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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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NZTSOS appeal ‘of great importance for NZ’


New Zealand Teachers Speaking Out with Science (NZTSOS) await the findings from their court appeal which was heard in the Court of Appeal on 19 April 2023.

In the report written by New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) it states, “Although the appeal was undertaken by NZTSOS, it is of great interest and importance to us as it relates to the Right to Decline Medical Treatment”.

“This is one of the fundamental ethical principles of medical practice,” said a spokesperson for NZDSOS.

“The judges said their decision could take weeks or months. It is now 8 weeks since the hearing, so we are anticipating a judgment soon.”

The main thrust of the NZTSOS argument lay in the 4th ground of appeal – had the Crown demonstrated, as required by the NZ Bill of Rights, that mandating a novel genetic treatment was ‘a reasonable and demonstrably justified limitation’ on the right to decline medical treatment? Had the Crown demonstrated that a mandate was necessary for the wellbeing of New Zealanders and that there was no other way to manage Covid-19?

Matthew Hague from Frontline Law was the lawyer acting for NZTSOS and Daniel Jones represented the Crown. The appeal was heard by 3 judges: David Goddard, David Collins and Murray Gilbert. The report discusses some observations made from a non-legal perspective during the appeal hearing.

  1. The judges pressed Crown lawyer Daniel Jones about whether Justice Cooke had sufficiently considered evidence about more rights compliant ways of managing the pandemic. Justice Cooke had mentioned the importance of considering more rights compliant ways in paragraph 81 of his judgement but did not appear to take this further.
  2. There were questions about whether there was deference to the Crown. Daniel Jones denied this, instead suggesting that Justice Cooke “preferred the evidence of the respondents’ [Crown] witnesses”.
  3. Daniel Jones was very dismissive of the appellant’s (NZTSOS) expert Dr Geoffrey Cramp who was more highly qualified and more in touch with real New Zealanders on the ground than Dr Ashley Bloomfield. In addition to the same Public Health qualifications as Dr Bloomfield, Dr Cramp also had GP and Urgent Care training. He was working in a public health role in regional New Zealand at the time of the mandates.
  4. There was discussion about whether the additional benefits gained by mandating a vaccine had been adequately quantified and the very broad application of the mandate was noted.
  5. There were brief questions about whether Justice Cooke had access to all the information especially re vaccine approval, vaccine safety and prevention of transmission.

“This last point is particularly important with all the new information that has come to light via OIAs demonstrating who knew what and when” said the spokesperson.

“We are hopeful that the judges look at all the information and take this case very seriously, not just for the teachers, but for all New Zealanders, including themselves and their families.” If the appeal is lost and the ‘Right to Decline Medical Treatment’ can be so easily abolished, then every New Zealander should be asking “What’s next?”

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  1. If the appeal is lost and the ‘Right to Decline Medical Treatment’ can be so easily abolished, then every New Zealander should be asking “What’s next?”
    Right now we see medical treatment based on race. Soon it will be based on mental or physical fitness and age. Or ideology. Gradually your points for medical care will be adjusted. Your value to society will be measured. Your compliance could actually determine whether you live or die but it won’t matter in the end. Your medical history will be scrutinised to see how much you have already cost society, how much you will cost in the future. The final step is a decision by an ‘ethics’ panel as to whether you live or not. Euthanasia will be disguised as ‘kindness’ to end your suffering.
    It has all been done before in Russia albeit in a more brutal fashion because the technology did not exist to do it quietly. Anybody who studies what happened in Russia between 1917 and 1989 can see clear parallels. I’ll guarantee not one in one hundred (a thousand? A million?) people know the true reasons why WWII was fought. Even General Patton took a while to figure it all out.

  2. The Jews were given medical “treatments” against their will.

    People in NZ (and worldwide) have been coerced to take medical treatments (the vaccine) which is against the Nuremberg Protocol of 1947 and constitutes a crime against humanity.

    Canada is now encouraging euthanasia rather than expensive medical treatment: Canadian Doctors are openly offering the option.

    The “elite” really just want to get rid of us. It was stated clearly on the Georgia Guide Stones that they want a population of 500 million (before the stones were demolished last year). The vaccines, euthanasia, sex change operations on children, abortion and so on are all ways to achieve their aims.

    Anybody who has an open mind or has woken up over the last 3 years can see that the “elite” wish us harm: Consider this, if the COVID19 came from a biolab and almost 4 years later all the biolabs are still there. If it came from a “wet market”, the latter are still all there. If the leaders wished to keep us safe, then the biolabs would be gone by now: WMD in Iraq, they were all over it. Biolabs that have killed millions, they are left in place.

    Also consider that HCQ and IVM were brutally suppressed to the point where (for IVM) some Doctors in the USA and Australia lost their medical licenses. HCQ and IVM do work and because of this the Pharma industry would not have been allowed to use an EUA (Emergency Use Authorization) for the vaccines and they would have lost a few hundred billion dollars.

  3. NZ has long since stopped being a democracy that respects human rights and international laws on this matter…its a grubby little banana republic where money decides whats moral and legal and whats not….

  4. We’re in the right and they know we are.

    The Bill of rights is very simple and easy to understand, no matter how much they want to pretend otherwise.

    The fix is in though, the lawyers and judges and various other cronies will keep ruling the same way. Criminals ARENT going to hold themselves to account. Ever.

    Besides, with the new WHO treaty and Luxon already gushing about getting rid of those “archaic” GMO laws once he takes power, I’m sure they have BIG plans for those of us in the land of the long white cloud.

    Freedom to choose is so last century, coercion and force for your own good is so “in” right now!!

  5. “We’re looking at the introduction of digital health on a scale that could see WHO directed requirements for vaccine passports, require surveillance, require compliance and require member states to use certain medications while prohibiting others during a WHO declared emergency.

    The WHO’s initiatives are not something that is happening far away in Switzerland. New Zealand is deeply involved and the outcomes will affect everyone.

    The trouble is it will be very difficult to back out if the government and its delegates lock us in………….
    …….(Winston) Peters is one of few politicians who has voiced an opinion about the WHO May 25
    ( https://twitter.com/winstonpeters/status/1661554409724321792 ):

    “New Zealanders will be highly concerned that the World Health Organisation proposes to effectively take control of independent decision making away from sovereign countries and place control with the Director General”. (1000 likes.)

    “WHO International Health Regulations on future outbreaks of disease aim to give the Director General extraordinary and wide-sweeping powers. The Labour govt, PM, and Health Min have not told the New Zealand people the details of these proposed changes which is simply alarming.” (4,000 likes).

    “It seems Labour has learnt nothing from the handling of COVID-19 or from the numerous mistakes such as unnecessary lockdowns, removal of freedoms, and barring Kiwis from their own country.”(8,000 likes).

    “The inquiry into the handling of COVID-19 in New Zealand reports a year from now. So why in the absence of the inquiry’s findings is Labour contemplating the bloated demands of the Director General of the WHO? Or is globalism all this government thinks about?” (9,000 likes).
    – see Keri Molloy’s Substack:


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