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Saturday, March 15, 2025

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National – NZ First coalition agreement released

National - NZ First coalition news

The National / NZ First coalition agreement has been released, and includes provisions relating to a COVID inquiry, WHO health regulations, Marsden Point and ‘woke’ gender ideology.

The National / ACT coalition agreement was reported on earlier today.

Highlights of NZ First agreement include a section addressing ‘Strengthening Democracy and Freedoms’ which is intended to ‘uphold the principles of liberal democracy, including equal citizenship and parliamentary sovereignty.’ As part of this commitment the two parties have agreed to:

  • Commit that in the absence of a referendum, our Government will not change the official name of New Zealand.
  • The Coalition Government will defend the principle that New Zealanders are equal before the law, with the same rights and obligations, and with the guarantee of the privileges and responsibilities of equal citizenship in New Zealand.
  • The Coalition Government will work to improve outcomes for all New Zealanders, and will not advance policies that seek to ascribe different rights and responsibilities to New Zealanders on the basis of their race or ancestry.
  • Support to select committee a bill that would enact a binding referendum on a four-year term of parliament.
  • Ensure publicly funded sporting bodies support fair competition that is not compromised by rules relating to gender.
  • Legislate to make English an official language of New Zealand.
  • Ensure all public service departments have their primary name in English, except for those specifically related to Māori.
  • Require the public service departments and Crown Entities to communicate primarily in English – except those entities specifically related to Māori.
  • Protect freedom of speech by ruling out the introduction of hate speech legislation and stop the Law Commission’s work on hate speech legislation.
  • End all Covid-19 vaccine mandates still in operation.
  • Ensure, as a matter of urgency in establishment and completion, a full scale, wide ranging, independent inquiry conducted publicly with local and international experts, into how the Covid pandemic was handled in New Zealand, including covering: Use of multiple lockdowns; Vaccine procurement and efficacy; The social and economic impacts on both regional and national levels; and Whether the decisions made, and steps taken, where justified.
  • Ensure a ‘National Interest Test’ is undertaken before New Zealand accepts any agreements from the UN and its agencies that limit national decision-making and reconfirm that New Zealand’s domestic law holds primacy over any international agreements.

As part of the above, by 1 December 2023 reserve against proposed amendments to WHO health regulations to allow the incoming government to consider these against a “National Interest Test”.

Other provisions of interest include:

  • Explore options to strengthen the powers of the Grocery Commissioner, to improve competitiveness, and to address the lack of a third entrant to remove the market power of a duopoly
  • Stop the current review of the ETS system to restore confidence and certainty to the carbon trading market.
  • Commit to training no fewer than 500 new frontline police within the first two years.
  • Cut red tape and regulatory blocks on irrigation, water storage, managed aquifer recharge and flood protection schemes.
  • Repeal the Natural and Built Environment Act 2023 and the Spatial Planning Act 2023.
  • Cancel Auckland Light Rail and Let’s Get Wellington Moving and reduce expenditure on cycleways
  • Commission a study into New Zealand’s fuel security requirement.
  • Investigate the reopening of Marsden Point Refinery. This includes establishing a Fuel Security Plan to safeguard our transport and logistics systems and emergency services from any international or domestic disruption.
  • Progress further work examining connecting the railway to Marsden Point and Northport from the Northern Main Truck Line.
  • Progress the detailed business case for a dry dock at Marsden Point to service domestic and
    international shipping needs and to support our Navy vessels, with investigation of funding options including commercial partnerships.
  • Require the electricity regulator to implement regulations such that there is sufficient electricity infrastructure to ensure security of supply and avoid excessive prices.
  • Ensure the government’s energy settings allow for the exploration of natural geological hydrogen in New Zealand, to maximise future energy resilience.
  • Investigate the strategic opportunities in New Zealand’s mineral resources, including vanadium, and develop a plan to develop these opportunities
  • Adequately resource community policing, including Māori and Pasifika wardens, Community Patrol New Zealand, and Neighbourhood Watch.
  • Introduce a suite of measures designed to tackle youth crime including consideration of a Youth Justice Demerit Point system.
  • Reform the Fleeing Driver laws to curb the increase in fleeing driver incidents.
  • Amend the Sentencing Act 2002 and associated legislation to ensure appropriate consequences for criminals, including: Giving priority to the needs of victims and communities over offenders; Including gang membership as an aggravating factor during sentencing; Ensuring real consequences for lower-level crimes such as shoplifting.; Removing concurrent sentences for those who commit offences while on parole, on bail, or
    whilst in custody
  • Where appropriate, require prisoners to work, including in the construction of new accommodation in prisons or pest control.
  • Equip corrections officers with body cameras and protective equipment, where appropriate.
  • Enforce compulsory education and address truancy.
  • Focus on doing the basics better through emphasising reading, writing, and maths.
  • Refocus the curriculum on academic achievement and not ideology, including the removal and replacement of the gender, sexuality, and relationship-based education guidelines.
  • Abolish the Māori Health Authority.
  • Update Pharmac’s decision making model to ensure it appropriately takes “patient’s voice” into account and increase funding for Pharmac every year.
  • Keep the superannuation age at 65.

