In an opinion piece by 1News reporter Jack Tame the recent announcement of significant cuts to newsgathering operations by TVNZ and Warner Brothers Discovery has been met with deep concern and sadness.
Tame, whose wife Mava is a reporter on Sunday and who has himself worked alongside teams on several TVNZ shows wrote of the personal devastation experienced by those affected by redundancies and restructures within the industry.
Writing in legacy media outlet NZ Herald, Tame argued the news business was unique in its contribution to democracy and society, acting as a crucial ‘check on power’ and reflecting the community it serves. He acknowledged the challenges faced by traditional TV in the digital age, where advertising revenue has shifted to digital giants like Google and Meta, leaving local TV to struggle with outdated economic models.
Despite these challenges Tame described the irreplaceable value of TV and current affairs in capturing the nation’s collective experiences and exposing significant stories. He cites impactful journalism, such as the investigation into emergency housing in Rotorua by Sunday as examples of the ‘power’ of television to drive societal change.
Concluding that the commercial model for funding quality journalism is broken, Tame called for a regulatory response to ensure the survival of the industry. According to the 1News reporter, the value of journalism transcends monetary measures and warns of the societal and democratic losses that come with the decline of ‘traditional’ news outlets.
Tame’s opinion was shared widely on Twitter, with the majority of commenters expressing little sympathy for the State broadcaster’s predicament, while left-wing calls to fund legacy media with an annual levy was met with strong disapproval.
‘I did stop go for Fulton Hogan during the GFC. Plenty of work out there jack. You just have to look.’
Gilda Kirkpatrick tweeted: Imagine if everyday kiwis got a chance to have @nzherald article about them when they lost their jobs, income, home & basic human rights, under mandates pushed by the likes of Jack. 😳 Can you imagine the amount of that content?? Woooohooo
Imagine if everyday kiwis got a chance to have @nzherald article about them when they lost their jobs, income, home & basic human rights, under mandates pushed by the likes of Jack. 😳 Can you imagine the amount of that content?? Woooohooo https://t.co/eTTHhcQ0fw
— Gilda گیلدا kirkpatrick (@Strange_G) March 9, 2024
Reporters actually believe they are defenders of democracy 😆
The vast majority of New Zealand think you are simply socialist activists. You labeled us as conspiracy theorists. Well, now we are the majority, and you are fired. Go beg elsewhere. https://t.co/3AHXbzjDa5
— The Salty One (@the_salty_one_) March 9, 2024
Here they come again. With the same old same old.
“There is no real market for what we want to produce, so we want the govt to take a slice of your earnings to fund it” they screech.
The Better Public Media Trust is just another left wing pressure group made up of life long… pic.twitter.com/y4YXycaRjp
— The Redbaiter (@TheRedbaiter) March 9, 2024
Jack Lame
Taking out the trash, maybe they should learn to code.
They would fail at that too.
The left fail at everything, then demand ever more and more tax money to keep their delusions afloat (like they’re doing now in this article). It’s an axiom of Marxism.
Communists aren’t people.
For a guy that seems to love putting people to task, his aim has been way off over the covid years. Could have put some hard questions to quite a few experts, but you usually went off on a tangent.
The loss of investigative programs and journalism is a shame, but they have only been there in name for 3 and a half years now anyhow.
Cry me a river Jack. (And Tova, Jessica, Paula etc)
I have watched ‘Sunday’ for years. Very professional, captivating and at times thought provoking. Nonetheless….one of best programmes on TVNZ. As I watched all of this unfold this week and with hand on heart, I concluded I would probably subscribe to a broadcasting fee (if need be) of around $50.00 per annum to keep Sunday, Country Calendar, Fair Go, TVNZ news etc on our screens. Then again, if there were to be a natural disaster occur…TVNZ news would be my go to!
If our Govt plans for TVNZ to be filled with more game shows and trivia then our TV will be switched off for good!
Reading what you’ve put I think it would be wise to turn off your tv right now. You must be delusional and need mental health. Your poor family.
Jack Tame wouldn’t know vibrancy and, what’s the other one.. yeah, democracy, if it bit him on the a***. Bye Jack, time to get a real job if you can find one… 😁
Hey Jack; what’s the difference between ‘legacy media’ and ‘woke MSM?
