The Deputy Prime Minister, the Honourable Winston Peters believes that “abortion should be legal and rare, that human life begins at conception and was opposed to the decriminalisation of abortion”.
This statement in defence of life was made at the Family First forum in 2014.
It is commendable that Winston Peters is pro-life, is opposed to the violence of abortion against women and their precious unborn. He believes that it is a crime to kill an unborn child and that at conception the child is endowed by its Creator with an inalienable right to life.
Winston Peters believes that abortion should be rare. It is not rare, since the abortion legislation designed by Jacinda Ardern to decriminalise abortion, was passed in 2020 abortions have increased 25 per cent to 16,214 in 2023. There is one unborn child killed for nearly every four children born.
Right to Life believes that there is an overwhelming need to urgently repeal the anti-life and anti-feminist Abortion Legislation Act 2020. Right to Life encourages Winston Peters to exercise his political power as a statesman that we desperately need to protect women and our unborn children by advocating for the repeal of the extremist Abortion Legislation Act 2020.
In its first 100 days in office, the Nation led government has repealed numerous legislative Acts passed by the previous Labour government which they had considered harmful. There was no more destructive legislation passed by the previous government than the Abortion Legislation Act 2020.. Right to Life believes that now is the time for the government with urgency to repeal the appalling Abortion Legislation Act 2020.
Right to Life believes that the extreme Abortion Legislation Act has inflicted horrendous violence on our defenceless unborn, on their mothers, their fathers and on our whole community.
Let us never forget that during the 6 years of the last Labour government that more than 109,000 innocent and defenceless unborn New Zealanders were killed before birth and their mothers grievously wounded funded by the government under the guise that it was a “health service”. Will the National led coalition government repeal the Abortion Legislation Act and cease funding the killing of our children as a health service?
Those who are not prepared to protect the unborn should not be trusted to govern the born.
Who are the Right to Life people? Are they backed by a church? Most likely, because it takes a very good christian to insist a child be forced to carry to term a pregnancy caused by rape or incest and that is how the Abortion Law operated. It didn’t matter how old the female, or in what circumstances conception took place, the fetus took precendence. I remember these Right to Life people from the dark days when abortion was a criminal offence ans I remember they had no problem murdering doctors suspected of terminating pregnancies. Christian set ups took the girls in and worked them until the baby arrived, then the mother went home and the baby was adopted out. The mother and the infant were well punished for fornication but the father? The much vaunted fathers did not seem to be around to claim paternity in the Family Court in those days and there were thousands of infants who ended up in pitiful circumstances. It is going to happen again if these people negate the woman’s right to choose. You can force a woman to have the baby, but you can’t force her to love it or rear it.
Better start building orphanages.
As if fathers do not want to be fathers!
You have NO IDEA what a s*ht show the NZ Family Court is.
Full of men-hating fat-arse ugly lesbian staff, incompetent money-hungry lawyers and uncaring judges, supported by a woke and bias Oranga Tamariki.
Processes are drawn out sometimes for years, bleeding responsible fathers dry.
Godzone is going down fast. It is failing its children.
And its fathers.
Well, you don t seem to be very respectfull of the other sex mister. Fat arse ugly lesbian , hey? What about you ? mr. perfect are you a god’ sent ? Reading what you wrote, you seem to me to be the kind of person women should stay away from.
“Better start building orphanages…”
Yeah, orphanages are bad, right? WAY better just to hack them to pieces with cold metal instruments and then vacuum suck the body parts right outta there? Jesus Christ 🤦🏼
Those old-timey abortion laws you mentioned sound incredibly good and logical. We should definitely bring those back. As the person above me commented, there’s no way in hell fathers would get off Scott free in the modern man-hating day and age.
If it results in more orphanages, great. Not like there’s no market for them. There’s a HUGE population segment of selfish 30/40-somethings in this country who put off having kids until it’s way too late, I’m sure they’d much rather adopt a child than another cat.
At least our population numbers wouldn’t be dwindling to the point that our politicians need to constantly lie to us about importing hoards of 3rd worlders to replace us.
I am a Christian. These are my thoughts:
Abortion should be available BUT it should be extremely rare and if it has to be done it must be at the earliest possible time but not after 12 weeks.
I don’t think I could ever have had an abortion. Therefore I made sure I never got pregnant unless it was planned with myself and my husband. We also discussed if something was found wrong with the baby and that would not have made any difference. We would still not had the baby aborted. A friend of mine was told her baby had a high chance of being Downs. She had the baby and she was healthy and did not have downs.
I may be castigated for this but I believe we should pay money to people to get sterilised. You will find the kinds of people who have multiple abortions will take the money and save society from dealing with the results of their sh1tty parenting.
Money and sterilisation?
You’d need to give them more money than what they make on the benefit, which is very often their only goal.
Single parents should need a license to breed.
I won’t castigate you, I shall simply respectfully disagree. Medically sterilising people is the stuff of tyranny, even if it starts off well-intentioned and fully consensual, it will eventually be corrupted and turned against us. Better not to go down that road at all.
