New Zealand is backsliding on social progress as food and housing become increasingly unaffordable, warns the Salvation Army in its latest State of the Nation report.
Rising food insecurity now affects a quarter of all households, with half of Pacific Island families regularly going without meals.
Welfare dependence has surged, with over 400,000 people seeking support—higher than any point since 1998.
The report also highlights worsening child violence, growing financial strain from high rents, and a challenging job market.
Meanwhile, declining government funding and reduced charitable donations make it harder for aid organisations to respond.
The Salvation Army urged the government to prioritise essential needs as more families face hardship. On the positive side, youth crime rates were decreasing, according to the report.
A significant stress factor was the cost of rent.
“In four in every 10 communities rental prices are pretty unaffordable, that means they’re over 30 percent of the median income… If you’re paying that much rent you don’t have the money to provide all the other things you need to,” a spokesperson told state funded media.
“We’re not seeing private rental prices coming down, and that is a major cause of hardship and poverty.”
I am afraid this is what happens when handouts are given, no one is against a hand-up but we now have a culture of entitlement rather than a culture of work as we used to when NZ was thriving.
I blame successive govt no one is allowed to think speak #8 wire do it yourself culture has been killed.
Its simple stuff if you are unproductive you become a 3rd world nation, our current PM looking overseas to fix our infrastructure sums it up we have given up we are 3rd world, Mulldons think big is what we need we can do it get rid of the bureaucracy let the trades thrive take the chains off we had clever engineers we can again,
We can do it but we lack political will. Why is this?
Get the elite rich Iwi to feed their poorer people for a change.
And it hasn’t even started
“We’re not seeing private rental prices coming down, and that is a major cause of hardship and poverty.”
The major cause of hardship and poverty in New Zealand (and other countries) is the strangulation of the internatJonal bankster cabal, owning basically ALL Western countries via extortionist debt traps and compound interest. The blue/red dichotomy is none, because in order to sell goodies to the voter cattle any politician is corrupted by that cabal.
NOTHING will change until that is comprehended by the people.
One major cause was the government’s response to Covid that was under the direction of the military and intelligence services rather than established medical practices.
There is NO excuse for this, but when one looks at the WEF Agenda and the U.N. 2030, and the interim plans for 2025, we can see that the various events line-up with the Deagel Forecast for 2025.
Always remember- governments everywhere have murdered their own citizens in recent years!
Couple the die-off from the untested, bio-weapon Covid ‘vaccines’, and the untenable cost of living via high food prices resulting in lowered immune systems from having only one meal a day, and the initial results are clearly seen.
People get desperate, and begin shoplifting food, committing burglaries in order to raid a home’s pantry, and the start of civil unrest begins…
That in turn results in the potential for a civil war…just one of many in various nations occurring simultaneously, and Martial Law is then enacted and the governments begin killing their citizens en-masse.
This is supplemented in politicians causing strife and derisions within a mixed-race population, that is- when they’re not driving Land Rovers up the steps of Parliament, damaging the 100+ year old foundations underneath…!
New pathogens are released…killing off even more of the global populations.
New ‘un-tested vaccines’ are released under mandates of compulsory injections, resulting in more deaths.
It is advised that IF you have some space on your property, that you begin growing a Victory Garden.
Get a water system that removes fluoride and psycho-tropic drug residues.
And..the recent Tenency Rules where a landlord can evict a family makes growing food via a Victory Garden irrelevant for the evicted families, as after the garden is growing, the landlord will kick the families out and then steal what they have planted on the landlord’s property.
NEITHER HAVE THEY MADE FOOD DISTRIBUTION A FIRST ACCOUNT DISTRIBUTION TO NEW ZEALANDERS- all of the Grade A produce, poultry and beef goes north…we are left with Grade B & C items…!
Luxor (name changed slightly to prevent lawsuits / government spying on the DTNZ and commentators…not that this matters, as we’re sure Planitir is watching as is the SIS, GCSB and the internationally illegal ‘5-Eyes’..!) and his Cabinet of delusional stooges have NO idea what the f@#k they are doing; they haven’t had a single individually-generated thought or plan that was conceived by any of them! They are NOT allowed to do that, as the Zio-Global Cabal is watching them closely (aka ‘The Watchers’ from the Book of Enoch).
Luxor’s demeanor in recent interviews and his tone of voice, sentence structure (which always begins with the word..’look’…) and body language indicates to me that he is NOT in control of this country, is self-delusional, and that he is a middle man for the Globalists, Zionists, and the International Bankster Cartel run by those who wear undersized hats!
Luxor’s mentor and instructor / handler is a former PM and J3wi$h Bankster who in his previous roles went about firing people and eliminating livlihoods via ‘corporate streamlining’ while taking glee in doing so, hence the name ‘The Smiling Assassin’. All in keeping with the Babylonian Talmud that instructs the J3w to impose usury, elimination and exploitation of the Goyim / Gentile / Agnostics / Christians, and to engage in Zionist exceptionalism contained in the Talmudic-based instructions.
