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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

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Kāinga Ora faces major restructuring including 330 job cuts

Kainga Ora restructuring news
Image – kaingaora.govt.nz.

Social housing agency Kāinga Ora is set to cut approximately 330 jobs in its latest wave of restructuring, following an earlier announcement of 232 layoffs.

Some of these new cuts are expected to come from key teams, including a significant reduction in staff from its Te Kurutao Group Māori, which was established to address Māori housing needs.

The agency, currently undergoing a turbulent period, has faced significant internal dissatisfaction, with staff describing the mood as “terrible,” according to a report in state media.

A briefing by the chief executive is scheduled to clarify the scope of the latest changes. This comes in the wake of a critical review that found Kāinga Ora to be financially unviable and lacking in strategy and accountability.

The restructuring follows the resignation of chief executive Andrew McKenzie, who is set to leave the organisation in October with a substantial payout. The agency’s leadership has faced significant turnover, with five out of seven board members also exiting.

Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Housing Minister Chris Bishop have emphasised the need for better financial management and clearer strategy at Kāinga Ora. The agency has been under pressure to improve performance and transparency, with financial sustainability now being a top government priority.

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  1. “Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and Housing Minister Chris Bishop have emphasised the need for better financial management and clearer strategy at Kāinga Ora”.
    No sh** sherlock! Has it taken you two corporate state statist 12 months to figure that out.


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