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Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Police release photos of people they want to identify on final day of Parliament Protest

Police investigating alleged criminal activity on the final day of the Parliament Protest want the public’s help to identify 15 persons of interest.Parliament Protest investigation news

The photos were released by police today:















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  1. …a similar tactic was employed when the FBI went around the entire U.S. looking for ‘suspects’ caught on camera, and then imprisoning them under the NDAA at the Washington DC Gulag…!
    Then, the DC Police (Capitol Police) set-up illegal and non-jurisdiction offices in many states.
    The Capitol Police murdered 3 people on J6, and not one of those DC Cops has ever been held accountable!
    The constant and persistent persecution, prosecutions and targeted gaslighting and bullying still continues against the 45th President (Trump) with a level of media, governmental, and social hatreds that I have never seen before in any US Presidency!
    Trump noted, as did we on our TV screens in Aotearoa, that the votes suddenly stopped and were then shifted over to Biden.
    The so called ‘Supreme Court’ (staffed with RINOS, and modeled after the ‘Supreme Orient Temple Lodge’ of Freemasonry in DC) refused to hear from the States that found massive errors and fraud in the counting of the votes…Trump demanded to know where those votes went, but now the Congressional RINO Zionists are trying to spin the story that Trump was demanding that votes be added to his voter totals. Trump was demanding the return of the disappeared votes that we all saw disappear on TV…
    Texas has now nullified the 2020 General Election results, and several other states are in the current process of doing the same.
    The ‘Supreme’ Court will do nothing…except that it will overturn Roe v Wade so that terror, chaos and martial law is declared nationwide in the US post the ‘overturniing’ announcements.
    The ‘Supreme’ Court hasn’t given a shit about babies and fetuses being destroyed and or harvested for the last 50 years, but the Deep State PTB run by Israel and the Communist Zionists need an excuse to finish off the US. Roe v Wade will be the ‘instrument’ that starts the massive civil unrest. Then we will see Civil War first in major cities, the across the entire US.
    At least Putin knows the enemy (Communist Zionists and Nazis…) and the damage that was done under Khazarian / Ashkenazi Talmudic Zionist ‘leadership’ of the former USSR, and ever since the Ukraine has had two J3wi$h presidents back to back, the 8 years and 14,000 dead in the Donbas region has continued incessantly!
    Make no mistake; this is Talmudic Zionism seeking to destroy Russia and the Russian Orthodox Christian Churches just as they did in 1917-1991.
    See Aleksander Solzhenytsyn’s book ‘The Gulag Archipelago’ and ‘200 Years Together’ where he documents the Talmudic Zionist Khazarian murder of 60 million via the Gulag system and the two ‘Red Terrors’.
    Hitler was funded by Western Banksters…and who were they? Talmudic Zionists who controlled the money system in the West!
    Result in 1917-1945 in both the Soviet Unon and Nazi Germany? Genocide of the Seventh Day Adventists, Roma Gypsies, *Political Dissidents (*Sophie Scholl), Russian Orthodox Members, Homosexuals, the *Disabled (*see the movie ‘Swing Kids’), and Messianic J3w$, with their minority known as ‘The Ringworm J3w$’ who were targeted by other J3wi$h factions for destruction due to abiding by the Judaic Torah as opposed to the Zionist Talmud.
    Most of the Kapos in the Nazi Konzentration Kamps were Talmudic Zionists.
    Solzhenytsyn noted that ‘J3w$ ran the (gulag) camps!’ …just as they are running the DC Gulag under the NDAA, and Guantanamo along with secret international ‘Black Sites’ that even the domestic police were caught out doing (ie Chicongo).
    Remember when Obama, when he arrived in office for the first two days initially, went on TV and said he was signing a declaration via Executive Order’ to ‘close Guantanamo’??? That was all showmanship theatre…as Guantanamo is now over 20 years old and still operating!
    Be wary of what Jabcinda and her entourage of both domestic and international psychopaths are up to, and forget the government-owned TVNZ or the American owned ‘Newsflub’…both are lying propagandist outlets to keep you deceived and the truth hidden from you!
    Makes on wonder where NZ’s detention camps are located for ‘future use’ under ‘Operation Katipo’ that always occurs at election time in the event the people wake up and vote out both Labour and National.


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