It was a great day in my household, newsflash, Jack Tames a cockwomble.
He’s an irritating little turd, no doubt about it, but he’s only voicing what the rest of his industry think and sincerely believe.
I knew as soon as I read the news yesterday that the first thing the mockingbirds would do is screech and squawk that they should be entitled to public/government funding. It was so predictable.
In their arrogance, they genuinely believe they have some kind of right to demand we pay them to lie to our faces and insult us on a daily basis. And they want the government to enforce it (the same government they’ve spent the past six months sh*t talking). Because they’re apparently the defenders of “TRUTH” and “DEMOCRACY”.
LO effing L 😆
“None of you like us or want our product, so you should be FORCED to take it anyway, because it’s so good for you, and you’re just too stupid to understand that!” Where have I heard that before? 🤔 💉
“Out of touch” doesn’t even scratch the surface anymore; these people are out of our solar system.
What sucks is at the end of the day, the twits down in Wellington are probably going to buckle and give in to their demands (because deep down no politician will ever turn down a new tax). Likely many more years of this nasally douchebag to look forward to. At least you can always just switch it off, like I do 👍
My TV sits in the corner of the room taking up space. A black box that sits there and does nothing. I have switched it on three times in the last two years to watch the election night, rugby World Cup final and the soccer World Cup final. A total of about 10 hours viewing time maximum over the last 2 years. Nothing else on TV remotely interests me. Jack Tame hasn’t got a clue. We’re not watching Jack because your product and news suck
JACK TAME (note caps indicating your name registered to corps) even married DEI = DIE .What a total clown
I will never watch TV again! Lost the trust 4 years ago and turned off for good.
It’s so liberating. These people have no morals. They deserve everything that’s coming their way. We tried to warn them but no, they took bribery money and sold their soul.
Good riddance to the lot of them. It’s the Te Reo being shoved down people’s throats that was the final straw. As if the lies over covid weren’t bad enough. Anyone else forcing this on other people will soon learn their lesson too. I suspect many universities will be cutting jobs soon as well.
It is very important to have painted face meat puppets repeating globalist govt narrative every night on tv and everywhere.
How can this “democracy” function unless the historic deception is perpetuated?
Greater powers of censorship are needed to quell the heinous wave of whistleblowers and truth tellers which have combined forces to “destroy democracy”
This unplanned exposure poses a great threat to “our” government agents and could undermine decades of narrative construction, eventually destabilising and collapsing the prepared narrative altogether, leaving govt entities exposed and vulnerable.
Thankfully much has already been achieved by globalist contractors in debasing and criminalising those who dare to stand up and speak out thereby preserving the status quo.
We must work hard to smother and obfuscate the truth wherever it may arise.
This is imperative to preserve the nation and those great nation builders and rebuilders at the top of the food chain. Without these globalist leaders we would never be where we are as a nation today.
“….Without these globalist leaders we would never be where we are as nations of serfs today.”
Sorry, had to ‘fix’ that.
And shouldn’t we jame them, the central bankster cabal?
And with their ‘associates’ they dictate the propaganda in MSM media.
Legacy media is important for de-mock-crazy.
Godzone should steer towards a republic.
Oh no, how will we ever cope without the media.
“Tame wrote of the personal devastation experienced by those affected by redundancies and restructures within the industry.”
It makes my blood boil, you a**ehole! YOU advocated redundancies and closure of uncounted businesses during the lock-downs while YOU were bribed by Cindy with extorted Mafia money.
YOU and your cohorts have lost ALL credibility and integrity. We The People would be happy to never see one of your smug corrupt faces ever again. Efff off overseas, like the other traitor weasles.
I have not watched public TV for 14 years now. It’s a whole NEW world. The rate at which I was aging HAS SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWED right down. Try it. You WILL NOT be disappointed. Your TV willKill you. Get a REAL job Jack. The only one you’re fooling is YOURSELF.
I reckon! Jack and his Mavan should learn to code! 😂
I think people increasingly know the difference between true journalism (which can see you arrested by the corrupt govts henchmen/courts) and propaganda peddled by the failing MSM….