Ministerial List

The final ministerial list was also released today, with Christopher Luxon as Prime Minister Minister for National Security and Intelligence, and Minister Responsible for Ministerial Services.

Winston Peters will be the Deputy Prime Minister until 31 May 2025, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister for Racing.

David Seymour takes up the position of Deputy Prime Minister from 31 May 2025. He will also be the Minister for Regulation, and the Associate Minister of Education (Partnership Schools), Finance and Health (Pharmac).

Other MPs appointed Ministers include Judith Collins, Erica Standford, Nicola Willis, Chris Bishop, Brooke van Velden, Shane Jones and Casey Costello.

The full Ministerial List is here.

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  1. Damn.

    A LOT of good things here. A lot.

    Really hope they will deliver on promises unlike our single source of tooth and her clown cabinet. We’ll see what happens.

    Cautiously optimistic

  2. Grateful that Winston was not compromised as the then sitting members of Parliament and therefore free and able to meet and listen to the NZ protestors 6 Feb 2022 – 2 Mar 2022 in Wellington. Grateful that all of the NZ 1st team listened to NZers throughout including those defending Marsden Point. Grateful that National and Act listened to NZ 1st. May NZs road to the future be straight and the government always listening to and holding the peoples’ voices in mind and heart. May the coalition government’s wisdom expand to implement the very best for everyday NZers.

    • Based on past experience what do you think? I didn’t vote for any of the main party’s, I no longer trust them. Funny how this four year term business has suddenly come up too. No mention of a referendum, either.

  3. Some good, some not so good. The so called National Interest test should really be a referendum when it comes to anything relating to our sovereignty, as a people. The WHO’s shady treaty a prime example.

    Not pleased either to see this so called COVID inquiry failing to address safety. Many people, including someone I know has had what is probably, a negative outcome from the vaccines. They should be looking to address safety and provide proper compensation where people have been injured. I also believe a criminal investigation may be called for here, too.

    • Yes, address COVID vaccine safety and in addition, and perhaps more important, ensure that individual sovereignty will be respected in future and there will be no coercion to take the vaccines or anything else.

  4. It’s a positive start, but the damage that the far left psychopathic Jabcinda communist Labour Government has done will require a LOT of work to reverse that damage.
    That means ban the WEF, WHO, and NWO NGO’s from policies and government subversion.
    We as fruit growers and those who also export their products will need to have a lower dollar for export trade at .53 cents to the U.S. Dollar, and NOT .78 cents as happened under the past John Key National Government.
    Don’t make the same mistake.
    The new government should also consider price freezes on commodities, and then price reductions, and price caps on square meters of living space for rentals and property sales.
    And as far as property sales go, OUTLAW THE PRICE-GOUGING REAL ESTATE SALES AUCTIONS!!! and launch an investigation into WHY real estate prices are so high in Auckland, Welly & Christchurch!
    Our 14 year old son can drive our tractors, has a Day Skipper Certificate, recently soloed in a sailplane, and there is no reason as to why he cannot get a full drivers licence at age 15. That too needs to change!
    We also need to become a Neutral Nation so that in the event of an Indo-Pacific War, we can still continue trade and maintain our National Security!

    • John Key aka ‘don-key’ has made his millions by shorting the NZ $ and therefore rorting hard-working New Zealanders. Then the sheeple voted that grinning assassin (that’s what his associates called him, because he was the most ruthless to sack people when he worked at Merryl Lynch/NY)) into NZ prime criminal Prime Minister. And now we have to pay through the nose for his legacy pet-project, the totally deserted cycle ways, demanding millions of dollars, and nobody has the time to cycle (apart from retirees) because we have to work our a**e off to pay the bills and pay tax to the international bankster cabal, ‘donkey’ was an instrument of. And he still is!
      As most of the ‘offals’ who spend our children’s children’s possible wealth by empovering generations via tax/debt extortion.

  5. The good item in the NZ Loyal Party’s platform that was mailed to this ‘new’ (old) government was the 1% tax. Once one understands how the 1% tax works and how it’s applied, we would have more disposable income, thus boosting GDP as opposed to erasing the same thru 33% taxation.
    ‘Sir’ John Key is a J***** Zionist Bankster. He was chosen for his future roles 50+ years ago via the cabal that groomed him. He and his Zionist Bankster ilk know exactly what they are doing and who they are doing it to (us Goyim / Gentile masses…)
    The problem is that Luxom worked for a J*****-owned corporation (Unilever) and has no real experience in politics. During his tenure at Air NZ there were problems. One barely recognises the Deep State Zionist Cabal when one has been trained and employed by the same in their thought processes and policies, and accept their Zio-Corporatism as ‘the norm’ when in fact they are not.
    That being said, this is where Winston comes in to protect us all from the hidden hand of the Global Zionist Deep State!
    Gizzy Orange Grower expresses concern over the already rising Kiwi Dollar, and that is cause for concern, and needs to be addressed.

  6. If THEY don’t realize that if THEY fail to implement change , i.e. REAL change in policies and poll-iticks’, it will mean TSHTF. Public sentiment can and will turn on a spot.


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