Besides, many great people throughout history were born from lowly parents. There’s no such thing as genetically inherited guilt (sorry lefties).
RE the anecdote about your friend; my mom had to have kidney surgery back in the 80’s while pregnant with my little brother. The doctors assured her the baby was going to be profoundly affected (paralysis, blindness, mental deficiencies etc) and STRONGLY pushed her to abort. She refused, and my brother was born 100% normal. He heads up IT for one of our banks now (a MAJOR one) and has two children of his own.
I hear you. Good on your Mum for that decision, it must have been so hard for her with that pressure. I guess the reason I say about the sterilisation is I know of people (women) who really are horrible selfish people. Druggies, liars, thieves and one of them got pregnant. She had a miscarriage. I can tell you without shadow of a doubt if that baby had been born, it probably would have had fetal alcohol syndrome and would have ended up in care unless the ‘mother’ had thought she could get money from keeping it. I saw her smoking a bong in front of her friends child and beat her own dog over the head with 4X2 until blood came out of its nose. Boy did I lose my rag at her over that……probably the first time anyone had confronted her like that. She even thought she would try and break into my car while I was parked at her parents house. She stole meat from her parents freezer while they were in the house. She is the kind of person who would take 10K to be sterilised because all she can think about is her next fix. Only lives for today. Believe you me when I say 10K or even 20K be far cheaper than dealing with any offspring that came from that woman. Some people should never have kids. So yeah I do support the idea of offering money for sterilisation, and that is why.
I’ll still respectfully disagree just because I don’t trust governments not to eventually twist “you CAN be sterilised” into “you HAVE to be sterilised”.
Especially after all the fun and games of the last few years.
Can I just say, HOLY CRAP regarding that friend of yours 😆
I don’t judge you for the sentiment.
Even so, I wouldn’t blame any potential kids for what a nasty piece of work she is. I’d just try to get them away from her ASAP.
In 2000 I had the chance to adopt a newborn baby girl, 4 days old. Drug-free, disease free, perfectly healthy just unwanted. She was wrapped in a blanket and dumped in a bait bin on a fisherman’s pier. Someone could’ve aborted her, but didn’t, and I thank God every day for that. Watching her grow for the last 24 years from a baby to a toddler to a little girl to a grumpy teen to a beautiful responsible young women close to finishing her law degree has been the absolute privilege of my life. It’s why I fee so strongly about this topic (abortion), and it’s why I can’t stand the plethora of asinine excuses that get offered up for it by low-information, lazy-brained idiots who just regurgitate the dumb feminist catchphrases they’ve heard their whole lives long. Every child deserves a chance to live.
Christians or muslims or jews or budhists or mecreants.
Who are you to decide what is good or bad for a woman you know nothing about ??
Do you shelter her, give her work or food or whatever if she needs it ? The answer is NO.
So just mind your own business
Cool, pay for it yourself then 👍
So long as MY taxes are going towards funding the murder of unborn children, I shall continue to have an opinion on the murder of unborn children. Thanks 🙂
Not my responsibility to shelter, employ or feed promiscuous baby killers, and you aren’t going to guilt me into it either. Abortion won’t solve any of those problems for them either, so it’s not an argument.
Now please take a few minutes to breathe into a paper bag before you respond.
Mostly blokes having an opinion on how women should behave.
Nothing new really, it has been going on for centuries
1) Blokes are sort of involved in the conception process.
2) That’s 50% the bloke’s DNA in there.
3) Blokes are on the hook legally and financially for the child’s future. Family courts are brutal.
4) Even blokes who have nothing at all to do with the pregnancy are expected to subsidise the killing of unborn children through their taxes. Our opinions and religious beliefs actually ARE being ignored.
5) Telling me I’m not allowed to have an opinion on something doesn’t refute my arguments, it just makes them stronger.
“You’re making too many good logical points, so I demand shut up now…”
Imagine genuinely believing your value system is correct when you can’t even defend it properly, when other people need to be told they’re not allowed to speak in order for you to go unchallenged.
Killing unborn children is evil. Offer up whatever flimsy excuses you want, demand everyone else shut up, but the fact remains. Now throw another lefty talking point at me, by all means.
It is really a bloke’s view to think that a woman decide out of the blue to have an abortion. For her own comfort.
I never had an abortion myself, but i know women who had. And it is not a decision lightly taken. Merely an act of despair. Women are usually the ones who are taking care of the family. Family meaning raising kids. Alone or not, but always are the women doing the ” job”. It has been like this for centuries. So women know very well IF and WHY a pregnancy should be terminated. It has nothing to do with a ” leftist” point of view. But a woman point of view, you clearly know nothing of.
And everything to do with being responsible, considering her circumstances. Where is the ” father” if a woman decide to abort, hey ??
“Men were designed to protect and fight for women and children”.- lila rose –
Notice the use of the past tense.
