In a statement released on Twitter (X) this evening, the NZ Outdoors and Freedoms Party (NZOFP) congratulated the new government but warned more needed to be done to investigate harms caused by the COVID mRNA gene therapy.
Press statement in full:
The New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party congratulates the new coalition government.
“We are pleased to see policies to address some of the many concerns we have raised over the last few years” says Co-leader Sue Grey.
“We made a huge commitment to exposing law reforms by the Ardern government that undermined fundamental rights of New Zealanders, and trust in government”.
We are relieved to see that the new government agrees and has committed to repealing some of the worst examples such as the Therapeutic Products Act, changes to the firearm laws, removing some of the red tape for farmers, and allowing sequestration of carbons to be recognised.
We are pleased about the widening of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Covid Response and that it will now include review of the efficacy of the vaccines. However despite the petition of our Board member Aly Cook with almost 25,000 signatures it appears that the government has not yet agreed to review the safety of the Pfizer vaccine or address how the vaccine injured will be compensated.
Sue Grey, Donna Pokere-Phillips, Tracy Livingston, Aly Cook and our NZ Outdoors and Freedom Party team have done an enormous amount of work through the courts and through parliamentary processes to expose the scale of harm and better investigate the 65,000 reports of harm to the CARM register that were reported before November 2022 when government regulator ceased publishing reports on Covid vaccine injuries and raise public awareness of the risks and alternatives and the need for informed consent to any medical treatment.
We will continue to work hard to ensure that everyone who was vaccine injured is given the best possible treatment and are compensated for harm suffered.
We look forward to continuing to work to promote human rights and kiwi culture.
Inquiry? Without detailing the collaboration of industry and MedSafe in cohort with politicians, one of best examples of FASCISM, New Zealand will remain a fascist state. What a de-mock-cracy, where you can cjose to have a blue or red keeper!!!
All the players worked together. And if THAT is not fully deconstructed, New Zealand WILL NOT HEAL!
MedSafe is NOT in a conflict of interest. They are instituted EXACTLY for the purpose Big Pharma has intended. The likewise corrupt politicians signed off on the crime, with many of the ‘new crew’ spouting holier-than-holy threats to take the bio-weapon mRNA injections, trying to even out-do Jabcinda!
How many in the Wasp Nest are getting their bribes through book deals, art auctions, straw(wo)men, associates and ‘revolving doors’. THAT would be a feast for any investigative journalist.
Until is see prosecutions, NOTHING will change in this cuntry. NOTHING!
I would like to see the inquiry questioning the people who signed off on comirnatys use after Ashley Blomfield and Chris James refused to. Why should those people, who are on the board who the decision was passed to, be anonymous and not be asked what evidence they used to grant approval for use.
Not only that, why shouldn’t we know their names so we can know any conflicts of interest, or vested interest they mave have.
Here are some of the usual suspects of public indoctrination, interspersed into a video of how even the European commission has cottoned onto the mRNA crime: https://twitter.com/i/status/1727170125793829314
Yep. It is quite depressing how dimwitted the general public are.
Tragically most of them and their kids have already been injected.
Genuinely horrific.
Interesting video of David there.
“…and I think, in future orders, we’re going to have to consider what sort of rights people have to stipulate vaccination. Not that another person must be vaccinated unconditionally. But that they will only transact with that person, if they are vaccinated.”
Nice that he wants other people to have rights that restrict mine.
At this point, he has heard and seen that comirnaty is ineffective at stopping transmission. So who were/are you keeping safe David? Not those border workers, or frontline health staff. Working age people that were mostly at higher risk from the cure, than the disease.
What he says doesn’t bode well
David Seymour’s argument is just plain silly.
If the ‘vaccine’ was indeed “effective” then why are the vaccinated concerned about catching Covid?
Mr Seymour is arguing against himself. He is unwittingly simply confirming that the c-19 vaccine is ineffective.
Surprise, surprise…..
Yikes! Vaccine safety is the primary issue.
We already know the vaccines aren’t effective.
Hmm. Perhaps just ‘an oversight’.
I think not.
Obviously an a***-covering ‘look over there’ exercise is underway.
I wonder why the government is avoiding a vaccine safety review.
Enough said.
Also to all those right minded health workers who lost their jobs by not taking the filthy vaccination should be fully compensated to date from loss of earnings. The DHB were very excited to back the ‘health order’ and it gave them great satisfaction by terminating people and treating them like dirt. Now to find out many doctors etc were given exemptions is another kick in the teeth to those terminated.