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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

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Health sector concern over skilled worker exodus to Australia

Queensland Health news

Concern is growing in the health sector over the potential migration of New Zealand health workers to Australia, spurred by Queensland Health’s ‘Make a healthy career move’ campaign.

The campaign is targeting medical staff in New Zealand, Canada, and the UK, offering relocation and housing support, attractive salary packages, incentives, and visa assistance. A New Zealand Nurses Organisation (NZNO) told legacy media outlet NZ Herald she was worried about the campaign’s timing and effectiveness, especially given New Zealand’s approximately 4,000 nursing vacancies and ongoing changes in the public service, where all government agencies are encouraged to find cost savings before the upcoming budget announcement.

The combination of public service cuts and attractive offers from abroad could lead to a significant loss of skilled health workers.

Health Minister Dr. Shane Reti acknowledges the pattern of New Zealand health workers moving to Australia but does not believe health sector cuts are the primary driver.

Kiwi nurses going to Australia would enjoy higher salaries and additional perks such as relocation support and large increases in pay for certain positions.

But the issue of New Zealand losing skilled workers to Australia is not limited to the health sector, as similar concerns are raised for other public service roles, including police officers.

The trend is likely to continue into the foreseeable future due to ‘pandemic-related’ delays and the ongoing demand for skilled health personnel worldwide.

Image credit: Unsplash+

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  1. Mandate Queensland health workers, then incentivize health workers from other countries that are suffering from the mandates too.

    What an awesome idea mandates are

    • Agreed.

      Australia was ground zero for WEF tyranny in 2021. Hunchback creepazoid Dan Andrews and his Hitlerian fantasies were a textbook example of “drunk with power”. It was arguably WORSE to be trapped there than in NZ at the time.

      And all those Covid prisons…excuse me…”quarantine facilities” they spent millions building are still there BTW. Waiting for the inevitable “next pandemic” they all keep excitedly promising us.

      I wouldn’t go to Australia for all the money in the world.

  2. My mother in law died three days after contracting Sepsis in Canterbury.
    She was taken to CDHB with severe itching, and red blots on the skin. She began to hallucinate 4 hours after admission, and was placed in an ‘overflow’ ward.
    No one picked up on her infection until she passed-out and went into a coma…
    Two days later she was dead…
    What is interesting is that when one walks into the main entrance of Chch Hospital, there are flyers that have pictorial illustrations of what Staphlococcus Septicemia looks like and presents, and yet-
    NO ONE PICKED UP ON THIS! It’s a basic methodology of diagnosis!!!
    Now…compare that to the treatment that a DoC Fish & Game person received who was bitten by a fish, and ended-up with the same and who suffered amputations. However, because the patient in the latter was from a well-known ‘in the know’ family, that person was in the IC Ward for months.
    They couldn’t wait to move my mother-in-law on, however. The attending IC Doctor was very cavalier in his comments and the projected treatment outcomes.
    The wards were filthy, and those wishing to exploit the situation for ‘research’ lined-up like vultures!
    What is needed is for theNZDF Doctors and Specialists to come in for 1 month to help clear the surgery lists for minor and medium surgery. But-
    With the human race being slowly exterminated via Covid vaccines, and the WEF /WHO /NWO goals to do just that, look for less help and more death while we all munch on insects inside our Gaza-styled :15 Minute Cities!

    • I am sorry to hear about your MIL. My son had to go to Christchurch hospital a few years back, he has type 1 diabetes and as soon as he arrived there in an ambulance at 2am in the morning, some arsehole who was pushing him in a wheelchair told him he was sick and tired of people with diabetes not looking after themselves properly. Can you believe it? My son had campylobacter so was extremely ill and couldn’t get his bloods down. He ended up in hospital for 2 weeks total and also had ulcerative colitis. It’s dam lucky I live in the North Island otherwise I would have marched myself down there and flipped my lid!

      What the hell is wrong with our system? Clogged up by people who won’t take responsibility for their lifestyle, people waiting for someone to fix a problem that could likely be solved easily with low cost medications or natural therapies but there’s no money for the surgeons, “specialists”, and big pharma in curing people is there? And misdiagnosis of people with life threatening conditions like sepsis? Just appalling. A simple blood test would have been enough surely. Or if concerned then why not give antibiotics immediately as a precautionary measure?

      My son is working but can’t get funded modern diabetes devices for his condition he got through no fault of his own, yet people who are overweight, drunk drivers etc get the red carpet? Someone fix it already 😡

      Oh and medical help should only ever be on need and only if the person can demonstrate they are taking responsibility for themselves. After a while some people should just stop having treatment funded. The guy next door was diagnosed as a type 2 diabetic, he went for 1 possibly 2 walks and that was about 7 years ago. He’s probably medicated up to thr eyeballs. Has since done absolutely nothing to help himself yet my son is stuck with out of date treatment protocols and as other countries have kept pace with technology, New Zealand is stuck in the dark ages and beautiful people are dying because of it. Makes me so mad. The doctors and nurses all know it too but they never say anything public. Behind closed doors when I went with my son for appointments, they would tell me how angry and frustrated they were from people with type 2 diabetes eating crappy food, not exercising and then coming and expecting a pill to fix it all.

