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Monday, October 14, 2024

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Support for National drops in latest Taxpayers’ Union-Curia poll

Taxpayers' Union-Curia poll October 2024 news
Image – Taxpayers’ Union

The October Taxpayers’ Union-Curia poll reveals significant shifts in New Zealand’s political landscape, with National Party support dropping 4.1 points to 34.9%, marking its lowest result in 15 months.

In contrast, Labour has gained 3.6 points, rising to 30.3%, the highest level of support for the party in 16 months.

Among other parties, the Greens have dropped slightly to 10.4%, while ACT has risen by 0.9 points to 9.7%.

New Zealand First continues its upward trend, increasing by 0.8 points to 7.6%.

Te Pāti Māori saw a sharp drop, losing 2 points to land at 3.0%. Minor party TOP saw a notable rise of 1.4 points to 2.5%.

Seat projections based on these results show National down four seats to 44, while Labour has gained five, bringing its total to 38 seats. The Greens and ACT both show minor seat changes, while New Zealand First has gained one seat, reaching nine. National and ACT’s combined 65 seats would not be enough to form a government without New Zealand First’s support.

Key voting issues from the poll show that the cost of living remains the top concern for 36.5% of voters, followed closely by health (35.5%), which has seen a significant increase in importance. Other key concerns include the economy, law and order, poverty, and housing.

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  1. So people are not concerned about the corporate Iwi coup then. Aotearoa apartheid Inc takes over from New Zealand Inc in a bloodless coup.

  2. Health will ultimately be the greatest issue for this National Govt. For every person who loses a friend, relative or colleague due to the Medical fraternities inability to provide an appropriate and timely standard of care and who feel impacted as a result, will be one less tick for this Govt next Election.
    With serious Medical issues comes the inability to earn. National is adamant on reducing benefits. This will be another tick at risk for many individuals .
    Compulsory vaccinations may be a further problem , specifically for those who are hesitant. If an individual is unsure but feels compelled under pressure, then a further risk for the tick …

    The Business community are one sector who evaluate our Govt performance. We very rarely hear the views of the general population. How are our youth, young families, our elderly, our unemployed, our homeless, our disabled , our sick and ACC patients feeling?

    I’m not convinced our Govt is prepared to listen , but maybe this could be one of the next action points to follow-up on in the very near future. The risk sits with losing the room and this Govt needs to reach out and make this a priority now.

  3. Stop believing these stats. These legacy stats are like legacy media.

    If you believe these “authorised” stats, you give your power away because “authority” means AUTHOR of your REALITY.

    Trust you own eyes , ears and intuition. Learn to use your senses again.

  4. Forget percentages, I reckon the support for political parties across the board has dropped. Stinking lying criminals the lot of them.

  5. I could forgive the government for not getting the economy back on its feet so soon after complete annihilation from a Labour led govt. of just 6 years but to persistently align your policies with the UN and its other aligned corporations i.e. WHO, WEF, Bill Gates, the Biden/Obama administration is no wonder there is waning support for National. A bunch of Muppets.

  6. The companies that own the surveys and stats are Zionists, always attempt to influence sub-conscience thinking thru their false results and predications.
    They are NOT to be taken seriously.
    Noteworthy is that when the NZ Loyal Party was active, they never appeared in these ‘stats, surveys and polls!

  7. Watch the sheeple run from one end of the paddock to the other. A paddock owned and run by the same conglomerate of neo liberal globalists.

    How about opening the gate and trying new party’s, you ignorant bunch…..

  8. Daily telegraph stuff news about these bullshit polls what about the thousands that have been murdered by the man made cyclone in Florida .

  9. I don’t believe these stats. Why would people want to vote for communist Labour? Our coalition have just reduced our inflation and mortgage interest rates. This is good … And are removing ideology for schools, and no men in womens sport. Much more good things also.


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