No one in the NZ MSM or in the current Government has yet to condemn the Genocide that *Nutanyahu (*real J3wi$h name; Miellokowski, from Poland initially…!) and *Zelensky (*a porn clown..) are perpetrating on those who are non-J3w$, nor are the suppliers of arms both to Israel and the Ukraine allowing for such Genocides, Ethnic Cleansing, and violations of International Law on a previously unseen basis!
Israelis; “6 million J3w$ perished in the Holocaust!” Fact, but not in those numbers as per the International Red Cross…
Russians; 65 million Russian Orthodox Christians, with the last Tsar and his family, murdered by J3wi$h Bolshevik Communists from 1917-1957…https://phibetaiota.net/2021/04/j-c-cole-dead-russians-khazarian-jews-the-us-glass-house/
Aleksander Solzhenytsyn made these observations;
“You must understand that those leading Bolsheviks (being J3wi$h) who took over Russia were NOT Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by their ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of remorse.”
“It cannot be overstated; (J3wi$h) Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time! THE FACT THAT THE WORLD IS IGNORANT AND UNCARING ABOUT THIS ENORMOUS CRIME IS PROOF THAT THE GLOBAL MEDIA IS IN THE HANDS OF THE PERPETRATORS!”
Solzhenytsyn also stated the following;
“Without J3w$ there would never have been (Talmudic) Bolshevism. For a J3w nothing is more insulting than the truth! The bloodthirsty J3wi$h terrorists have murdered 66 million Russians from 1918-1957!”
Here are similarities as to what the Palestinians are experiencing…
It’s been said that ‘In order to discover who runs the world (and orchestrates the deprivations ie lack of food, unaffordable housing, death factories posing as healthcare..) then look and see who you are not allowed to criticise or speak about!
Can we all see why our Freedom of Speech and Expression is going by the wayside?
Criticise Israel, the J3w$, Zionism, and revised Holocaust numbers and you then get criminally charged and placed in jail, similar to Lenin (a J3w) passing the first law of the Bolsheviks making it illegal to speak ill of the J3wi$h led and run Communist Revolution. That resulted in death sentences and prison sentences in the GULAG .
These historical facts speak for themselves, and neither can these historical truths be deflected, diminished or marginalised!
This is why we as New Zealanders need to be vigilant in order to prevent any Zionist-led or influenced government and related Talmud-based policies and affiliated laws borrowed from other nations from taking hold on the country that are also given false credence by the untruthful MSM.
Next time, vote for the New Zealand Loyal Party if such should ever re-emerge!
They were all Jews
Except Molotov
Who had a Jewish wife
Here, fixed it for you:
One major cause was the government’s response to Covid that was under the direction of the corruption by big pharma and the international bankster syndicate rather than established medical practices.
What happened to my comment from earlier this morning, showing the following in part with a historical commentary as to how we got here?
Look below to the year 2025…
Part of the ‘Global Reset Plan’ is to reduce the populations.
This is accomplished by doing the following;
1. High food and commodity prices, making the same UN-affordable. & yet, there has been no GRI rise to accommodate the hyper inflation that puts the elderly on a delayed death sentence from malnutrition due to being unable to afford food;
2. High rents. Despite breaks in the interest rates, there has NEVER been a study as to who the corporate landlords really are in NZ.. Blackrock? Blackstone? Vanguard? State Street? Non-corporate NGO’s? Masonic ‘Old Boy’ Networks???
3. Health Care and GP / Specialist visits are difficult to obtain, irregardless of the prior ‘Covid-19 Protocols’. Some GP and health care practices want you to pay first and upfront before making any appointments. IF you get in to see a GP, NP or Specialist, there will be more expenses if referrals are needed. Appointment times are often months out-too bad if you have something serious going on health-wise, but it’s all part of the Illuminati Health Care System’s plan to with-hold or delay medical care until you’re dead. Seemed to work quite well when ‘Covid’ was about…
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2wj_OhZY4w
Here’s the problem…
Now- here’s the solution…
Always remember what has happened on a global scale over the last few years-
You’re about to see a combination of Holodomor, homelessness, denial of banking and access to funds, and hyper inflation no thanks to the Zionist J3w$ who have blind-sided most of humanity and imposed faux guilt on the same!
Thank you for the comment and links.
And thank you DTNZ for publishing true sentiment of New Zealanders. There is nothing coming even close to DTNZ.
Cut 80% of government. Let the private industry thrive again. Look at the McDonalds … more jobs, but government regulation and power hungry bureaucrats’ stopped it. This is what is happening to all business and productivity in NZ. Beureucrats stopping everything.