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Tuesday, February 18, 2025

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Jack Freestone
Jack Freestonehttps://tinyurl.com/5n7t6s4t
Writer, surfer, criminal defence barrister in a previous life. Author of The Fake Celebrity in China, Laowai, Cusala, The Control Sickness, & numerous stories.

The New World Order by H. G. Wells – The Freemasonry of Science

H G Wells opinion

Like most teenagers of my time, I enjoyed the writing of British author H G Wells.

Especially The War of the Worlds, The Time Machine, and The Invisible Man.

Winston Churchill was an avid reader of Wells.

After Convid I watched three movies, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley (1980), 1984 by George Orwell (1984), and Things to Come by H G Wells (1936).

Subsequently I have come to the conclusion that famous authors who appear to be miraculous predictors of the future are simply informers of plans which they have become privy to, usually by way of secret society membership such as the Freemasons.

I would include contemporary writers in this conclusion, such as Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and Matt Groening (The Simpsons writer).

However, as evidenced by online searches, this conclusion is simply considered a conspiracy theory.

I was intrigued to find that H G Wells had written a book entitled The New World Order in 1940.

The audiobook is available free to listen to on YouTube here:

The book was written after the perceived failure of the League of Nations.

It was one of 18 advisory texts used in the first draft of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and influenced the United Nations Commission on Human Rights.

Ironically though, the idea of a planned New World Order by the UN is still labelled as a conspiracy theory.

The first two thirds of the book attacks every political system, including Marxism, Communism, Capitalism, and Federalism.

Then there is a list of ten human rights which Wells considered vital to the success of the New World Order.

The book concludes that the world is inevitably heading towards a slow-moving revolution which will lead to a one world government, international police, the abolition of national sovereignty, and radical changes to the monetary system.

The somewhat naïve utopia is referred to as world collectivism, world socialism, and a world social democracy (with liberal values).

Sound familiar? Well, it will if you read the United Nations Agendas 21 and 30, which ALL of your leaders signed in 1992, and 2015.

Words such as “common purpose” and “sustainability” pop up often throughout the book.
Not surprisingly at the time of its publication the book received criticism.

Interestingly, George Orwell said, “what is the use in stating that a world state is desirable? What matters is that not one of the five military powers would think of submitting to such a thing.”

My criticism of the book is that are no substantive submissions as to why a one world government would succeed.

Going back to my original comment about “informers” rather than “predictors”, Wells makes scarily accurate predictions about the future of Germany and Russia, which have all turned out to be true, including that Germany will prosper greatly after World War 2, and may have to later control the southern European states which are excessively attached to national sovereignty and identity. In other words, Germany will lead policy in the EU due to their financial success.

He also comments that the USA and UK will slowly become socialist societies perhaps without the people realising it.

He mentions the international movement of populations around the world for purposes of fulfilling labour shortage demands, and he openly praises the modern approach of Sweden.

A total polar opposite to this book is Myron Fagan’s remarkable speech of 1967 in which he warned about the UN and the New World Order, found here.

We could give H G Wells the benefit of the doubt, and just conclude that he was a disillusioned author who wanted a better peaceful world.

However, one thing I did discover which I thought was odd was found in the 1936 movie Things to Come, written by H G Wells himself.

Here is the movie on YouTube:

At 36 minutes into this film when the new world order hero is telling people that he and his people had devised a way to prevent all wars, he states, “The brotherhood of efficiency. The freemasonry of science.”

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  1. In ‘Things to Come’ HG Wells’ new world was to be governed by one dictator, a sort of Platonic philosopher king, but by the end of the book he expressed doubts about the success of finding such an incorruptible man and literally began floundering around trying to make governance of his perfect world work. He had constructed his new world mainly through air power destroying practically everything and rebuilding it but when he got to the point of actually keeping it going he couldn’t.
    At the end of ‘Things to Come’ HG could not resolve the fear that his imaginary, perfect, world would ultimately fall prey to the usual power hungry, corrupt, soulless creatures we already have.
    The more things change the more they stay the same.

  2. https://rumble.com/v1e6nmb-myron-fagan-exposes-the-illuminaticfr-1967.html

    I have posted the link from above.

    This is MANDATORY listening for everyone!!!! Spread it far and wide. This documentary was taken from 4 LP records by Myron Fagan. Here he lays out the whole historical new world order plan and honestly it’s scary how far we have got when you consider this record was from 1967.


