From today 9 February, a version of the paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine will be available for children aged six months to four years who are at higher risk of severe disease if they were to catch COVID-19.
Astrid Koornneef, Director of the National Immunisation Programme, says the vaccine is an important addition to the suite of immunisations available to help protect children in New Zealand.
“We know that immunisations are critically important to the health of our tamariki. Having access to a COVID-19 vaccine will provide protection to younger children who would otherwise be at risk of severe illness if they were to get COVID-19.
“The vaccine contains a lower dose of mRNA that has been specially formulated for this age group and has been approved by Medsafe. It’s also a three-dose course, with the second dose given 3 weeks after the first, followed by a third dose at least 8 weeks after the second.
“Following Medsafe approval, the COVID-19 Vaccine Technical Advisory Group (CV-TAG) recommended to the Ministry of Health that the vaccine be approved for use in children who are severely immunocompromised, or who have complex and/or multiple health conditions which increase the risk of severe disease from COVID-19.
“That means that from [today] parents and guardians of eligible children will be able to book a vaccine by calling Healthline on 0800 28 29 26 or visiting BookMyVaccine.nz, with vaccines available in selected locations across the country.
The vaccine is available for children aged from 6 months to 4 years who have the following health conditions:
- chronic lung disease including bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, BiPAP for OSA (excluding mild, controlled asthma)
- complex congenital heart disease, acquired heart disease or congestive heart failure
diabetes (insulin-dependent) - chronic kidney disease
- severe cerebral palsy (or severe neurodisability including neuromuscular disorders)
complex genetic, metabolic disease or multiple congenital anomalies for example trisomy 21/Downs Syndrome - primary or acquired immunodeficiency
- haematologic malignancy and/or post-transplant (solid organ or HSCT in last 24 months)
- on immunosuppressive treatment including chemotherapy, high-dose corticosteroids, biologics or DMARDS.
“Those children who are not in any of the high-risk categories have a low likelihood of severe illness from COVID-19 meaning they won’t need, or be eligible for, the vaccine.”
The Ministry of Health’s COVID-19 Vaccine Technical Advisory Group will continue to review new information on COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccines and will make further recommendations if necessary.
For more detailed information on the eligibility criteria see the Starship table of underlying comorbidities.
Image credit: CDC
Criminal fraternity of fraudsters
Who won’t back off
Because they have gone too far
Some sort of joke?
Not funny
Ans they are not using a safe drug like Ivermectin because?
this is insane.
Just when I thought the unhinged health bureaucrats couldn’t possibly be more incompetent and/or unethical they surprise to the downside.
Stunningly stupid, negligent and criminally reckless behaviour.
Astrid Koornneef from the Ministry of Health or is that the Ministry of Death. When are these programmable dummies going to realise they are flogging a dead horse and committing Crimes Against Humanity. When are the dummy programmable parents going to stop these jab atrocities against their children. As far as the Govt. is concerned they are following ‘Guidelines’ – NO they are following orders from who they are beholding to. A criminal deception is being imposed upon the population. The Govt are in too deep, there is no way back no way out for them they have sold their souls to the lie. They have been bribed they are corrupt they have lied and they are still lying. Not one member of the current Parliament apart from Winston Peters with all his faults forgiving, came to speak to the people at the Wellington Protests. None of the current mob of Treasonous Traitors are worthy of a single vote. Everybody should remember this come October.
Treason. An honest international court of justice must be convened.
They are keen to bump off those already ill who are seen as nothing but a burden on the hopeless health system.
Like parasitic vultures preying on the weak and defenceless who have no voice.
Crimes against humanity.
Exactly. The old, the immune supressed, chronically ill. One by one they want to pick us off.
I honestly can’t understand who is a lining up for these poison jabs anymore.
Anyone pushing them now, with the amount of evidence of harm worldwide, especially in highly jabbed countries, deserves to be in jail.
There are unfortunately still a lot of gullible numbskull normies out there who will move heaven and earth to line up for an immunisation that doesn’t provide immunity. Reading is hard. Thinking is hard. Far easier just to do as you’re told.
It’s always the innocent children who suffer for it.
No jabs for me or my kids ever again. Anyone setting foot in my house with a syringe had better make their peace with God (or whatever they worship), I’ll just leave it at that.
I am with you there.
Anyone tries to push these jabs on us – HOWEVER they might try, better employ some personal security detail right now in anticipation of the push back in them personally. Do they honestly think they can hide? Fools.
These useful idolater idiots are sleepwalking the rest of humanity off a cliff and they they need to held to account, and they will be, all of them.
So they have changed direction, instead of killing off the old ones first the cult have decided to go for the young who are immunocompromised. What a bunch of sick evil scumbags.
The very children who should be protected from these jabs at all costs and should NEVER EVER! be jabbed are the precious ones in these sick bas***ds sights. Parents and grandparents it’s up to us to tell our children that under NO circumstances take your children in for the jab. Especially those immuno compromised and all of those health issues they have mentioned, and never our healthy babies and children, never ourselves or our parents and grandparents. NOT NOW NOT EVER!!
Absolutely sickening.
It appears there are no limits to our government’s depravity.
I sincerely hope no parent is actually silly enough to follow this perverse recommendation.
Pure evil with no end in sight. Heaven help us all.