insights and editorial contribution have helped to shape the Hatchard Report throughout the preceding year.

Note: This article has been updated 5 July 2022.

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a food testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID). Website: HatchardReport.com.

Guy is the author of ‘Your DNA Diet: Leveraging the Power of Consciousness To Heal Ourselves and Our World. An Ayurvedic Blueprint For Health and Wellness’.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of DTNZ.

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  1. Agree with your diagnosis but not your prescription.
    After everything that’s transpired, you think commonsense will resume based on rational refutation? Sorry, I disagree.. no war was ever won that way.

  2. With all the reporting of the side effects of the Pfizer jab I am now wondering am I at the risk of a side effect from the flu jab, which is something I have had every year for the past 30. People will have lost faith in our medical system and will begin to worry if Paracetamol or the cancer treatment drugs, or the pain killers can be taken without significant side effects

    • Stop taking their jabs immediately, there’s no way to know what’s in them anymore. Do not ignore the common sense tingling at the back of your mind.

      The pharma industry and the politicians they own were always a little duplicitous before Muh “pandemic” began (all those bribes, all those sealed court cases and hundreds of millions in fines paid out), but after everything that’s happened these past two years they’re now emboldened to do just about whatever the hell they want. Just look at Bourla a few weeks ago, gushing openly in front of the cameras about putting electronic trackers into the medicine to “ensure compliance”. Jesus, do you really believe the rest of their products are untainted and safe to use, knowing what we know now?

      They literally see the rest of us as livestock, how in the hell are you supposed to trust anything they say or do anymore? Yes, you might catch the flu, or the measles (or whatever other overhyped bug they’re frantically hyperventilating about this week) but you’ll probably get over it and be alright the way human beings did for millennia before Pfizer existed. I can’t really see how medically beneficial potential myocarditis, autoimmune disease, blood clots and Bells Palsy would be in that scenario. And since the definition of vaccines has conveniently changed and they now apparently “were never meant to stop you from catching a disease”, it also means they’re literally pointless since that was the entire fuckin point of them in the first place.

      They can stick it where the sun don’t shine.

    • Flu jabs will kill the natural immunity over time and the body will forget how to react to the flu. Flu jab may help for older people with compromised immune system but not for normal healthy people.

  3. Jabcinda knows everything. She has a communications degree from Waikato you know. There is nothing called truth; it is all in our heads. Truth can be any narrative which is communicated to public. John Gibson is no match to Jacinda. We will call him racist, extremist, spreader of misinformation etc and smear him. Easy as.

  4. Baker is always salivating when some change occurs. He was even trying to take advantage of the good old flu to spread misinformation and scar public. His “expert opinions” are largely to justify his own existence, popularity with MSM, and getting funds from jabcinda.

    How does he sleep at night I wonder.

    • There is evidence for masking to prevent covid and yet the fake scientist Baker wants it to be mandated in scholls and everywhere. MSM is giving excessive prominance to baker when they are supposed to querstion his low IQ expert opinions. Shame on the corrupt legacy media.

  5. Many thanks as always to Daily Telegraph and Guy Hatchard. To Unquaccinated, I love reading your comments, brilliant and to the point. Keep fighting the good fight everyone.

  6. See ‘The Deagel Report’ online, where the population reduction coincides with vaccine reactions from now until 2024/5…
    Nukes will probably come into the picture at some point in Eastern Europe, and then the rest of the world.
    But prior to this event where many of us will become the real actors by the hundreds of millions that mimics ‘The Terminator ll’ where Sarah Connor hangs onto a chain-link fence while being consumed by the intense heat of a nuke going off nearby, the pigs, toads, leeches, parasites, lampreys, and sociopathic fleas will be taken to ‘safety’ for 2 years in the Deep Underground Military bases (DUMBS).
    Their death is only delayed, as, like on Stalin’s Nazino Island, they will then consume each other underground, giving full meaning to HG Well’s time machine.
    The politically-protected Morlocks will then emerge from their underground existence and re-surface into a severely contaminated world far worse than what any Three Mile Island, Chernobyl or Fukushima could ever be…

  7. Jabcinda’a garden gnome, unproessional fake expert baker has been spreading misinformation all along.
    Dr. John Campbell’s new YouTube video is on Non covid excess deaths.
    People dying because of Covid is a small fraction of the excess deaths in UK. Starting from stress, there are many causes such as delayed healthcare, which cointributed to most of the excess deaths.
    Baker must be prosecuted for being an accessary for Big Phrama and charged with sedition to be honest.


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