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Monday, October 21, 2024

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Health NZ Financial crisis: Bosses spend $9K on canapes at conference

Health NZ Connect 24 news

As New Zealand hospitals faced a growing financial crisis, Health New Zealand leaders gathered at a three-day national conference in March at Wellington’s Sky Stadium, with a catering bill of $60,000.

The event, titled Connect 24, cost $9,200 on canapés alone, while lunch and breakfast added nearly $52,000 to the total.

The timing of the event was controversial, as Health NZ had recently warned Health Minister Shane Reti of a looming half-billion-dollar budget overrun due to nurse recruitment. Despite concerns, Health NZ defended the conference, calling it a one-off meeting aimed at aligning leadership with the government’s priorities.

Amid criticisms over spending during a financial crisis, Reti told state media that Health NZ must prioritise frontline services.

The conference’s workshops on financial productivity and transparency, while still considered relevant, faced scrutiny as several leaders involved have since lost their jobs or been reassigned following Health NZ’s financial deficit, now exceeding a billion dollars.

The event has sparked questions about Health NZ’s financial discipline, particularly as hospitals continue to struggle under financial strain. Health NZ has since assured that no similar conferences will be held in the current fiscal environment.

Image credit: Public Domain Pictures

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  1. Nothing but the best for these socialists, I’m pretty sure these bosses receive excellent renumeration too. Some of these government bureaucrats get close to a mere mill.

  2. Maybe more Managment must be culled as it is usually those who waste money the most because they feel entitled while scrutinising those who need to spend it the most.

  3. Has Shane Reti got any control at all over HealthNZ, or does he squeak his protestations in line with ‘something is being done’. Or is going to be done. Or might be done. Here’s something that should be done: make the organisers pay the money back by deducting from their salaries! They will think more carefully about their spending if they know it may eventually come out of their own wallets. Better still, sack the lot of them.
    How can a shindig costing $60,000 have anything to do with aligning HealthNZ leadership with government priorities? Why didn’t Shane Reti send each of them an email with bullet points outlining the programme
    and appoint a commissar to oversee that what he wants done is done? And an auditor to keep spending within budget?
    Where is Ashley Bloomfield located in this fiasco – you know, the one who gave no exemptions to the common people, but plenty to MPs and their families, and to many others especially ‘stakeholders’ and who ordered all Councils to fluoridate their water? Oh that’s right, he got a Knighthood for that like his mate Ardern.
    Knighthoods are good. They show us without a doubt which side the recipients work for.

  4. Astonishing but predictable behaviour from those who peddle medical tyranny with consummate, enriched, and far removed ease.
    Meanwhile, a multitude of genuflecting New Zealanders, wrecked as a nation, appear sickened and dying at excess rates beyond the mean, rates never previously seen but since the mandated and continued as mRNA/LNP shots. Elsewhere, ethical doctors, scientists, nurses and so many others remain excluded from the workforce for non-compliance with the unpredictably lethal, useless shots.
    New Zealand reaps what it sows: the moral, ethical, economic, social and biological dead-ends proscribed by the DIE tyrannical globalist ideology intent the evisceration of the soul of a country.

  5. This is very similar to MoE-types (ie teachers, school staff, office workers of the MoE, etc.) who I observed taking the day off to attend Autism Conferences ($250 per person…) where they socialised with each other during the morning tea, mid-day lunch and afternoon tea breaks.
    The suggestions and recommendations that the conference(s) offered in the 5 major NZ cities were never implemented by those attending.
    In fact, we noted that when our family was spotted at the conferences by several school staff, the dirty, nasty looks were in mass-quantity, the mouths were running, and our child treated with further contempt by the schools.
    In the end, we Home-schooled as recommended by the psychologist.

  6. I would be interested how many attended. If it was 10,000 attendees then it was a deal however I suspect it may have only been less than 100. Anyone know the total?

  7. Last month I got a sausage from the suicide prevention team on the main street. I held out my $5 note but the dude said, “It’s free, mete.” “Do you want another one?” I was too gobsmacked to say “ok” but it was the best thing. What a great tradition- the sausage sizzle. Canapés be like so air New Zealand.


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