    • YES!!!!
      Myron Fagan produced the 4-set vinyl albums in late 1966, and was co-produced by Anthony J. ‘Tony’ Hilder.
      Hilder also produced videos in the early to mid 1990’s the best ones being ‘Millenium 2000’ and ‘Lucifer 2000’, along with ‘Nazi 94’ exposing the false flag of the Oklahoma City bombing.
      Hilder had reputable guest in his productions such as Jordan Maxwell (aka Russell Pine), Terry Cook, and appeared on many radio programs.
      Bill Cooper (author of ‘Behold, A Pale Horse’) wrote about the current and future events we are now seeing and experiencing in his book as well around the same time frame. Cooper was exposing what he had seen post his losing a leg in Vietnam when he was assigned to U.S. Naval Intelligence.
      Cooper was later assassinated on his front porch by the local Sheriff’s Department. He made the cautious move of getting his wife and 7 year old girl out of the U.S. and out of harm’s way.
      Texe Marrs was another author who provided informative books, and had a radio show as well.
      Steven Knight wrote a book about the Masonic Lodge, and how it can create problems for targeted people who speak out against it! His notable quote describing his book was “There’s nothing that these people won’t do to ruin one’s life.” The U.K. Police are basically all Masonic, hence the checkerboard hat bands and lack of proper investigations into the criminal activities committed by other ‘Lodge Brothers’…!

      • for not available books, either no reprint or on the ” index” of booksellers ( such as amazon who now censure), look at archive.org.
        Many documents and book in all languages . Free to consult, print or streaming

      • Yes, I am surprised people do not cotton on to the Freemason checkered patterns of the uniforms and vehicles of the police. Just a Freemason army really. Not surprising when the Royals and the Governors General are all Freemasons. We could say quite accurately that New Zealand is run by Freemasons.
        Also, it is quite mind blowing just how many Hollywood movies have the checkered floor, the number 33, or a five pointed star.
        Music videos are the same.
        Professional surfing is also run by Freemasons, like a lot of top sports.

  3. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World revisited, which is a non- fiction follow up of sorts to his fiction Brave New World covers similar ground.

  4. Huxley’ Brave New World’ was a book that both Clinton & Obama held in high regard; that was part of their ‘Playbook(s)’.
    I had an Uncle who served in World War Two on B-17’s circa 1944. He was the Flight Engineer and survived all 35 missions in the European Theater. He retired from the USAF after 24 years in protest over the Vietnam War.
    He distinctly remembered going to see ‘Things to Come’ when it first came out prior to going off to serve in the USAAF in 1944.
    The movie scene of aircraft bombing and attacking a city was something he thought about often on the bombing runs over Germany. A future prediction that had become a frightening reality.
    From that time on, he always took the ideas and thoughts of those who ‘predicted’ future events as potential fact fact instead of fiction. And he never crossed the line into ‘paranoia’, but planned his life based on what could possibly happen due to the incompetence and stupidity of those running the government and major corporations.

    • That was awesome thanks for the trip down…. well you know. Reminded me of my good ole pal Steve who very sadly just passed away before Easter. Ska was our thing in those days. RIP Steve.

  5. Don’t forget the judges who are all appointed by Freemasons and are Freemasons.

    Here is the motto of the Scottish Rite Freemasons (which Donald trump is, by the way):

    “The Motto of the Scottish Rite: Ordo ab Chao

    This motto is probably found for the first time in the patent of February 1, 1802 issued by the brother, Alexandre, Auguste comte De Grasse, marquis de Tilly.

    The motto “ordo ab chao” implies the action of a principle of order, the chaos from which each of us comes symbolizing the suffering and disarray of the human spirit that precedes the path to a spiritual life of peace and brotherhood.

    It is explained as denoting the mission as Masons is to bring order out of chaos. It becomes a source of hope for those in darkness, who aspire to the Light.”

    Order from chaos. Could it be more obvious? Create chaos or dissatisfaction with one’s own governments and then the UN steps in to create a wonderful Utopia of Brotherhood.

    Why do you think millions of fighting age men are pouring into nearly every country? UN army recruits for the later takeover.

    By the way, when they say the Light, they mean Lucifer. The Freemasons worship Lucifer or Baal, whatever you want to call it.

  6. He was also a Eugenicist and a Fabian society member.
    He believed that lower people should be culled.
    Tony Blair is a high Fabian society member.


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