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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

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Protests continue across Britain amid rising immigration tensions

Protests have erupted in numerous towns and cities across the UK following a mass stabbing incident in Southport last week.

Demonstrators have gathered in Liverpool, Manchester, Blackpool, Bristol, Stoke, and Leeds, driven by widespread concern and anger over immigration and immigrant crime.

The unrest highlights the widespread anger at government immigration policies and calls for justice from various communities, who perceive the legal system as being ‘two-tiered’ with a soft approach to crimes committed by members of ethnic communities.

In Hull, the protests turned particularly intense, with cars and shops set ablaze. Tear gas was deployed to disperse the crowds.

In Liverpool, the protests escalated into violent clashes between demonstrators and police officers. Two officers were hospitalised with serious injuries, while shops were locked down.

Demonstrators in Manchester also faced off against police, tearing down fences and hurling objects.

In Nottingham, protestors waved flags and expressed their anger towards the authorities.

In Stoke-on-Trent, large crowds gathered, resulting in scuffles and arrests. Despite reports of a stabbing in Hanley, police confirmed that no such incident occurred.

Demonstrators in Hull targeted a hotel housing asylum seekers, leading to further violence and the deployment of tear gas. These actions underscore the widespread discontent and the lengths to which protesters are willing to go to make their voices heard.

In an extraordinary display of unity, members of the Catholic and Protestant communities in Belfast set aside their historical differences and marched together to demand an end to mass immigration.

Cities have seen a strong turnout of protesters and counter-protesters, indicating a nationwide wave of activism and opposition to Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s “tone deaf” attack on those taking to the streets in the wake of the Southport murders.


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  1. High time these globalist politicians learned their place in the UK and here in New Zealand….I don’t want mass immigration either, if what we are seeing is in the UK and elsewhere is going to play out here and my suspicion tells me, it will, sooner or later…

  2. And in the meantime Embassies are telling folks flee Lebanon and Iran. Sooner or later our elected leaders were going to facilitate pan continental war.

  3. We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in Britian,
    We shall fight on the seas and oceans,
    We shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
    We shall fight on the beaches,
    We shall fight on the landing grounds,
    We shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
    We shall fight in the hills;
    We shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.”

    • Ah Winston Churchill, one of the world’s biggest warmongers, who ignored hitlers plea for peace and drove them into war. Note Winston never fought himself, big fat thing smoking a cigar. What’s even more disgusting is that they used our New Zealand and Australian men as cannon fodder.

      Let them fight their own wars. I hope Luxon tells his genger son to get war ready if he thinks we are going to let him have our sons.

  4. Starmer is a spineless cuck sell out WEF traitor in the same vein as implant Jacinda Ardern and will be proven to be so if not already
    He is married to a Jew
    Intimate friend of hospital morgue lurking Jimmy Savile most likely heavily influenced and controlled by war criminal Tony Blair arch architect of 7/7
    The Invasion of Britain Kalergi plan great replacement of the indigenous white population is in full swing and is now parroting the “far right” imprecations made tedious by four years of the dribbling Biden regime
    Tier Starmers honeymoon leadership of sacred Britain has come to an ignominious and abrupt end even before it had started

  5. Starmers honeymoon leadership of sacred Britain has come to an ignominious and abrupt end even before it had started.
    Quite so, not even a month. Give the A hole a rocky ride. Let them know.

  6. What if the governments and globalists planned this decades ago. What if the ultimate goal is more of a dictatorship in so-called democratic countries. You cannot just put people in camps managed by armed guards so what do you do:

    (1) Allow unfettered immigration, most of which is illegal, of people whose ideology or behavior is to harm others.
    (2) The native population rise up after having their wishes ignored for so long.
    (3) The government then lock down the population further with Marshall law type travel restrictions and curfews.
    (4) The travel restrictions then become 15-minute-cities and vaccine passports.

    It might just be a different route with the same destination that governments used during COVID19. The governments have their end goal which is (4) but different ways of getting there – virus releases or civil unrest.

    There are only 2 ways that I can see this going in the UK: What I think could happen (as above) or the UK population has a revolution that removes all semblance of “the state” and then “the people” decide for themselves how they want to live.

      • I had not read it before, but now have. Thanks!

        These latest events form a pattern laid out for us by our leaders. For example:
        (1) A few years ago, a white Police officer in the US kneeling on a black person’s neck. The 10 minute or so clip was left up on social media and the sh1t storm that happened was inevitable. Riots! Of course, the riots were pre-planned and funded by George Soros.
        (2) Someone on the planet, anybody out of 8 billion people, burns a Quran or rips a Quran and everybody on the planet knows about it because the “event” is amplified by the MSM and social media. Possible terrorism as a result with innocents dying.

        However, things that might help humanity:
        (1) Hydroxychloroquine as a cure for COVID19 information was removed from social media. Even after people changed the ‘i’ to ‘1’ and ‘o’ to ‘0’, the algorithms caught up and removed the information. Credentialled doctors had their accounts removed from Twitter (as it was) – I know, I was following them.
        (2) Ivermectin as a cure for COVID19 information was removed from social media and doctors had their medical licenses revoked in, at least, the US and Australia.

        So, anything that agitates us is amplified by the MSM and social media and anything that helps us is attenuated or out-right banned by the MSM and social media.

  7. Starmer the Deep State tool (fool). 40 millions Brits did not vote for him. He got millions less votes than Jeremy Corbyn. As a Crown prosecutor he let kiddly fiddler Jimmy Saville off the hook deciding there was “no evidence” to convict him, and he was responsible for the initial prosecution of Julian Assange on fake charges. How is it that democracy comtinually throws up leaders who are the enemy of the people?


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