Wow, okay so your answer is still “You’re a man, shut up!”
You’re just gonna ignore everything I said and cling for dear life to that talking point? “Men treat women badly, therefore we should kill babies”. Uh huh. That’s your thought train’s last station, is it?
Your need to defend your friends is understandable but also unwarranted. I wasn’t attacking them personally, I don’t hate them. My heart BREAKS for them. Terrible that everyone (male AND female) around them who were supposed to protect them and give them good advice FAILED them. Terrible that they were duped and brainwashed by leftist government policies, woke media and a predatory medical industry. But my heart breaks the MOST for the children who never get to be born or live a life because callous adults around them think, “oh well, life’s gonna be hard for them – might as well just kill them now”. That is pure f@cking evil and I’m tired of pretending it’s not. I’m tired of the cold heated people who actually believe that garbage, thinking they somehow get to pretend they’re the compassionate ones with the right to shame ME, when it’s precisely the other way around.
Abortion is evil. I don’t care what excuses are offered, I don’t care how angry it makes people to hear it, I don’t care what is or isn’t between my legs. Objective reality is objective reality. The sky is blue, water is wet and abortion is evil.
So we’re at an impasse. Okay fine.
Just one thing…
You: “Men need to shut up and mind their own business”
Also you: “Men need to be more responsible”
Please pick one.
I have to agree with the other poster. A man cannot tell a woman whether she should carry and birth a baby or not.
Too bad if it’s half your DNA, put a condom on if you aren’t planning on being a Dad, not rocket science. Or else learn how to grow a baby inside you. Birth it, breastfeed it, give up your career to raise it well, you’re welcome to it all mate.
There is absolutely nothing that gives you the right over a woman’s body.
Weird that men think they should have a say on this. Plan a baby with your wife or wear a condom. Simple.
Yeah, not “too bad” if it’s my DNA in there, the fact remains that is. So I DO get a say, and I shall say what I want. I shall not be told to shut up for anyone 😉
Not weird that men get a say on this, not weird at all. Women are NOT asexual, men are quite involved in the process as well.
And just sticking your fingers in your ears and saying, “nuh uh”, doesn’t refute any of the points I made above. Keep telling me I’m a man and men need to shut up, you’re just spinning your wheels.
A man can where a condom yes, and a woman can exercise her right to choose (to close her legs).
See, I can do it too 😐👍
Personally I agree that abortion should be rare, and people should be using the pill and condoms to prevent unwanted pregnancies. But, people are flawed.
Calling Peters the right honorable is a stretch. 5 or 6 years after the headlines’ quote he voted for the Abortion legislation Act at 1st and 2nd readings. He may have tried to get a referendum for passage at the 3rd reading, but that was never going to fly at that point.
So he wasn’t really that opposed to decriminalisation of abortion in 2019 and 2020
Winston Peters voted to exclude the following amendment to the 2020 Abortion Legislation Act:
22 Care of child born after abortion
(1)This section applies if an abortion results in a child being born.
(2)A qualified health practitioner who performed the abortion that results in the birth of a child, or any other health practitioner present at the time the child is born, has a duty to provide the child with appropriate medical care and treatment.
(3)For the avoidance of doubt, the duty owed by any health practitioner to provide medical care and treatment to a child born as a result of an abortion is no different than the duty owed to provide medical care and treatment to a child born other than as a result of an abortion.
NZF trying to stay relevant….hey what happened to that COVID enquiry guys…..???
Our country is missing out on a great export opportunity.
These are not chinese gooseberries, these are kiwifruit.
America has proven that there is much profit to be made from human trafficking and they are world leaders in this area of industry.
A fresh baby brain, unfrozen, can fetch up to 500usd from big pharma who use them for “studies” and for creating eternal cell treatments.
The childsex and ritual market is huge and also closely protected by law and police. Safe to sell and procure your needs and desires.
Pizza, pasta or walnut ice-cream?
The body parts market is also hugely profitable internationally with China being world leaders there. Plenty of parts available on request, harvested fresh from political prisoners and dissenters.
An innovative way to recycle “waste”…
Sandra bullock LOVES her facial cream with the foreskin in it.
Adrenochrome also another excellent export opportunity.
These unwanted babies and children could be tortured and bled for adrenochrome for the american beauty market.
Jusr like how cows are treated. They’re not really living beings, just profitable units of meat. Think of the money.
Child flesh is also tender and perfect for family roast night…
Yes. All this sounds horrendous and shocking.
It is. But also it is true.
Do not be fooled into supporting this transhumanist cult.
Killing is killing no matter what the method.
A nuclear explosion starts the moment the atom is split!
Life begins the moment man’s sperm enters the woman’s egg.!
A child iis a gift, yet woman claim ownership and demand thier rights , but forget that a child is half of a man and half of a woman (sperm + egg !).
The man gets ignored when a woman demands an abortion….but a man is not ignored when chasing money to support child when a woman wants to raise child without the father.
Something is seriously wrong with a woman’s logic!