      • Yes, and “taking responsibility ” means having those government mandated Covid vaccines? Are you serious? Do you really want to go down that route?

        • No you misunderstood. Taking responsibility for our own personal health. Ie exercising regularly and not eating processed food full of sugar, fat and carbs instead of cooking our own food. People with poor self control, with poor diets clog up the health system because they are overweight, have insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Don’t tell me they are poor either because I can cook a batch of pasta that feeds 6 adults large portions, contains meat and fresh Veges and costs less than $3.50 a serving.

          I am sick and tired of people blaming genetics and slow metabolism etc. newsflash if you don’t move around much and stuff your face full of takeaways and convenience food you are going to have a slow metabolism and get overweight.

          Before you tell me it is genetics, I have a morbidly obese sibling and I am slim. It’s all about personal responsibility.

          Now my son with the type 1 diabetes didn’t give that to himself. Out of anyone in the health system, people such as my son should get top priority because they are where they are because something completely out of their control happened to them.

          Type 2 diabetes is clogging up the health system and our medical professionals do sweet FA about it. No money in curing people is there.

          • Sometimes medications can and do change metabolism.
            I myself was pre-Type 2, but I took the advice from a neighbour who is well versed in food research, and quit sugar altogether.
            1 year later blood testing indicated that I was no longer in the ‘Pre-Diabetic’ group. The GP was amazed…
            Quitting sugar is difficult, and even worse if you love chocolate products.
            Once you pass 3 months sugar-free, the cravings disappear.
            Anyone who is Pre-Type 2 can do this, especially if you can engage in home and garden improvements to take one’s mind off of the cravings…
            And- we don’t do Maccas, JFC, Jr’s or any fast food unless it’s Pita Pit or Subway.

  3. Golly gosh. Who wouldn’t want to live/work in Australia with their fiendish no jab no jab mandates?

    Answer: Anybody with at least one functioning braincell..

  4. My husband recently met a guy who lives in New Zealand, and used to run the emergency department in a large hospital. It’s was such an overwhelming s*** show, he now runs an emergency department in Australia and they fly him in and fly him out to do it. Yes folks that’s right, the Aussies are stealing our medical professionals in all sorts of ways.

    What we should do for a start is bond every single university student who receives subsidies to study at a New Zealand tertiary institution to the same number of years they have studied. If they don’t like this arrangement then study elsewhere or pay for it yourself.

    My niece has just completed the Otago medical degree and has immediately moved to Australia. One nephew is an accountant and another an engineer, both have also gone overseas.

    The current system is broken.

  5. Yeah they can give Ukraine $25M and push the Christchurch project which is essentially spying on Kiwis but they can’t fund out health sector properly. Cancer is, for example, five times more survivable in Australia than New Zealand. Those figures are from NZ govt by they way. A real disgrace made worse by people voting for the same idiot parties over and over. When are they going to wake up?

  6. My partner is a senior nurse and midwife. The DHB has made it very clear they don’t want her, work conditions where third world with managers that simulated something from ww2 Germany . Australia has made it clear that they are serious in convincing us to move on. My good friend, a very qualified teacher, said rents in nelson are mid numbing so he shifted to an out back town with a free house and astounding money. Nz has lost it these days with an inflation problem no one dare talk about. Just vote with your feet..who cares, former Gvt never did.

  7. I have been in a medical teaching role in QLD for 6 months. For 18 years prior, until 2021, I ran a clinic in NZ. You couldn’t pay me enough gold to go back. Silly Labour screwed up so badly it’s horrific. Now that serious (and I mean serious) measures need to be taken, I’m not hopeful any political party will right the ship. Love NZ. Dispise the culture it has mutated into.

  8. The other problem is who is staffing the DHB’s and affiliated and associated health care hospitals and clinics.
    For instance, we have snooty, bullying ‘senior admin’ types who are related to Doctors, or who are ‘in the know’ and are paid high salaries.
    They bully the ‘underlings’ and spend a fantastic amount of time going to Ballantynes’s on the clock, then over to the local coffee shop (Medici at CDHB) and returning only to produce 2-3 hours of work in an 8 hour day.
    They have a fantastic opinion of self, and the grandisement and projections of being ‘overly important’ is sickening! It’s all about…THEM! at taxpayer expense!
    Many jobs are created by the Old Girl / Old Boy Masonic Networks for their mates, despite the fact that they are either minimally-qualified or UN-qualified!
    Many of these receive grant money for ‘research’ that essentially goes nowhere.
    Noteworthy is that the ‘underlings’ are usually more qualified, are dedicated workers, (despite the abuses and disenfranchisement via no pay rises for YEARS..) and move on to the UK, Oz or sometimes Canada.
    The ‘Service Managers’ are also disgusting- knowingly violating civil rights, employment rights, and illegally / immorally abusing the employees with tasking outside of their job description.
    And the Labour Unions are ill-funded and the Union Membership fees are unaffordable for those on the bottom rung.


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